Giant UFO over California reportedly seen by more than 100 witnesses


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(OPINION) Sputnik – The object could have been taken for a drone or a skydiving vehicle, if not for a combination of facts: it didn’t move and emitted no sound whatsoever. The internet has of late been in a frenzy over a weird object hovering above the small California town of Menifee. Footage that first emerged on YouTube on 3 December, despite originally being shot on 19 October, sported a vast amount of lights, with the glow leading viewers to think it could be a drone lurking in the clouds.
‘Giant UFO’ Over California Reportedly Seen ‘by More Than 100 Witnesses’

You see we told you months ago this is how the globalist prepare you for what is coming they start with books then it moves into movies/music/tv shows.......... it gets viral over social media and you all who are leftist of course still have no ideas how stupid you idiots really are.


why do you think for the past few months if not about a year you've seen tons of articles about UFOs just as headlines. crossing past your eyes etc........ then suddenly a DIE HARD TRUTH most wouldn't deny the NAVY suddenly releases video footage of it CONNECT THE DOTS loons connect them.
Why is it no one EVER has a clear picture of one?

It's always pixelated or so far away it looks like a fkn dot or some shit.........

and, of course, we simply can't believe ANY of the reports by military personnel. Obviously the soldiers stationed at Bentwaters, guarding our nuclear missles, were all on drugs when they claimed to have observed and inspected an unidentified object. Isn't that normal, for US soldiers guarding nuclear missles to be all drugged up?
Why is it no one EVER has a clear picture of one?

It's always pixelated or so far away it looks like a fkn dot or some shit.........

and, of course, we simply can't believe ANY of the reports by military personnel. Obviously the soldiers stationed at Bentwaters, guarding our nuclear missles, were all on drugs when they claimed to have observed and inspected an unidentified object. Isn't that normal, for US soldiers guarding nuclear missles to be all drugged up?
As per SOP, progressive troll shill deflects away from the question. So, shill, WHY ARE THERE NEVER ANY CLEAR PICTURES?
Why is it no one EVER has a clear picture of one?

It's always pixelated or so far away it looks like a fkn dot or some shit.........

and, of course, we simply can't believe ANY of the reports by military personnel. Obviously the soldiers stationed at Bentwaters, guarding our nuclear missles, were all on drugs when they claimed to have observed and inspected an unidentified object. Isn't that normal, for US soldiers guarding nuclear missles to be all drugged up?
Yeah, from gun free zones.
Cause it’s not something people look for, so when it’s seen then they’re probably fidgety and unprepared. I’m pretty sure we have rather clear shots of the Phoenix lights.
Why is it no one EVER has a clear picture of one?

Kinda like BigFoot....
Cause it’s not something people look for, so when it’s seen then they’re probably fidgety and unprepared. I’m pretty sure we have rather clear shots of the Phoenix lights.
Nonsense! My camera has top shutter speed on 1/8000th of a second. It could freeze the scene with the camera being thrown across a room!
Cause it’s not something people look for, so when it’s seen then they’re probably fidgety and unprepared. I’m pretty sure we have rather clear shots of the Phoenix lights.
Nonsense! My camera has top shutter speed on 1/8000th of a second. It could freeze the scene being thrown across a room!
Tell us some more photographic brilliance.
Make me.
Go stand in the corner.
Cause it’s not something people look for, so when it’s seen then they’re probably fidgety and unprepared. I’m pretty sure we have rather clear shots of the Phoenix lights.
Nonsense! My camera has top shutter speed on 1/8000th of a second. It could freeze the scene being thrown across a room!
Tell us some more photographic brilliance.
Make me.
Go stand in the corner.
I refuse.

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