Global Warming

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Something isn't adding up here. We humans evolved from species that grew out of oxygen starved muck. The biomass of this planet created most of the oxygen on the planet. Now we produce a huge amount of carbon dioxide as a byproduct of our struggle to survive. Nature has its cycles of warming and cooling. If the biomass of the planet millions of years ago changed the balance of gases on the earth, it’s not science fiction to accept billions of humans pumping out hydrocarbons in the last 150 years can affect the environment beyond nature’s cycles.
Global warming is a global scam, perpetrated by the so-called global elite which is then packaged, presented and delivered by their poster boy Al Gore, to sell to all the gullible people around the world.


February 13, 2013
Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked
Thomas Lifson

A peer-reviewed survey of 1077 geoscientists and engineers finds that "only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis," according to James Taylor, writing at As he points out, if there is a scientific consensus at all, it would have to be skepticism toward anthropogenic global warming. Yet President Obama in his State of the Union speech Tuesday cited the now-discredited notion of such a consensus as the foundation of his green agenda.

It is bunk.

... merely 36 percent of respondents fit the "Comply with Kyoto" model. The scientists in this group "express the strong belief that climate change is happening, that it is not a normal cycle of nature, and humans are the main or central cause."

The authors of the survey report, however, note that the overwhelming majority of scientists fall within four other models, each of which is skeptical of alarmist global warming claims.

This is important evidence. The results cannot be ascribed to conservative skeptics (no doubt paid off by men in top hats with bundles of cash) ginning up a biased survey. Not only was it peer reviewed and published in an established journal, Organization Studies, Taylor notes:

One interesting aspect of this new survey is the unmistakably alarmist bent of the survey takers. They frequently use terms such as "denier" to describe scientists who are skeptical of an asserted global warming crisis, and they refer to skeptical scientists as "speaking against climate science" rather than "speaking against asserted climate projections." Accordingly, alarmists will have a hard time arguing the survey is biased or somehow connected to the 'vast right-wing climate denial machine.'

Another interesting aspect of this new survey is that it reports on the beliefs of scientists themselves rather than bureaucrats who often publish alarmist statements without polling their member scientists.

Not only is global warming a fallacy and fraud, it is being sold by President Obama on the basis of a fallacy and fraud.
No, global warming is real and it has been on-going for the last 10000 years. The falacy is that mankind has any control over it.

If history repeats there will be a general warming until the fresh water locked in Arctic and Antarctic glaciers displace enough salt in the water to stop the stream of water that warms the northern atlantic. when that happens we will begin the process of the next iceage.

Cycles upon cycles the world goes 'round.

With the next iceage the population will decrease and it will start all over in another 50000 years.
No, global warming is real and it has been on-going for the last 10000 years. The falacy is that mankind has any control over it.

If history repeats there will be a general warming until the fresh water locked in Arctic and Antarctic glaciers displace enough salt in the water to stop the stream of water that warms the northern atlantic. when that happens we will begin the process of the next iceage.

Cycles upon cycles the world goes 'round.

With the next iceage the population will decrease and it will start all over in another 50000 years.

The following article is for all the gullible people who actually believes and accepts that "Global Warming" is legit. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart

By J.D. Longstreet
Friday, April 19, 2013

We “deniers” have now become “debunkers!” We have known all along—and have not hesitated to tell the world—that global warning was, and remains, the worst hoax ever played on mankind.

Often focused on century-long trends, most climate models failed to predict that the temperature rise would slow, starting around 2000. Scientists are now intent on figuring out the causes and determining whether the respite will be brief or a more lasting phenomenon.

Getting this right is essential for the short and long-term planning of governments and businesses ranging from energy to construction, from agriculture to insurance. Many scientists say they expect a revival of warming in coming years.

Theories for the pause include that deep oceans have taken up more heat with the result that the surface is cooler than expected, that industrial pollution in Asia or clouds are blocking the sun, or that greenhouse gases trap less heat than previously believed.

The change may be a result of an observed decline in heat-trapping water vapor in the high atmosphere, for unknown reasons. It could be a combination of factors or some as yet unknown natural variations, scientists say.”

See what I mean? They’re tying themselves into knots as they attempt to cover their derrières! It is priceless!

Hey! Remember how we were told the Himalayan glaciers were melting and would soon be completely gone? Well, check this: “Some experts say their trust in climate science has declined because of the many uncertainties. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had to correct a 2007 report that exaggerated the pace of melt of the Himalayan glaciers and wrongly said they could all vanish by 2035.”

There are some environmental “experts” trying to figure out why there is now MORE sea ice in winter. Seems to me, I recall them telling us the sea ice was melting, especially at the poles. Turns out not to be correct.

Do you remember how we were told that so-called “superstorm” Sandy was a result of melting arctic ice? Oh yes, we were slammed over and over again with that bit of unfounded wisdom.

In the first place Sandy was NOT a super storm. “Superstorm” was a term made up by Mainstream Media as a scare tactic. The truth is: SANDY WAS NOT EVEN A HURRICANE WHEN IT CAME ASHORE AT ATLANTIC CITY! To be a hurricane a storm must have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour. Sandy was so weak that the storm didn’t have winds high enough to be classified as a hurricane and was therefore only a “tropical cyclone.” Actually, it was LESS than that. It was, in fact, what is known by meteorologists as a “Post Tropical Cyclone.” That’s about as weak as a storm can can get and still be classified as some kind of cyclone.

I know, I know! Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, but thems the facts, Jack!

Remember, there were two other weather systems that combined with what was left of Sandy to create that godawful weather event now dubbed Superstorm Sandy.

Many of us debunkers warned at the time that the “environuts” would use those combined storms as a means to spread fear of non-existent global warming. They did. Oh, how they used it.

Just remember: “Sandy was never a superstorm. There are no superstorms.”

So what was Global Warming all about, anyway? Well, former Czech President Václav Klaus said this: “This ideology preaches earth and nature and under the slogans of their protection – similarly to the old Marxists – wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world”

Global governance. A one world government. To be more precise: A one-world SOCIALIST government.

Let’s face it: The socialist movement is relentless. If you ever wondered where all those communist and socialist went when the old Soviet Union collapsed—look no farther than the environmental movement—the Global Warming crowd.

So now we can expect another campaign to shut up those of us who are, in fact, debunkers. But it won’t work. See, facts are stubborn things. They won’t go away. And most importantly, truth has no agenda. Truth IS—period.
The physics are straight forward and explained here;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Can you explain what that has to do with the Ice Age?

Didn't think so.

Sheesh, because you are bone ignorant does not mean the rest of us are.


How to explain Milankovitch cycles to a hostile Congressman in 30 seconds

Let me start again.

Climate change is real.

Human activity is a factor in climate change through various means.

Now that, once again, I have proven that I know enough about science, and climate change, to understand reality, what the fuck do greenhouse gases have to do with the Ice Age and the reality that there were sheets of ice covering much of the area humans currently inhabit?
You know trouble looms when the Economist changes sides in a debate:

Climate change: A cooling consensus | The Economist

"As all the pieces discussing the warming plateau make perfectly clear, climate scientists are actually pretty baffled about the failure of their predictions. Is it the oceans? Clouds? Volcanoes? The sun? An artifact of temperature data? As a rule, climate scientists were previously very confident that the planet would be warmer than it is by now, and no one knows for sure why it isn’t. This isn’t a crisis for climate science. This is just the way science goes. But it is a crisis for climate-policy advocates who based their arguments on the authority of scientific consensus…."

Strattaford NRO: Wilkinson cites the New Republic’s Nate Cohn’s claim “that the “consensus” never extended to the intricacies of the climate system, just the core belief that additional greenhouse gas emissions would warm the planet” and replies:

"If this is true, then the public has been systematically deceived. As it has been presented to the public, the scientific consensus extended precisely to that which is now seems to be in question: the sensitivity of global temperature to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Indeed, if the consensus had been only that greenhouse gases have some warming effect, there would have been no obvious policy implications at all…. The moralising stridency of so many arguments for cap-and-trade, carbon taxes, and global emissions treaties was founded on the idea that there is a consensus about how much warming there would be if carbon emissions continue on trend."

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