Glenn Beck declares: The Census is the Equivalent of Slavery

Feb 16 2010
Fines can be Imposed
While it is the last thing they want to do, the U.S. Census Bureau can impose fines for failing to answer the 2010 Census questions or for intentionally providing false information.

According to Title 13, Section 221 (Census, Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers) of the United States Code, persons who fail or refuse to respond to the mail-back census form, or refuse to respond to a follow-up census taker can be fined up to $100. Persons who knowingly provide false information to the census can be fined up to $500

Census Answers are Required by Law – Federal Law Requires Honest Answers to Questions on the US Census
Too bad it does not ask if you watch glen beck so we can round up the criminally insane.
From the census bureaus website,

The American Community Survey is conducted under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193, and response is mandatory. According to Section 221, persons who do not respond shall be fined not more than $100. Title 18 U.S.C. Section 3571 and Section 3559, in effect amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 by changing the fine for anyone over 18 years old who refuses or willfully neglects to complete the questionnaire or answer questions posed by census takers from a fine of not more than $100 to not more than $5,000. The U.S. Census Bureau may use this information only for statistical purposes. We can assure you that your confidentiality is protected. Title 13 requires the Census Bureau to keep all information about you and all other respondents strictly confidential. Any Census Bureau employee who violates these provisions is subject to a fine of up to $250,000 or a prison sentence of up to five years, or both.
Too bad it does not ask if you watch glen beck so we can round up the criminally insane.

I don't have anything against people who watch him, I would take him with a grain of salt, like any other media source. He tends to flip flop a bit much for me personally and that makes me wonder if he's a part of a misinformation campaign. It is funny how liberals cringe at his very name.
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I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.
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I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.

I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.
I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.

I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.
I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.

I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

Just do not piss and moan about the liberal jury verdicts.
I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.

I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

I respect your position, but at the same time I am curious of your opinion on how justice can be obtained by people who are willing slaves of government. I am personally inclined to believe they will never bite the hand that feeds and we both know that the government can't be relied upon for good decisions. If you don't mind me asking what business are you in without being too specific?
Again my census form has no question about religion on it.

Some people are getting an extra form to fill out that is separate from the regular census form, but non-compliance with either carries the same penalty, a $5,000 fine.
Are you thinking of the GOP fund raising solicitation that was designed to look like a census form?
I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.
Not worth enforcing.
I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

I respect your position, but at the same time I am curious of your opinion on how justice can be obtained by people who are willing slaves of government. I am personally inclined to believe they will never bite the hand that feeds and we both know that the government can't be relied upon for good decisions. If you don't mind me asking what business are you in without being too specific?

We are all willing slaves to the gov't on some level. I think that most people when chosen to serve on a jury will do the right thing - regardless of personal feelings.

We have a huge pool of government workers on the local, state, and federal levels that can be tapped for jury duty. Taking a law abiding, tax paying person like myself and having me sit on a jury is a waste of resources. Send a postal worker, a fireman, a government bureaucrat, a teacher, et. al..

PS- I am in the Construction Industry.
I tossed the census forms straight into the trash, just like I did 10 years ago.......good luck getting me to answer any questions if a census taker even shows up. I never answer the telephone and I never answer the front door. If they do manage to bump in to me I will say I am visiting from another country and doing a house swap through a third party and do not even know the owners name. I live in a city of 10 million, that's close enough that they won't miss my information.

PS - I throw the "required by law" jury summons I get every year or so into the very same trash can. 20 years later - not in jail, never fined, never even called!!! UNENFORCEABLE.

I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

Instead, let some ignorant buffoon decide someone's fate....
☭proletarian☭;2117567 said:
I applaud your courage. I would like to do the same myself. Here in my area if you don't report for jury duty, the county sheriffs department comes to your house to pick you up. I personally have no problem with jury duty, it gives a regular guy the opportunity to stand up for the other regular guy. Think of yourself as a covert insurgent, sticking it to the government. Last one I went to the police had a bunch of made up charges against a guy and no evidence to back it up. Had to listen to the PA's BS till about 1:30 A.M., but it was worth it to see him lose, I've encountered him around town and he's an asshole. Despite their attempts to railroad the guy, justice prevailed.

I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

Instead, let some ignorant buffoon decide someone's fate....

What do you think we do now???
☭proletarian☭;2117567 said:
I have a moral objection to jury duty. I served my country for 6 years in the military. I pay six figures of taxes to the federal government each year. I am far more valuable in business than I am sitting on a jury. We have 60 million people in this country who are 100% reliant on the government for their every need: housing, food, crack, booze, smokes, and lottery tickets. They need to carry their weight and go to jury duty. Until then, you can count on me tossing the summons into the trash.

Instead, let some ignorant buffoon decide someone's fate....

What do you think we do now???

Well, if the informed and educated people won't serve because they'd rather be at work making money, all that's left is uneducated fools.

You're putting profits before a just society.
☭proletarian☭;2117585 said:
☭proletarian☭;2117567 said:
Instead, let some ignorant buffoon decide someone's fate....

What do you think we do now???

Well, if the informed and educated people won't serve because they'd rather be at work making money, all that's left is uneducated fools.

You're putting profits before a just society.

Firemen, Teachers, Bureaucrats, government workers, Postal workers, are all uneducated fools? As for making money - who do you think pays for all those government workers?
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☭proletarian☭;2117585 said:
What do you think we do now???

Well, if the informed and educated people won't serve because they'd rather be at work making money, all that's left is uneducated fools.

You're putting profits before a just society.

Firemen, Teachers, Bureaucrats, government workers, Postal workers, are all uneducated fools?

You don't think they'd argue the same point- that they're more valuable at work than in a jury? Or are you saying you're more valuable at your job than the man who pulls others out of burning buildings or the woman who educated our youth for a living? So you make more money than them? So what? That's makes you more valuable at your job than those who save lives and shape the future minds of this nation?

Or was your earlier argument just a facade for some other reason you don't wish to serve on a jury? What, exactly do you do for a living that makes you so much more valuable than a police officer, a fireman, or an educator for the the duration of a trial- or are we back to you simply putting profits before a just society?
☭proletarian☭;2117688 said:
☭proletarian☭;2117585 said:
Well, if the informed and educated people won't serve because they'd rather be at work making money, all that's left is uneducated fools.

You're putting profits before a just society.

Firemen, Teachers, Bureaucrats, government workers, Postal workers, are all uneducated fools?

You don't think they'd argue the same point- that they're more valuable at work than in a jury? Or are you saying you're more valuable at your job than the man who pulls others out of burning buildings or the woman who educated our youth for a living? So you make more money than them? So what? That's makes you more valuable at your job than those who save lives and shape the future minds of this nation?

Or was your earlier argument just a facade for some other reason you don't wish to serve on a jury? What, exactly do you do for a living that makes you so much more valuable than a police officer, a fireman, or an educator for the the duration of a trial- or are we back to you simply putting profits before a just society?

I own a business. I create the jobs that pay the taxes that makes a fireman's job, the teacher's job, the policeman's job, the construction worker's job possible. I pay the employment taxes (employers half) for my employees that makes the entire social safety net possible. Without entrepreneurial people like me, people that take risks, the entire system fails. Teachers, cops, and fireman are valuable jobs, but they do not really create anything. They are dependent upon taxpayers for their existence.

If all I cared about was myself I could stop working today, sell the buildings I own, move to a tax haven (like the Caymans) and never have to work another day in my life. Instead I chose to be significant, not just successful. There are more important things in life than money. It's only when you have money that you can truly understand and appreciate that fact.

PS- I will continue to throw jury summons' and census forms into the trash and never lose a wink of sleep over it.

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