getting critical race theory out of schools


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.
So they should just keep teaching white supremacy.

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.
So they should just keep teaching white supremacy.
You talking about Math?
What is critical race theory OP, do you know?
It's another excuse for blacks very poor behavior
Sounds more like you are afraid that black folks will learn History instead of His-Story.
I'd be happy if they learned anything, other than just crime and violence
There are many of them that are learning plenty, racist fools like you try to make it seem as though none of them are.

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.
So they should just keep teaching white supremacy.
You talking about Math?
Dumbass you think you were the first to use math.
What is critical race theory OP, do you know?

An agenda driven reimagining of selective historical events comprised, interpreted and promoted by racial activists absent recognized historical scholars with the intent to catalyze opinions towards the quasi existence of a different America ... :thup:

Let's all calm down.

Students (of all ethnicities) are NOT stupid.

They know that theory is sheer nonsense.

After all, students come into contact with one another on a daily basis either in school or on the streets.

Students know the brutal reality of who is ACTUALLY responsible for the shortcomings of certain folks!

So let them teach that theory. It will go in one ear and out the other.

An agenda driven reimagining of selective historical events comprised, interpreted and promoted by racial activists absent recognized historical scholars with the intent to catalyze opinions towards the quasi existence of a different America ... :thup:

Much of what you're describing, particularly the selective history part, is currently the case.

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.
So they should just keep teaching white supremacy.
thats what critical race theory is / itd bl;m bs like that disguised. and a totaly lie. it destorts history.

This blm bs , needs to go . No school should be representing the lies and distruction of our history. This is not the truth. It is is very distructive. Just like the nazis indocturing school children. blm is doing it now. Disgracefull.
So they should just keep teaching white supremacy.
You talking about Math?
Dumbass you think you were the first to use math.

No, math originated in Mesopotamia. Anyone who paid attention school knows that.

But we most definitely used it way before you did, and we've been using it better ever since. Hence why 98% of mankind's great technological achievements in history werent created by your kind because it required a substantial mastery of math. When the wright brothers were making their first flight you were still back home living in thatched roof huts. You didn't know what modern civilization was till your own brothers and sisters sold you into slavery to foreigners.
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Are you saying The Constitution should be removed from schools?
no. critical race theory is a liers look at history. it claims america started in 1619 when the first slaves came over bs. It was no t america then it was the british colones. the british started slavery here. Has any of our early presidents and what thet controbute to creating america. So tired of this racest , marxist, terrosit blm indocturing the kids. ther black people today are spitting on there early ansesters and ever right those black citizens fought to their own race.
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