Getting God Out Of Football!!!


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Dateline...Seattle...well Tacoma actually..

Tumwater HS football player penalised for kneeling and pointing finger skyward after scoring touchdown.

You heard it here first. Should God be penalised?

What horse shit. The Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion.
I saw this kid on Fox and Friends Friday morning. Nice kid. Seems like a big deal was made out of nothing to me...
You know for a guy who doesn't believe in God...sure is preoccupied by him.
You make more post about God than Paul made speeches.
You know for a guy who doesn't believe in God...sure is preoccupied by him.
You make more post about God than Paul made speeches.

Just reportin the news... It was the lead story on two local TV stations this evening.

Was there something offensive about my report?

Did I call Christians fucking morons? Did I say God should be ejected from the game for his unsportsman like conduct?
if it was done to suppress the kids beliefs then it was wrong......If there is a rule in place against any kind of expression, to include celebrations after scoring, then it was the right call.

Personally, i'm sick of all the goofy celebrations that goes on in football. Particularly in college and the pros......Christ, whatever happened to professionalism?.........You never saw Jim Brown, Gale Sayers, Walter Payton, acting like a bunch of fucking morons after they scored. they acted like they had been there before.....They simply handed the ball to the ref and returned to the sidelines like real men.
Christians need to take a stand!!! It is the start of a slippery slope!!!:eek:

Next thing ya know they will ban god from soccor, ping pong and bowling!!!!:eek:
Ahh the arrogance of humans to think that the supreme being in the entire universe gives a diddly damn about football anyway.
Dateline...Seattle...well Tacoma actually..

Tumwater HS football player penalised for kneeling and pointing finger skyward after scoring touchdown.

You heard it here first. Should God be penalised?


Tumwater HS football player penalised for kneeling and pointing finger skyward after scoring touchdown.

You heard it here first. Should God be penalised?



if god is helping one side to beat the other side then he should be penalized!

it is extremely unfair for god (with of his powers) to be helping one side win the game

that's like 12 men on the field

or 11 men and 1 god

and what do the bookies think ab out god helping one side win over the other?

all that money laid out...
they pick the right team with the right odds...

and god goes and fouls it all up by CHEATING?!?!?!?!

perhaps the government should get involved....
essentially...god is FIXING games!

he should be penalized....
convicted of fixing games
and have his legs broken by the mob.......

do some football players actually believe that god favors THEM over their opponents?



I guess god was too busy fixing football games and basketball games to save any lives on 9/11
What horse shit. The Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion.

sure it does...

freedom OF means freedom FROM!

as an American citizen who can trace his roots back to the mayflower I have every right to NOT believe in god and to insist that people like you do NOT beat me or my children over the head with YOUR religion....
You know for a guy who doesn't believe in God...sure is preoccupied by him.
You make more post about God than Paul made speeches.

Just reportin the news... It was the lead story on two local TV stations this evening.

Was there something offensive about my report?

Did I call Christians fucking morons? Did I say God should be ejected from the game for his unsportsman like conduct?

"Did I say God should be ejected from the game for his unsportsman like conduct?"

I'll say it...
god is TOO big to be playing football with mere humans....

every time he helps one player beat another
or one team beat another...he is CHEATING

You have no right to demand a kid does not pray after a touchdown.

Apparently a HS referee believes he not only has that right but can penalise the player for it.
What horse shit. The Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion.

Freedom of religion is never guaranteed when you have orrupt leadership in office.

However, what that football player did was not illegal, did not violate any football rules, and the results were just plain old wrong.

The immoralizing of America is in full force, and unless Christians begin to take a firm stand, the nation will be lost to the rule of satan.

I am not saying we need to have religious rule, or a theocracy, just that religious freedom is a foundational part of this nation and what has made it a great nation. We are losing it all.

I for one do take a stand, no matter the cost. I believe I have to follow God's leadership, and that leadership will always involve love and what id good and righteous.

While I know I am a sinner, I live the Christian faith rather than living a sinful lifestyle.

I taks a stand every day in the schools, and I don't do it in rebellion, but in love. Just yesterday I was able to share that caring spirit with a student, and in the middle of it I told the student that I am praying for a blessing on him from God.

I did that by just following the tug in my heart from God. I know it will become a blessing for that student.

That is what we all need to do, and I need to do more often.

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