

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?
TOld this once. Oldest daughter wakes us up in the middle of the night with a blood curdling scream. Rush into her room there is nothing there and she wont talk. Search the house. Still nothing. Tell the wife to get it out of her tomorrow even if she has to just write it down which is what she did. Claims she saw 2 red eyes in the hallway watching her.
IT is now yrs later. We have 2 large Tomcats that sleep on the bed with us. Again very late and I hear the younger larger one let out a low loud growl like he is fixing to launch himself at something. My Eyes pan over the other as I look toward the door. He is up and leaning forward also rdy to go. Again, flip on all the lights search the house and find nothing. Something seems to like that hallway though on occasion.
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?
TOld this once. Oldest daughter wakes us up in the middle of the night with a blood curdling scream. Rush into her room there is nothing there and she wont talk. Search the house. Still nothing. Tell the wife to get it out of her tomorrow even if she has to just write it down which is what she did. Claims she saw 2 red eyes in the hallway watching her.
IT is now yrs later. We have 2 large Tomcats that sleep on the bed with us. Again very late and I hear the younger larger one let out a low loud growl like he is fixing to launch himself at something. My Eyes pan over the other as I look toward the door. He is up and leaning forward also rdy to go. Again, flip on all the lights search the house and find nothing. Something seems to like that hallway though on occasion.
You have a vortex
And another short one. Grandpa was in a Catholic hospice on the way out. His clock which mom had moved to her house chimed 9pm at 6pm. She didnt think anything of it other than maybe it needed repair until the hospice called at 9 and told her she needed to get down there if she wanted to be there when he passed. She gave the clock to my youngest brother who loves and says it works great.
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I've never understood being afraid of ghosts. What are they gonna do?
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Skepticism is a good thing, it makes us sane. We need that. But sometimes you see things that don't make sense though. I'm not Einstein and that's fact. I have no idea if spirits are real or not. I don't know what I saw, if it wasn't a ghost it was the next best thing...Imagination can play tricks on us...But I don't know.
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?
TOld this once. Oldest daughter wakes us up in the middle of the night with a blood curdling scream. Rush into her room there is nothing there and she wont talk. Search the house. Still nothing. Tell the wife to get it out of her tomorrow even if she has to just write it down which is what she did. Claims she saw 2 red eyes in the hallway watching her.
IT is now yrs later. We have 2 large Tomcats that sleep on the bed with us. Again very late and I hear the younger larger one let out a low loud growl like he is fixing to launch himself at something. My Eyes pan over the other as I look toward the door. He is up and leaning forward also rdy to go. Again, flip on all the lights search the house and find nothing. Something seems to like that hallway though on occasion.
My TV once talked to me when I was a kid.
Course my family later found out that our house was built on an old cemetery that was built on top of an ancient Indian burial ground.
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Back in 1978 I lived in a apartment that reeked of evil...that's where this thread comes from. Hearing footsteps and seeing shadows that weren't there. If haunting's are real or not, this place was. I have never felt this way in any other place.
I was living in an old hotel that rented small apartments and one room efficiencies. After one old guy that lived up there passed away, I was visiting with a neighbor that lived in the apartment across the hall from the old guy's room. We were sitting at his kitchen table talking when all of a sudden the pot in a drip coffee maker that was sitting on top of his refrigerator came flying off the hot shoe and hit the wall about 3 feet away and then fell to the floor. If you've ever noticed, the little hot plate on the bottom of a drip coffee maker has a big lip on it that the pot sits down in, expressly for the purpose of holding the pot in place so it won't slip out. Well... after the pot came flying out of the bottom, we looked at each other and my friend said, "Mink," which was the nick name of the guy that had just passed that lived across the hall. So we said, "hey Mink, we know it's you, you got our attention, just don't break anything," and nothing else happened after that.
Good lord, I hate to even mention sounds rather crazy. My sis and I both saw this and now, we kinda pretend it never happened. Disembodied shoes walking in our parents house, our dear departed dead uncles shoes. Man, this sounds silly. Perhaps its a shared delusion or whatever. But we both saw it happen, it is what it is.
Had a house deep in a forest in the 1970s.

Quite often footsteps were heard. Up the stairs; down the hall, drawers opened and closed. Then the steps went back the stairs and there was silence.

My very Catholic wife had me nail blessed crosses over both the front and back doors.

Seemed nuts to me; if the whatever-it-was lived in the house that oughta screw up the possibility of it moving out - if it worked at all.

Once the crosses were up the noises stopped. Or so she says.

I refrain from even guessing. Great marriage preservative, that.
I was living in an old hotel that rented small apartments and one room efficiencies. After one old guy that lived up there passed away, I was visiting with a neighbor that lived in the apartment across the hall from the old guy's room. We were sitting at his kitchen table talking when all of a sudden the pot in a drip coffee maker that was sitting on top of his refrigerator came flying off the hot shoe and hit the wall about 3 feet away and then fell to the floor. If you've ever noticed, the little hot plate on the bottom of a drip coffee maker has a big lip on it that the pot sits down in, expressly for the purpose of holding the pot in place so it won't slip out. Well... after the pot came flying out of the bottom, we looked at each other and my friend said, "Mink," which was the nick name of the guy that had just passed that lived across the hall. So we said, "hey Mink, we know it's you, you got our attention, just don't break anything," and nothing else happened after that.
That's Cool!
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I just called my dear old sister about this. She was rather pissed. Is that all? Are you ill? She did everything but acknowledge this even happened. And then she says, it happened. I don't know what it was, she says, but let it go. We both saw it, I don't know what the hell it was.
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I just called my dear old sister about this. She was rather pissed. Is that all? Are you ill? She did everything but acknowledge this even happened. And then she says, it happened. I don't know what it was, she says, but let it go. We both saw it, I don't know what the hell it was.
I have even better one, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's a little longer story and I'm going to bed.
I've seen people (parents and friends and acquaintances and pets) die that were close to me. For you and them and me, I hope there is an afterlife and ghosts. Its silly and emotional true.
I've seen people (parents and friends and acquaintances and pets) die that were close to me. For you and them and me, I hope there is an afterlife and ghosts. Its silly and sad and emotional, true.
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?

Many years ago, as a young Army Ranger, I was assigned to an OPFOR "werewolf" team at Fort Irwin, CA NTC or National Training Center. Our job was to emulate or pretend to be Soviet era special operations forces and to engage other US Army units who rotated in every few months in massive force on force laser tag or MILES gear simulated battles.

During one such training exercise in the spring, somewhere around 1993, my werewolf team and I were bivouacked for the night between two rocky sandstone mountains in middle of nowhere Mojave Desert. Another soldier and I who were stuck on middle of the night guard duty decided to climb one of those mountains both to get a look from high ground of the surrounding area and because at the time climbing rocks fascinated me.

It was a breathtakingly clear night with a bright mid-phase moon beaming down a snowfield like albedo on sand and rock both. Millions of visible stars ran horizon to horizon, a glittering tapestry of cold, distant gods. The mountain we chose to climb was really a series of relatively flat rocky versants stepping up to its peak like a giant's staircase. Me being me at the time, I was aiming for the top, while the battle buddy who was with me didn't want to go that far.

We had ascended to the third or fourth plateau when one of us caught sight of something unusual on the second mountain across from us, perhaps a kilometer or so distant. Because of our role in the war games, we had been issued some pretty high tech equipment for the time, including night vision rifle scopes with decent magnification, which could also be used as standard daytime optics. When we looked through the scope with night vision turned off, we saw a campfire burning high atop the slopes of the second mountain—more bonfire, really. Which we found very odd—or seriously stupid. Obviously a fire of any kind would quickly give away one's unit position out there in the desert where one can see seemingly forever, no more so than at night.

Right, so here's the kicker. When we looked through the rifle scope with night vision turned on we saw several people garbed head to toe in black robes dancing around the same bonfire. Our first thought: the whole thing was some kind of sick psychological warfare tactic someone was using to mess with the heads of visiting Army units. We repeated our experiment a few times with quickening heartbeats; we checked out that bonfire with night vision and without. Same thing. About that time my watch alarm sounded time to change up guard duty shifts, so we headed back down the mountain.

To this day I still don't quite know what we saw that night. I've almost convinced myself I imagined it all. Almost.
A few decades ago, before internet, I am in a basement kiosk doing pen and ink illustrations alone. I hear footsteps and see out of the corner of my eye a shadow along the wall. Normal stuff. Accept nobody was there. I quit that place. I didn't believe in spirts or the afterlife... until then . Anybody else with a similar story?

My brother has one. When our grandmother died we were separated by half the world as she lived in Scotland. She had gotten sick and basically began to die. Anyway, him being among the oldest of us kids knew her better. Well the night she died he swore she was in there talking to him. He couldn't really remember much other then she was there.
I already had an experience that marked me deeply I know that I saw a ghost a woman dressed in the 1880s and she fixed me and after I looked on the ground and after she had disappeared, we can ask ourselves if there is life after death because if ghosts really exist it is that there is something else after that but there is no formal proof but I know that I saw a ghost and nothing else

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