Global warmers are getting HOT!

That was a remarkably incoherent rant. It didn't seem to have any point, other than that the author was unhinged. Just a mishmash of unrelated factoids that the author tried to assemble into a conspiracy.

Ramb, can you summarize why you thought it made any sense?
They have to.....nobody is caring about this shit. Expect the hyper-kook alarmist predictions to go full loco in the coming months.
Yesterday......some mental case said in the coming years, the world will be a picture of walking zombies eating people due to global warming. That's the kind of shit you have to come up with when you are losing in such epic fashion.

Indeed......the AGW crowd is at its lowest point in nearly two decades. Topped out in 2006 and has fallen like a stone in water since. Concern down. Green investment down........its a Jonestown for these people which has been displayed very clearly in these pages by the skeptic crew.
That was a remarkably incoherent rant. It didn't seem to have any point, other than that the author was unhinged. Just a mishmash of unrelated factoids that the author tried to assemble into a conspiracy.

Ramb, can you summarize why you thought it made any sense?

mamooth...maybe you should reread the article. In a nut shell it describes the weak foundation that the premise of "man made global destruction" rests upon. But the more salient point is that even if man is causing global climate change it is not the crisis that politicians world wide would like you to believe.
So many scary predictions made by so called reputable people have failed to even come close to fruition. The point is there is a global campaign of scare tactics designed to scare you into submission. It will not work on me and I will scream from the mountain tops until gullible folks like you wake up.
If Al Gore really believed that America changing it's polluting way of life is the only way to save the planet, wouldn't he be living differently?
The truth is that politicians don't care about riches like they once did. Most of them are filthy rich whether they came into office wealthy or made it while in office. What they crave today (and this is key to understanding them) is POWER. Power over you and me. You and Old Rocks may want to grant that crooked bunch more power but I certainly do not.
Of course the Warmers are getting desperate. They've "rent-seeked" taxpayer money for years, and the public is getting fed up. The majority of Americans don't buy into destroying our economy to enrich Big Government cronies in a futile attempt to change the natural warming cycle of the earth.
mamooth...maybe you should reread the article. In a nut shell it describes the weak foundation that the premise of "man made global destruction" rests upon.

Nobody is saying "man made global destruction" except denier kooks. That's just one example of the nutty strawmen that compose the article. Those knowledgeable on the issue instantly saw through all the strawmen.

It will not work on me and I will scream from the mountain tops until gullible folks like you wake up.

Never occurred to you you're the gullible one? You are, you know. It's obvious to those outside of your cult. Being trapped in your cult anti-reality bubble, you're not capable of seeing it.

If Al Gore really believed

And that's one way you reveal your cult affiliation instantly, by constantly raving about a politician. Nobody here on the rational side cares about Gore, because he's not a scientist. You never see any of us in the reality-based community bring him up. But your side, they fixate on Gore and other personalities, because the cult needs demons to rally against, and because they stink so badly at the science and logic.

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