Gitmo to remain open, maybe but more than likely


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Almost three years ago many democrats were howling that gitmo needed to be closed, including obama. But not anymore. Now they want to make more gitmos right here in the U.S.

Is this the FEMA camps we keep hearing about?
This time around, a dubious, ill-informed, and unwise “agreement” has been reached between Senators Levin and McCain to include detention provisions that threaten to bring back internment for the first time since the McCarthy era at the height of the red scare.
Internment in the US? Not on Our Watch | Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog
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Almost three years ago many democrats were howling that gitmo needed to be closed, including obama.
Yeah.....who knew that Mitch McConnell, John Boner, Eric Cantor & those House Teabaggers would cry & whine that it was too-expensive.....​ shut-down Gitmo??!!!
(per Col. Jack Jacobs)​

Almost three years ago many democrats were howling that gitmo needed to be closed, including obama.
Yeah.....who knew that Mitch McConnell, John Boner, Eric Cantor & those House Teabaggers would cry & whine that it was too-expensive.....​ shut-down Gitmo??!!!
(per Col. jack Jacobs)​


Thanks for the reminder what hasn't obama closed gitmo?

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]​

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