Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps


"So I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Newt Gingrich said at a townhall event in Plymouth, N.H. today.

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Shouldn't they have to work for those Pay checks Mr.Gingrich?:doubt:

Republicans know they can write off the black vote and still win elections. That allows them to use rhetoric like the above to try to boost their numbers among those who are not particularly enamored with black people,

if you know what I mean.

"So I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Newt Gingrich said at a townhall event in Plymouth, N.H. today.

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Shouldn't they have to work for those Pay checks Mr.Gingrich?:doubt:

They should demand PAYCHECKS--after all blacks in this country are suffering from a 16% unemployment rate with adults and a whopping 47% unemployment rate in their youth.

But--I am certain Gingrich's comment will be spined as RACIST---:cuckoo::cuckoo:
What is wrong with what he said? People on welfare and food stamps are NOT living the high life. They are scrapping by on the minimum. People need to get a job in order to move themselves and their families up in society.

All that the Dimocrats do is put stress on the small business owners and corporations, so they hire less or decide to move operations to more friendly environments.

Blacks seem to give Democrats (not just Obama) a free pass, because they are the ones tossing them scraps from the dinner table, instead providing them an opportunity of getting a seat at the dinner table!

All Americans should demand that government gets out of the way, so everyone has a chance!

Newt (and the GOP) really have little to lose. Blacks voted 98% for Obama and vote in the 90s for Democrats in all other elections.

Demanding paychecks? Isn't that what OWS was doing? After all, it's the "job creators" that generate paychecks. Does Newt think everybody should be working for the government or is it a stealth nod to OWS? :eusa_think:
What is wrong with what he said?

He’s maintaining a rightist myth that Blacks are somehow ‘addicted’ to public assistance and ‘victims’ of social programs designed to ‘keep them down.’ And that jobs are plentiful for Blacks if only they’d ‘be willing to get off the welfare.’

That Gingrich said it of course is irrelevant, as his campaign is done – but it is indicative of conservative ignorance of the issue, and telling how they use it as a political weapon.
Start working and you will end up with a paycheck.

tried looking for a job lately?

We need jobs. We need a government that protects our jobs and stops rewarding big corporations for moving our jobs overseas and bringing in "guest workers" to take the ones we have here.
I have... had 2 offers... turned both down.... still better where I am.... about another year I'll actually really think of moving on instead of just testing the market
What is wrong with what he said?

He’s maintaining a rightist myth that Blacks are somehow ‘addicted’ to public assistance and ‘victims’ of social programs designed to ‘keep them down.’ And that jobs are plentiful for Blacks if only they’d ‘be willing to get off the welfare.’

That Gingrich said it of course is irrelevant, as his campaign is done – but it is indicative of conservative ignorance of the issue, and telling how they use it as a political weapon.

You're right that it has nothing to do with race.... but the entitlement culture, that is a whole other story..... but there is no denying the stats that show the disproportionate ratios that make up the entitlement culture... It has nothing to do with the actual race, but those who have taught it to subsequent generations that they are owed something from the producers in society
That's odd, I've found in my line of work that numerous black males will risk arrest to work at their jobs. Newt must hang with a different sort of black folk.
What is wrong with what he said?

He’s maintaining a rightist myth that Blacks are somehow ‘addicted’ to public assistance and ‘victims’ of social programs designed to ‘keep them down.’ And that jobs are plentiful for Blacks if only they’d ‘be willing to get off the welfare.’

That Gingrich said it of course is irrelevant, as his campaign is done – but it is indicative of conservative ignorance of the issue, and telling how they use it as a political weapon.

You're right that it has nothing to do with race.... but the entitlement culture, that is a whole other story..... but there is no denying the stats that show the disproportionate ratios that make up the entitlement culture... It has nothing to do with the actual race, but those who have taught it to subsequent generations that they are owed something from the producers in society
It has to do entirely of politics and how many the government can make dependent for the sake of power for BOTH parties that run the Government.

WE the people have become We The TOOLS.

Now How would that have looked on the Preamble to the Constitution?:eusa_whistle:
That's odd, I've found in my line of work that numerous black males will risk arrest to work at their jobs. Newt must hang with a different sort of black folk.

wut the hell kinda jobs are those? drug trafficking?
That's odd, I've found in my line of work that numerous black males will risk arrest to work at their jobs. Newt must hang with a different sort of black folk.

wut the hell kinda jobs are those? drug trafficking?

Mostly crappy janitorial or fast food jobs. Boss won't give them any time off to show up for things that require their attendance. So the choice is get a warrant or lose your job. Most choose the job.
That's odd, I've found in my line of work that numerous black males will risk arrest to work at their jobs. Newt must hang with a different sort of black folk.

wut the hell kinda jobs are those? drug trafficking?
Selling food stamp cards or buying lots of goods with the cards and selling off the wares?
Obama created lots of jobs :cool:

So did Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in the UK. And look what's happening there. Government does not create jobs. Its responsibility is to create a solid economic environment in which the private sector can thrive.

This is not rocket science.

"So I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Newt Gingrich said at a townhall event in Plymouth, N.H. today.

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Shouldn't they have to work for those Pay checks Mr.Gingrich?:doubt:

Gigrich is a moron.

Seriously, he must be.

I have absolutely no doubt that the Newt opposes minimum wages.

But somehow he thinks that the nation that objects to paying a minimum wage is going to be receptive to people demanding (not just a small wage increase) a job?

Jesus christ on a crutch, how can anybody be stupid enough to vote for the likes of that faker?

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