Global warming films a "huge flop"!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More bad news if you are a climate crusader in 2018!! :oops-28:

Nobody is caring about global warming anymore. Well........when you are constantly rigging the data while at the same time saying "the science is settled", the folks start to call bs. about a steady trajectory down since Gore hit the scene in 2006.

The whole topic of global warming is now nothing more than a hobby on internet forums!!!:popcorn:

Is there a Global Warming sub-forum here?

There was a slew of global warming trolls for a while there.
More bad news if you are a climate crusader in 2018!! :oops-28:

Nobody is caring about global warming anymore. Well........when you are constantly rigging the data while at the same time saying "the science is settled", the folks start to call bs. about a steady trajectory down since Gore hit the scene in 2006.

The whole topic of global warming is now nothing more than a hobby on internet forums!!!:popcorn:

/----/ Global warming is a hoax. It's settled science.
Message films generally flop. Waiting to see what "The Post" does, considering few outside my age group know anything about The Pentagon Papers, couldn't care less about Ben Bradlee and Katherine Graham, and Hanks and Streep aren't the draw they once were.
Is there a Global Warming sub-forum here?

There is a denier cult trolling forum here, the Environment folder. Deniers have learned they can openly break board rules and troll their little hearts out there, while those discussing about actual research will be censored. The deniers here aren't shy about flying their Stalinist Freak Flags. Nor are they shy about doing it in the government. For example, Trump and Pruitt publicly demand loyalty oaths from scientist and employees if they want to keep their jobs, and every denier here adores that open Stalinism. Deniers are just piss poor Americans and piss poor human beings.

However, despite sucking Stalin's ass with gusto, deniers are still losing on all fronts. Their cult propaganda is believed by the fewest people ever now.

Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in U.S.

So, the denier Stalinists here spent years pushing dopey cult propaganda, and it's had the exact opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years of their lives were completely wasted. That's got to sting. No wonder the deniers here are so weepy and bitter.
Is there a Global Warming sub-forum here?

There is a denier cult trolling forum here, the Environment folder. Deniers have learned they can openly break board rules and troll their little hearts out there, while those discussing about actual research will be censored. The deniers here aren't shy about flying their Stalinist Freak Flags. Nor are they shy about doing it in the government. For example, Trump and Pruitt publicly demand loyalty oaths from scientist and employees if they want to keep their jobs, and every denier here adores that open Stalinism. Deniers are just piss poor Americans and piss poor human beings.

However, despite sucking Stalin's ass with gusto, deniers are still losing on all fronts. Their cult propaganda is believed by the fewest people ever now.

Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in U.S.

So, the denier Stalinists here spent years pushing dopey cult propaganda, and it's had the exact opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years of their lives were completely wasted. That's got to sting. No wonder the deniers here are so weepy and bitter.
Hypocritical at best....
Oh yeah! Mamooth was one of those trolls I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, little trolls. Like all the deniers, you're not capable of rational discussion on the topic, so you troll, like you're dong on this thread.

I'll let you know when you're needed again to prove another of my points. You're fine useful idiots, which is why your masters use you as such.
Oh yeah! Mamooth was one of those trolls I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, little trolls. Like all the deniers, you're not capable of rational discussion on the topic, so you troll, like you're dong on this thread.

I'll let you know when you're needed again to prove another of my points. You're fine useful idiots, which is why your masters use you as such.

Debunking AGW is so 2 years ago. You're right, I've since refreshed my OS 3X since AGW was a hot topic to debate and lost all the bookmarks and proof. Not interested in debating with the last 1-2 AGW cultists that cling to it like dingleberries to ass hair.
even if i was into global warming i would not pay to go see any of these films....they all come to some channel on the TV sooner or later....
Oh yeah! Mamooth was one of those trolls I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, little trolls. Like all the deniers, you're not capable of rational discussion on the topic, so you troll, like you're dong on this thread.

I'll let you know when you're needed again to prove another of my points. You're fine useful idiots, which is why your masters use you as such.
I asked you and your ilk why you only consider the politicized, heavily propagated AGW side of the debate while totally ignoring experts - - legitimate experts - - who dispute AGW's potential and real effects and the extreme measures undertaken by alarmists.
You completely dodge but still have the nerve to criticize anyone who doesn't toe the AGW line.
Oh yeah! Mamooth was one of those trolls I was talking about.

Thanks for proving my point, little trolls. Like all the deniers, you're not capable of rational discussion on the topic, so you troll, like you're dong on this thread.

I'll let you know when you're needed again to prove another of my points. You're fine useful idiots, which is why your masters use you as such.
I asked you and your ilk why you only consider the politicized, heavily propagated AGW side of the debate while totally ignoring experts - - legitimate experts - - who dispute AGW's potential and real effects and the extreme measures undertaken by alarmists.
You completely dodge but still have the nerve to criticize anyone who doesn't toe the AGW line.

Yep.....this guy is always referring to climate skeptics as part of a "cult". Never got educated about what a Bell Curve if there was this massive consensus amongst the public that the "decided science" means something must be done immediately to save the world. The problem is, the "decided science" has having virtually zero impact on public policy makers in the real world. For 10 years now, Congress hasn't given a shit about climate change. Green candidates for congress have gotten their clicks cleaned in every mid-term the last 4 election cycles. The Paris Treaty is dead as a doornail. Cap and Trade? A relic of a former era. The EPA getting nuked as we speak. Solar and wind combined still........after 25 years.......are providing us with only about 5% of our electricity. Oh.....and just a year ago, we had 3 presidential debates and not a single discussion about climate change! Hey........I'll take being on the side of the irrational ones all day to Sunday!!

To bubble dwellers like Mamooth, if you are not in their bubble of billboards, you are "irrational" and a "cultist". But at the end of the day, it all comes down, as it always does, to who is winning???!!!!!

So in 2018, nobody is caring about the 97% of scientists.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Who's not winning?:bye1:
I asked you and your ilk why you only consider the politicized, heavily propagated AGW side of the debate while totally ignoring experts - - legitimate experts - - who dispute AGW's potential and real effects and the extreme measures undertaken by alarmists.

Flat earthers ask me the same crazy things. They never provide any evidence to back up their bitter cult rants either. It's very difficult to distinguish deniers from flat-earthers, being how all conspiracy cultists sound the same.

You completely dodge but still have the nerve to criticize anyone who doesn't toe the AGW line.

I don't dodge. I proudly mock all the cult pajama boys for being the open frauds that they are, after I debunk whatever particular fraud they just tried to push. That's why I have a gang of cultists crying at me together -- they can't talk about the science, so they just cry instead.

All you have is weepy conspiracy theories about how the entire world is secretly plotting against you, and that the last century of science is totally wrong --- because you read it on a conspiracy blog.

Good luck with that.
I asked you and your ilk why you only consider the politicized, heavily propagated AGW side of the debate while totally ignoring experts - - legitimate experts - - who dispute AGW's potential and real effects and the extreme measures undertaken by alarmists.

Flat earthers ask me the same crazy things. They never provide any evidence to back up their bitter cult rants either. It's very difficult to distinguish deniers from flat-earthers, being how all conspiracy cultists sound the same.

You completely dodge but still have the nerve to criticize anyone who doesn't toe the AGW line.

I don't dodge. I proudly mock all the cult pajama boys for being the open frauds that they are, after I debunk whatever particular fraud they just tried to push. That's why I have a gang of cultists crying at me together -- they can't talk about the science, so they just cry instead.

All you have is weepy conspiracy theories about how the entire world is secretly plotting against you, and that the last century of science is totally wrong --- because you read it on a conspiracy blog.

Good luck with that.

lol.....but the "pajama boys" are winning s0n!! The "cultist conspiracy guys"!!


Because despite all the "settled science", nobody in the real world is noticing >>>

Which makes the science irrelevant!!! :oops-28::spinner::spinner:
Is there a Global Warming sub-forum here?

There is a denier cult trolling forum here, the Environment folder. Deniers have learned they can openly break board rules and troll their little hearts out there, while those discussing about actual research will be censored. The deniers here aren't shy about flying their Stalinist Freak Flags. Nor are they shy about doing it in the government. For example, Trump and Pruitt publicly demand loyalty oaths from scientist and employees if they want to keep their jobs, and every denier here adores that open Stalinism. Deniers are just piss poor Americans and piss poor human beings.

However, despite sucking Stalin's ass with gusto, deniers are still losing on all fronts. Their cult propaganda is believed by the fewest people ever now.

Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in U.S.

So, the denier Stalinists here spent years pushing dopey cult propaganda, and it's had the exact opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years of their lives were completely wasted. That's got to sting. No wonder the deniers here are so weepy and bitter.

ZomboMeme 29122017021602.jpg

Lmfao the opposite effect ?

Remind us who's president and who is head of the EPA?

What alternative fantasy world do you live in mamooth?

And damn the little snowflakes are this upset they make death threats to Pruitt..?

Scott Pruitt gets more security than any EPA head ever
By Mark Moore

October 23, 2017 | 11:32am
Yes, Scott Pruitt is acting like a paranoid dictator. Normal people think of that as a bad thing.

He's also wasting vast sums of cash on other personal expenses while proclaiming how costs need to be cut. But you're a denier. To you, authoritarianism, paranoia and hypocrisy are resume-builders.

Thank you for again supporting my point about how denialism is a corrupt authoritarian conspiracy cult. I'll let you know when I need your services again.

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