Zone1 Why Black Americans Should Never Wave The American Flag Or Bow Down To The Anthem

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Just another fake black. The place is full of them!

They do try. The Super Bowl had that Black singer sing the "Black National Anthem." It was horrible and nobody appreciated it at all. It was just plain stupid. They want their own nation, go find one. But, not in America the Beautiful.
if people do not like the USA they can always go to some other country. by the way don't let the door hit you on your way out
They will never be happy. Even if they are paid reparations they will still complain about something.
In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples.
Nobody “let them in”. They conquered those ignorant hillbillies. They Indians wanted a life and death battle, and we gave it to them. They got whooped like a donkey. Even in defeat, we gave them land, autonomy and a free education. Yet, to this day they are still the sorest of losers.

No one cares about your “white supremacy” fantasy. But if it was “white supremacy’ that got us to where we are today, then maybe that shit works? I guess “white supremacy” is to credit for abolishing slavery and equal rights. The West has always lead the world in social justice causes.
According to this poll, 50% of whites see American culture as specifically white culture. That is to say that symbols like the flag and the anthem, also represent white hegemony in their eyes. If that's the case, blacks should reject these symbols and create our own. Assimilation is just a racist talking point. You don't see whites assimilate anywhere; not in New Zealand; not in South Africa; not In Australia; not in the Americas. The fact that we are currently speaking English and not some Native American language, is proof of that enough. In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples. Likewise, Black Americans should do the same. Any time you buy into those symbols of white identity, you are reinforcing white supremacy, and submitting. Never. Always fight.

What an idiot.
That's silly.

Don't take the bait. South Africans have their own language, but the Boers still imposed their own language and still to this day, teach their white children Afrikaans. That's cool. Blacks can and should do the same. And kick them out of their country while they're at it.
So by YOUR standard Americans should kick blacks “out of our country while we are at it”. You can’t have it both ways.
No they didn't, because they weren't truly free until the 1960s. Republican Lincoln sent black soldiers to the front lines on death missions. Blacks fight for everyone else, it's time to start fighting and dying for ourselves. That would be something to see.
Black troops took no higher casualties than white troops din on a per capital basis. There were far fewer blacks fighting for the Union than whites.
According to this poll, 50% of whites see American culture as specifically white culture. That is to say that symbols like the flag and the anthem, also represent white hegemony in their eyes. If that's the case, blacks should reject these symbols and create our own. Assimilation is just a racist talking point. You don't see whites assimilate anywhere; not in New Zealand; not in South Africa; not In Australia; not in the Americas. The fact that we are currently speaking English and not some Native American language, is proof of that enough. In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples. Likewise, Black Americans should do the same. Any time you buy into those symbols of white identity, you are reinforcing white supremacy, and submitting. Never. Always fight.

Brutha man, what you speak of has already been done almost 200 years ago. The place is called Liberia. If you really believe in what you wrote, you should set an example and move over there ASAP. This is what Liberia "should" look like, but personally I think they have a cloaking field that hides advanced technology:

According to this poll, 50% of whites see American culture as specifically white culture. That is to say that symbols like the flag and the anthem, also represent white hegemony in their eyes. If that's the case, blacks should reject these symbols and create our own. Assimilation is just a racist talking point. You don't see whites assimilate anywhere; not in New Zealand; not in South Africa; not In Australia; not in the Americas. The fact that we are currently speaking English and not some Native American language, is proof of that enough. In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples. Likewise, Black Americans should do the same. Any time you buy into those symbols of white identity, you are reinforcing white supremacy, and submitting. Never. Always fight.

Flags and anthems are symbols of power. Clearly the power in the US has been white for a long time, even with a black president and black congressmen and women and black supreme court justices, most of power lies with rich white men who don't even need to get elected.
According to this poll, 50% of whites see American culture as specifically white culture. That is to say that symbols like the flag and the anthem, also represent white hegemony in their eyes. If that's the case, blacks should reject these symbols and create our own. Assimilation is just a racist talking point. You don't see whites assimilate anywhere; not in New Zealand; not in South Africa; not In Australia; not in the Americas. The fact that we are currently speaking English and not some Native American language, is proof of that enough. In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples. Likewise, Black Americans should do the same. Any time you buy into those symbols of white identity, you are reinforcing white supremacy, and submitting. Never. Always fight.

OP is a race troll from hell.
Whose getting shot kicked off The American Revolution, boy? :spank:

Do you know? I bet you damn well don't.
Flags and anthems are symbols of power. Clearly the power in the US has been white for a long time, even with a black president and black congressmen and women and black supreme court justices, most of power lies with rich white men who don't even need to get elected.
but but With the Pro Minority Zeitgeist of the Last 45 years The White Christian Male ( And now Any Pro Israel Practicing Jews ) are now teh Enemy
OP is a race troll from hell.
Whose getting shot kicked off The American Revolution, boy? :spank:

Do you know? I bet you damn well don't.
Funny how white starts all kinds of race threads here but MAGA12 is the race troll.

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.” -Frederick Douglas

White boy, Crispus Attucks was a slave who would not have been free after the Revolutionary War. So the OP is correct in saying that blacks should not wave the flag or bow to the Anthem. And the fact that a black slave died first for the freedom of whites should make you guys understand that you owe us gratitude.
Funny how white starts all kinds of race threads here but MAGA12 is the race troll.

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.” -Frederick Douglas

White boy, Crispus Attucks was a slave who would not have been free after the Revolutionary War. So the OP is correct in saying that blacks should not wave the flag or bow to the Anthem. And the fact that a black slave died first for the freedom of whites should make you guys understand that you owe us gratitude.
Frederick Douglas died 130 years ago

Black people like IM2 are stuck in the past
According to this poll, 50% of whites see American culture as specifically white culture. That is to say that symbols like the flag and the anthem, also represent white hegemony in their eyes. If that's the case, blacks should reject these symbols and create our own. Assimilation is just a racist talking point. You don't see whites assimilate anywhere; not in New Zealand; not in South Africa; not In Australia; not in the Americas. The fact that we are currently speaking English and not some Native American language, is proof of that enough. In all actuality, the whites in these places wholly reject and lament the natives who let them in, and teach their white children white supremacy, and to reject the cultures of these non white peoples. Likewise, Black Americans should do the same. Any time you buy into those symbols of white identity, you are reinforcing white supremacy, and submitting. Never. Always fight.

You have that so wrong. It isnt Old Glory that is a racist flag, and the Star Spangled Banner isnt a racist song. Let me show you the Racists KKK Democrat battle standard and the racist song of the Democrat South.
And no, the Democrats didnt morph into Republicans, they just went from slave owners to people who enslaved blacks to the government.

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