Global Warming "Science" in one video....


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
A better example of how the global warming science is "practiced" would be harder to find...from the the collapse...Enjoy! - Ice Breaker
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He seems to be smarter than the cut and paste warmist drones we have around here.
Sorry you two got so humiliated when you tried to discuss science. Hence this evasion.

Here's a better movie to look for. Not out yet, but it will eventually be available in webcast.

Home Page | Thin Ice

No doubt it will have too many big words for Westy and SSDD, and they'll also be mystified by the lack of politics. Cultists will hate it by definition, being it contradicts the cult.
Sorry you two got so humiliated when you tried to discuss science. Hence this evasion.

Here's a better movie to look for. Not out yet, but it will eventually be available in webcast.

Home Page | Thin Ice

No doubt it will have too many big words for Westy and SSDD, and they'll also be mystified by the lack of politics. Cultists will hate it by definition, being it contradicts the cult.

Anyone who has the least understanding and has read any of the posts in the Environment Section can tell right away who has great difficulty with "big words" and its not West or SSDD
Good of you to admit to your problem.

And okay, SSDD can use big words. Just not correctly. Westwall is pretty hopeless, and can only crank out cult slogans, just like you.
Good of you to admit to your problem.

And okay, SSDD can use big words. Just not correctly. Westwall is pretty hopeless, and can only crank out cult slogans, just like you.

Then why are warmist MSM papers coming over to OUR side? Hmmmmm????

Global warming: time to rein back on doom and gloom?
Climate change scientists acknowledge that the decline in rapid temperature increases is a positive sign

Ice shoals near the Antarctic Circle: researchers say that the news should not reduce efforts to combat climate change Photo: Alamy
By Geoffrey Lean
8:26PM BST 05 Apr 2013

All right, I accept that this Arctic April may seem an incongruous time to address global warming. But there are important, and possibly hopeful, developments in the complex, contentious world of climate science that might finally give us all a sense of spring. For some recent research suggests that climate change might not be as catastrophic as the gloomiest predictions suggest.

The research, moreover, comes at a time when many experts are beginning to despair that warming can be prevented from running out of control. Six weeks ago, for example, Prof Sir Robert Watson – the deeply respected former chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – said he believed the world had now missed its chance to keep the average rise in global temperature to less than 2C – the level at which dangerous effects are thought inevitable. But if the new research is right, it might be held below this ominous threshold after all, if determined worldwide action is taken."

Global warming: time to rein back on doom and gloom? - Telegraph
Ol' Wallyeyes posts garbage, while he calls those that posts informative lectures from the annual American Geophysical Union's conferances cult members. And yet he claims to be a geologist.
Ol' Wallyeyes posts garbage, while he calls those that posts informative lectures from the annual American Geophysical Union's conferances cult members. And yet he claims to be a geologist.

Why are you still posting on the Internet? Do you realize your posts contribute to the melting ice caps?
Ol' Wallyeyes posts garbage, while he calls those that posts informative lectures from the annual American Geophysical Union's conferances cult members. And yet he claims to be a geologist.

The AGU has some very good seminars that I enjoy greatly. The AGW cult crap though is the exception to the rule. They are the defective/criminal/incompetent 10% that exists in any population of people.

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