Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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Let’s talk about zone 1. Because while people can’t be called racists and white supremacists there are things said and believed that are not based on reading statements made by people but a belief perpetuated by a segment of American society that at minimum displays great racial resentment. And while we can't use words that describe a prevailing attitude among some white members here because it is offensive to them even as they exhibit the behavior, those same whites are able to consistently make these comments about members of color without censorship:

Dude, your posts are getting into Manifesto territory here.

So let's concede three things.

1) That African Americans got a really bad deal with slavery and Jim Crow.
2) that racism exists, and you give a nitwit a fake screen name on USMB he'll say some really ugly stuff.
3) that economic and social inqueality are things we need to fix.

That doesn't mean you are given a free hall pass to fix the things you need to fix.

You rightfully point out that the majority of people on assistance are white (as they should be, whites are 71% of the population.) The problem with assistance in the AA community is that it takes what Heinlein called "The Socialist Disease in it's worst form, the belief the world owes you a living". When you have three generations on assistance, babies making babies, 71% of black children being born out of wedlock, this is a real problem.

Then there's this little gem...

First of all as I have stated time and time again is the fact that blacks were primarily republican until 58 years ago. We did not become democrats because they promised us nothing more than an equal opportunity. You guys can talk about democratic filibusters all you want, but that's another dishonest depiction and in fact rather insulting. Southern Democrats filibustered, not northern ones. Southern democrats voted against the CRA and VRA and that incl;udes the southwest with Goldwater. Southern Republicans voted with southern Democrats.

That's not really true. The election where the majority of blacks who could vote started voting Democratic was 1932, which is 90 years ago. FDR held together this delicate coalition of liberal northerners (including blacks) and conservative Southerners to do the kind of important things like "saving the world from fascism" and "fixing the national economy".
Black people are not the enemy and I’m sure you didnt mean to imply that they are

Blacks are as much victims of stupid democrat policy such as the welfare state as poor whites are
We would be worse under republican policy. The entire nation has been damaged by republican policy.
That too

Whites beginning in the 13th Century did take advantage of their superiority over less advanced peoples in africa

But no one has ever denied that
Again, that is not the case. Your superiority is imaginary.
And when mods are reminded of this they feign ignorance.
I get called a racist still and so if the mods are feigning something they are doing it to everyone.
Lisa makes overtly racist statements. There is no black favoritism and she only says these things about black people. Apparently there is something wrong with her mentally if she believes she is not a racist.
I’ve made no racist comments, and all normal people here know that there is something mentally wrong with you.

All I’ve objected to are decisions that are made with race as a factor. i believe things should be race-blind. That’s the very opposite of a racist, but your hate blinds you to the very obvious fact.
If we can get called victims, slaves to democrats or that we are on plantations by whites here, then we should be able to point out racism and white supremacy. It's that simple. You want civility? It's not going to be done one way.
What I find interesting is that the actual POWER structure of 2002 America now favors Black people rather than white.

Woke authoritarianism was never about equal rights, but merely reversing the old paradigm.
No it doesn't.
Again, that is not the case. Your superiority is imaginary.
So according to you black africans were superior but nevertheless allowed themselves to be colonized by the euros anyway
So according to you black africans were superior but nevertheless allowed themselves to be colonized by the euros anyway
According to me lying and deception are not a traits of superiority.
Here's the thing. When someone calls you a racist, What happens? You get offended. What happens next. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You shouldn't even give it a second thought. Im2 and I get called racists all the time. Nothing happens. When someone or something (like the government) acts on racism, bad things happen. Andrew Jackson acted on his racist tendencies and what happened? They passed a law to force the Cherokee nation to move. In the process thousands died . That's the difference. The thing I don't get is why some people let it bother them so much. So. The next time someone calls you a racist, actually there is a great line from a Native American friend of mine. It goes: "Wisdom has been chasing you but you've always been faster." It's a polite way of telling some they are stupid. Say that and then go on about your day. Just for the record, I've read quite a few of your posts and I wouldn't say you are a racist at all.
I posted because some people say blacks can’t be racists because they have no power. I am just saying that inaccessibility zero power over anyone, even my cat owns me lol.
According to me lying and deception are not a traits of superiority.
What are you babbling about?

The euros who are white have dominated africa for 600 years

Thats an undeniable fact
I posted because some people say blacks can’t be racists because they have no power. I am just saying that inaccessibility zero power over anyone, even my cat owns me lol.
You gotta admit it's a neat trick if you can pull it off - vent your nasty, hateful spleen against certain races day after day after day and then claim you own skin gives you magic protection against being considered racist.
What are you babbling about?

The euros who are white have dominated africa for 600 years

Thats an undeniable fact
Actually they have not. And like I said, lying and deception are not signs of superiority.
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