Gibbs "Professional Left Sucks!" Is He Right? Yea Or Nay?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Obviously i'm voting Yea on this one. The Left just never seems happy or satisfied. They now have the most Left-leaning President in our history yet still whine & complain 24/7. I think Gibbs' comments are especially funny knowing that they're just getting a small taste of what Bush had to put up with his entire eight years in office. They slandered & criticized every single move the guy made. So i have to agree with Gibbs on this one. The professional Left does suck. This is probably the first and last time i will ever agree with anything Gibbs says. I'm interested in hearing what you all think about Gibbs' comments. Thanks.
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Most Leftists i've run into usually are very whiny & snotty. The Left does suck. Now even this White House knows this. We told ya so. :)
If you're waiting for an argument you posted the wrong side of this issue.
How do you reconcile your comment that Obama is the "most left leaning" President ever with the fact that Gibbs was calling out Leftists for complaining that Obama is too centerist?

How can Obama be a "Marxist" "far leftist", etc - but the left doesn't like him because he's too moderate?

You guys don't get to have it both ways. He can't be "Bush 2" AND a Marxist. Pick one.
How do you reconcile your comment that Obama is the "most left leaning" President ever with the fact that Gibbs was calling out Leftists for complaining that Obama is too centerist?

How can Obama be a "Marxist" "far leftist", etc - but the left doesn't like him because he's too moderate?

You guys don't get to have it both ways. He can't be "Bush 2" AND a Marxist. Pick one.

The Leftists are complaining about him being too centrist. I'm not. Bush was actually pretty much a Leftist/Socialist too in my opinion. This current President is even further Left in my opinion. I don't see what Leftists have to complain about. They've had back to back Socialists in power. What more do they want for God's sake? Now they know what George Bush had to put up with for his entire eight years in office. Leftists are incredibly whiny & snotty for the most part. They're never happy. I just think it's hilarious that this White House is now getting a little taste of their own medicine from their own. The Left sucks,just like i've been saying for a long time. Now this White House knows this too. :)
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Obviously i'm voting Yea on this one. The Left just never seems happy or satisfied. They now have the most Left-leaning President in our history yet still whine & complain 24/7. I think Gibbs' comments are especially funny knowing that they're just getting a small taste of what Bush had to put up with his entire eight years in office. They slandered & criticized every single move the guy made. So i have to agree with Gibbs on this one. The professional Left does suck. This is probably the first and last time i will ever agree with anything Gibbs says. I'm interested in hearing what you all think about Gibbs' comments. Thanks.

Professional whiners is right. And they are never satisfied.

How do you reconcile your comment that Obama is the "most left leaning" President ever with the fact that Gibbs was calling out Leftists for complaining that Obama is too centerist?

How can Obama be a "Marxist" "far leftist", etc - but the left doesn't like him because he's too moderate?

You guys don't get to have it both ways. He can't be "Bush 2" AND a Marxist. Pick one.

If you would give some thought to your post you would know that Obama is off the charts to the left ... the left complains and says he's too far to the right or too centrist because they wanted and expected him to get all their issues resolved and made law by his second hour in office - and it didn't happen. That's why the LEFT is calling him centrist and too far to the right.

As for those of us on the right ... he can't be put out of office soon enough. We're certainly not calling him centrist or too far right.
Most are paid to whine & b*tch anyway. Gibbs definitely got the "Professional Left" part right. They've had back to back Socialist Presidents yet they're still whining 24/7. What more do they want for God's sake? Do they want the White House to erect statues of their glorious comrades Mao Tse Tung,Joseph Stalin,Fidel Casto,Pol Pot,Kim Jong Il,and Hugo Chavez on the White House lawn or something? Would that make them happy? SHEESH!
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Partisanship is a mental illness.

the political spectrum is a crock.

the very meanings of socialism, commyism, conservative etc are all fluid and serially raped for political convenience.

Partisans are far less than lowly idealogues. Idealogues at least subscribe to an actual coherent ideology.

partisans subscribe to permanently malleable doctrine rife with internal contradictions.

Gibbs is an idiot. Most of the "left" criticism of Obama being akin to Bush on policy is spot one.

And of course Obama is therefore a sell out, or a salesman dishonoring the silly psuedo pledges of his campaign.

Obama = Bush with a better tan 6 days a week, and on the seventh day he is a wild card.

But they both sucked ass as presidents.
Gibbs is projecting, he sucks.

The left he's admonishing have been consistent in criticizing the same things across the last few Administrations, Gibbs is whining because Obama is mimicking Bush on foreign policy, surveillance, and the rule of law. They've been right about pretty much everything over the last 20 years and Obama's been wrong on most everything since he took office.

The "socialism" of Obama/Bush you're talking about 'Pocalypse, socialism for corporations with bailouts and corporate welfare and coddling the banker/business class while the middle/lower classes get laissez-faire fucked isn't the socialism that the small portion of the Left who are socialist support at all.
lol! I hear ya Avg. The Dems are dazed & confused at this point. The iceberg is now in sight.

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