Global warming is real

You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..

Yep, State Of California.INC is getting rich because it is a "for profit" entity and subsidiary of USA.INC. You are a smart guy and I bet you could understand the CAFR (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) that every corporation has to file. See if you can find a copy of it on-line or request it. You would find that though California state is broke, the "State of California.INC is sitting on trillions of dollars in assets. It's scams just like the one you posted about that makes them lots of money.
You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..

No. Yes it's usually a central location if they even have that in all cities which I doubt. Needs reformed.
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED (supposedly as a REFUND) bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery that dealt out cash.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..

Refunds for bottles and cans were funded by the state (out of taxpayer dollars) to save it the expense of dealing with it on the ground or in your trash. Recycling operates on an extremely low margin and it is questionable whether it can generate the profits to pay for truck-collection services.

Your viewpoint, FCT, tends to indicate that you don't care if cans and bottles litter your community. I don't think that's true of you - I think you're just too gripped with the idea of following the money. Having a clean community requires people who don't litter and government services that clean up after those who do.
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..
That's a common business model these days. There was a time it would have been frowned upon as "unethical".

It's STILL unethical. Always will be. The state was LOSING money running their own recycleries. Now they look the other way and PAY the trash companies, the money they steal from grocery shoppers -- "for the environment"..

Kind of like telling a lie... You have to tell a bigger one each time to cover up the one you just told... Like AGW, a scam to dwarf all other included scams...
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You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
Yes, all kinds of places. Several within walking distance of where I live. In fact, many of the street people ride bicycles with trailers and collect the bottles and cans for money to live on. That is in Oregon, cannot speak for other states.
You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
Yes, all kinds of places. Several within walking distance of where I live. In fact, many of the street people ride bicycles with trailers and collect the bottles and cans for money to live on. That is in Oregon, cannot speak for other states.

Some do but many dont. It's become as corrupt as the beauccrat's in the pentagon.
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED (supposedly as a REFUND) bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery that dealt out cash.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..

Refunds for bottles and cans were funded by the state (out of taxpayer dollars) to save it the expense of dealing with it on the ground or in your trash. Recycling operates on an extremely low margin and it is questionable whether it can generate the profits to pay for truck-collection services.

Your viewpoint, FCT, tends to indicate that you don't care if cans and bottles litter your community. I don't think that's true of you - I think you're just too gripped with the idea of following the money. Having a clean community requires people who don't litter and government services that clean up after those who do.

That's is so much bullshit -- we're gonna need a bigger truck. .Even WITH the refunds, the recycling rate was LOWER than it is by volunteering RIGHT NOW.. All the state had to do was to help make it "convenient". NOT to put a perpetual TAX on things that is no longer "REFUNDABLE".

Refunds for bottles and cans in Cali WERE NOT funded by the state or "taxpayers".. They were funded by the money collected at every grocery store FOR THAT ITEM.

They are now probably PAYING those collection agencies for a FRACTION of the stated refund. And it went to "corporate welfare".. The fact you can't figure it out is why there are folks that UNDERSTAND these frauds and can explain them to you and OPPOSE you at the voting booth.,.
You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
Yes, all kinds of places. Several within walking distance of where I live. In fact, many of the street people ride bicycles with trailers and collect the bottles and cans for money to live on. That is in Oregon, cannot speak for other states.

Do you have a state refund on bottles and cans? Are these places state run? Are they losing or making money?

How many grocery shoppers recycle THERE to get the "refund"? As opposed to curbside where you'd be giving away "your refund" to someone else?
You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
Yes, all kinds of places. Several within walking distance of where I live. In fact, many of the street people ride bicycles with trailers and collect the bottles and cans for money to live on. That is in Oregon, cannot speak for other states.

Do you have a state refund on bottles and cans? Are these places state run? Are they losing or making money?

How many grocery shoppers recycle THERE to get the "refund"? As opposed to curbside where you'd be giving away "your refund" to someone else?
They have machines that you put the cans and bottles in, and when you have put them all in, you get a slip you then take to a cashier in the store and get your money. Seems to work quite well.
You guys realize how much trash is in the ghettos on streets and lawns? .25 cents an item. That balances poverty while improving neighborhood's and ones opportunities in life.

Now imagine the coasts and ocean polution.

Do you know ANY PLACE that actually accepts and PAYS the refund? The homeless have to go to the Central recycling center to turn in bottles and cans for cash these days. I have NO IDEA in my Hillbilly Hollywood where ANYBODY gets cash for cans and bottles. We drive to the recyclery and just dump the crap in.. Or blue bag it and GIVE it to the garbage collectors in the driveway.. Those refunds are now taxes -- and are now officially fraud..
Yes, all kinds of places. Several within walking distance of where I live. In fact, many of the street people ride bicycles with trailers and collect the bottles and cans for money to live on. That is in Oregon, cannot speak for other states.

Do you have a state refund on bottles and cans? Are these places state run? Are they losing or making money?

How many grocery shoppers recycle THERE to get the "refund"? As opposed to curbside where you'd be giving away "your refund" to someone else?
They have machines that you put the cans and bottles in, and when you have put them all in, you get a slip you then take to a cashier in the store and get your money. Seems to work quite well.

Sounds pretty expensive. But then again -- you guys have one of the highest "refunds" on bottles and cans in the world.,

So knock your dear selves out. You DO KNOW that if you required garbage companies to open a recycle stream, that people would WILLINGLY just toss it at you WITHOUT adding 10cents to a bottle of soda? AND THEN -- still have the state losing money on the project?

I lost track of what thread had this conversation.

You were right and I was wrong about taxpayer funding of bottle refunds. Mea culpa.
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED (supposedly as a REFUND) bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery that dealt out cash.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..

Refunds for bottles and cans were funded by the state (out of taxpayer dollars) to save it the expense of dealing with it on the ground or in your trash. Recycling operates on an extremely low margin and it is questionable whether it can generate the profits to pay for truck-collection services.

Your viewpoint, FCT, tends to indicate that you don't care if cans and bottles litter your community. I don't think that's true of you - I think you're just too gripped with the idea of following the money. Having a clean community requires people who don't litter and government services that clean up after those who do.
hmm, sounds like a job for all of those who are on welfare and get free money from all of us hard workers who have jobs and sacrifice our time away from family.
One of things in Cali that drove me crazy.. The state TAXED bottles and cans. At FIRST -- they provided a network of recycling stations at most every grocery.. Then -- they closed the stations when the monopoly garbage collections for the cities started to pick up stuff. At FIRST -- it was free -- but YOU didn't get your 0.25 back anymore.. SOMEONE ELSE did.. And FINALLY -- the garbage guys started to CHARGE for recycling. So the state was still getting all that INCOME -- and the people got NOTHING but a bill..

Cali is STILL getting the income. Provides no service. No assurance ANYTHING is happening other than "someone" is getting rich..

Yep, State Of California.INC is getting rich because it is a "for profit" entity and subsidiary of USA.INC. You are a smart guy and I bet you could understand the CAFR (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) that every corporation has to file. See if you can find a copy of it on-line or request it. You would find that though California state is broke, the "State of California.INC is sitting on trillions of dollars in assets. It's scams just like the one you posted about that makes them lots of money.

I bet you could understand the CAFR (Comprehension Annual Financial Report)

Maybe he could explain it to you, because it's obvious you don't know what it means.
Anybody ever put a figure on the cost of the waste plastic in the ocean in terms of damage to biological system?

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