Get Ready for the MSM Attacks on Trump


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Donald Trump's ascendancy is starting to cause panic among the politically correct thought police of both parties, resulting in a new series of attacks ranging from the KKK to off-the-record comments from the NYT.

My advice is to tell them to SHOVE IT. This is how they have manipulated elections for the past 50 years. The MSM in this country does NOT serve the public's interest; rather, it acts as a disingenuous propaganda machine to stifle free speech in order to serve its own interests. Chief among these is maintaining the revolving door of private and public employment, either directly or through family members. As a result, anyone who threatens this status quo must be eliminated by any means possible.

Those who think that the election of a "true" conservative will reverse this course are deluding themselves. Did Ronald Reagan's election do anything but provide a temporary respite? The ONLY way to stop the thought police in their tracks is to elect a verbal "bomb thrower" who can talk over the MSM and call them out for the BS they continually broadcast. Is there anyone besides Donald Trump who can do this?

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