Given his handling of Syria, Israeli Jews don't trust Obama on Iran


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Given his handling of Syria, Israeli Jews don't trust Obama on Iran . Israel Hayom poll, a majority of Israeli Jews -- 66.7 percent -- characterized U.S. President Barack Obama's handling of the Syria crisis as "not successful."A mere 17.0% of Israeli Jews felt Obama's management of the Syria issue has been "successful."A plurality of Israeli Jews -- 49.7% -- said Obama's decision to delay a military strike against Syria was wrong, while 32.8% said he made the right choice.Poll respondents were asked who won the current round of events in Syria -- Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Syrian President Bashar Assad or Israel. Putin came in first at 48.3%, followed by Assad (39.6%), Obama (8.8%) and Israel (5.1%). Some 18.3% responded "don't know."On the question of who lost the round, 63.0% said Obama, followed by Israel (17.3%), Assad (8.7%) and Putin (3.3%). Some 20.6% responded "don't know."A majority of Israeli Jews -- 65.3% -- said that, given Obama's conduct regarding Syria, he would not be able to successfully deal with Iran's nuclear program. Only 12.1% said he would be able to meet that challenge.Israel Hayom | Given his handling of Syria, Israeli Jews don't trust Obama on Iran. How do we like this, our President judged inadequate by the Israelis? Israel had a plan, they wanted the US to destabilize Syria for Israel. Obama failed to take the US into another war for Israel, in Syria, the plan did not go as it was designed to, and Obama has been deemed a failure by the Israeli people.
Israel is upset that America's ZOG shadow government failed to deliver a U.S. strike on Syria.

And it's rumored that AIPAC is going to hold an emergency meeting on the issue. .. :cool:
Given his handling of Syria, Israeli Jews don't trust Obama on Iran . Israel Hayom poll, a majority of Israeli Jews -- 66.7 percent -- characterized U.S. President Barack Obama's handling of the Syria crisis as "not successful."A mere 17.0% of Israeli Jews felt Obama's management of the Syria issue has been "successful."A plurality of Israeli Jews -- 49.7% -- said Obama's decision to delay a military strike against Syria was wrong, while 32.8% said he made the right choice.Poll respondents were asked who won the current round of events in Syria -- Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Syrian President Bashar Assad or Israel. Putin came in first at 48.3%, followed by Assad (39.6%), Obama (8.8%) and Israel (5.1%). Some 18.3% responded "don't know."On the question of who lost the round, 63.0% said Obama, followed by Israel (17.3%), Assad (8.7%) and Putin (3.3%). Some 20.6% responded "don't know."A majority of Israeli Jews -- 65.3% -- said that, given Obama's conduct regarding Syria, he would not be able to successfully deal with Iran's nuclear program. Only 12.1% said he would be able to meet that challenge.Israel Hayom | Given his handling of Syria, Israeli Jews don't trust Obama on Iran. How do we like this, our President judged inadequate by the Israelis? Israel had a plan, they wanted the US to destabilize Syria for Israel. Obama failed to take the US into another war for Israel, in Syria, the plan did not go as it was designed to, and Obama has been deemed a failure by the Israeli people.

Americans don't want to bomb Syria or Iran. If that means that Syrians use chemical weapons on Al Qeada rebels, or that Iran gets a nuclear bomb, most Americans are okay with that. Deal with it.
Why would they have any confidence in this bumbler who has already committed error after gaffe after mistake? They would be foolish to trust him to act in their interests.
..............................^^^^ Imagine that......a U.S. president that puts America's interests above Israel's. .. :cool:
..............................^^^^ Imagine that......a U.S. president that puts America's interests above Israel's. .. :cool:

Except America's interests are largely the same as Israel's. SOmething obama and the Musloids don't get.
..............................^^^^ Imagine that......a U.S. president that puts America's interests above Israel's. .. :cool:

The election of Obama was against "American interests"
True dat...... :cool:

Oopps...Maybe you'll can get some more lib reps if I repost these for you:eusa_whistle:

That's why I am encouraging everyone to vote for Obama.

After he wins in 2012

He is going to hold Israel's Zionist feet to the fire and force them to change.

And he will have 4 nice long years to do it. :clap2:

Obama's second term is going to be great for America.

Israel..................not so much :eusa_angel:
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