Germany: Terrorists of Antifa controls mask duty and attacks mask refusers


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Fifteen years of Merkel & Co quickly transformed the former Great Country to a lunatic asylum run by the united satanists of ANTIFA-PRESSTITUTES-CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens_lefts.
It's not a big secret 'progressive' governement payroll terrorists of ANTIFA and ask them to do dirty jobs.
Through the last five years ANTIFA brutally murdered 17 dissents, severely beaten more as 300 times, burned down many bureaus of opposition in Germany
No police investigations, no charges, nothing.

In Berlin's public transportation system, Antifa gangs have recently begun to monitor compliance with the mask requirement and to beat up mask refusers. They are also said to have already thrown passengers out of an S-Bahn train without a mask, but with a medical certificate exempting them from the mask requirement. That reports gloatingly the "B.Z." belonging to the Springer company.
According to the report, the self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" made themselves heard with the slogan: "Antifa mask control!" Regarding the medical certificates of the affected train passengers, they are said to have said to a journalist: "The certificates are probably not genuine. Now we have to do the job of the police."
This is not really new in Germany. In 1933, the SA was already supposedly doing "the job of the police," beating up people on the open street who did not want to march in step. And in the 1990s, neo-Nazis in some regions of the former GDR arrogated to themselves the right to act as a force for order by using violence. At that time, however, the makers of the mass media were horrified and the police put an end to the brown spook. Today it seems to be the other way around: Journalists fraternize with the new SA, and the political establishment apparently keeps the police looking the other way.
Rarely does a democracy turn directly into a dictatorship when the state's law enforcers themselves directly hunt down and physically attack people who display undesirable behavior. Democracy is usually separated from the totalitarian state by an anarchistic intermediate step, in which the enforcers of a supposedly healthy sense of the people are first granted fool's liberty from above when they commit crimes.

History may repeat itself after all, and the 20th century writer Ignazio Silone is apparently right in his prognosis:

This has all happened before, in Germany, following pretty much the same path.

This is the 1930s, the rise of Nazism, all over again.

Frighteningly, similar things are now happening in many other places in the world. Potentially even here in the U.S.

Anyone who believes that the #CoronaHoax2020 was ever about protecting anyone from a disease, is severely deceived. What we are most vividly seeing in places like Germany and Australia is what it was all about from the very beginning.
This has all happened before, in Germany, following pretty much the same path.

This is the 1930s, the rise of Nazism, all over again.

Frighteningly, similar things are now happening in many other places in the world. Potentially even here in the U.S.

Anyone who believes that the #CoronaHoax2020 was ever about protecting anyone from a disease, is severely deceived. What we are most vividly seeing in places like Germany and Australia is what it was all about from the very beginning.
Right on the money.... We better kill it dead in the US real fast or we too will suffer the same fate.
This has all happened before, in Germany, following pretty much the same path.

This is the 1930s, the rise of Nazism, all over again.

Frighteningly, similar things are now happening in many other places in the world. Potentially even here in the U.S.

Anyone who believes that the #CoronaHoax2020 was ever about protecting anyone from a disease, is severely deceived. What we are most vividly seeing in places like Germany and Australia is what it was all about from the very beginning.

There are small differences.
Christianity in the US is a little bit alive ( in red states), in Germany is practically dead, the country is being run by sadistic satanic Freemasons.
In difference to the US more as 90% of German politicians are corrupted good-for-nothing sexual deviant liars without any moral.
Also, only the Holy Bible and the 2nd Amendment can still stop satanic assault on humans in the U.S.
Germany doesn't have both, additionally it suffers under the united very aggressive MS Trotsky like propaganda (Lugenpresse)
The small remain of sane Germans shall leave the country as soon as possible, the time is coming when 1933-1945 would be paradise like in comparison to the upcoming Hell on Earth named Germany

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