Global Warmistas Wrong Again, East US gets record Cool Summer


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
More Global Warming FAIL!

Temperatures failed to climb past the 60s F from the eastern part of the Dakotas, through Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Monday.
Minneapolis, home of the 2014 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, set a record low maximum temperature of 65 on Monday, breaking the old record of 68 set in 1884.

Autumnlike Chill to Expand From Midwest to South, East

AGW Warmistas were telling us how this was going to be a scorching hot summer due to el nino.

They called it totally 100% WRONG.

The Sun cycle analysts in Russia got it right, once again, we are heading into a cooling period.
Did you miss the "Global" part? Other parts of the Earth may have experienced heat waves (e.g., Australia) that made up for local coolings. Also, last year was pretty warm on the East Coast if I recall.

I think there are many natural climatic cycles overlain on top of each other. The image that stays in my mind is the global retreat of glaciers since they wouldn't be subject to short term cycles.
Did you miss the "Global" part? Other parts of the Earth may have experienced heat waves (e.g., Australia) that made up for local coolings. Also, last year was pretty warm on the East Coast if I recall.

I think there are many natural climatic cycles overlain on top of each other. The image that stays in my mind is the global retreat of glaciers since they wouldn't be subject to short term cycles.

No, an anomaly of this magnitude over such a wide area cant be dismissed as a mere outlier, dude, and you should know that if you have had any statistics courses.

The Warmistas said this should be a very hot summer and we get the opposite.

So what do you call a theory that predicts EVERYTHING?

You call it bullshit.
No, an anomaly of this magnitude over such a wide area cant be dismissed as a mere outlier, dude, and you should know that if you have had any statistics courses.

You apparently had a statistics course and can back up your assertion with numbers. Please share the results of the statistical climate model you ran that says this was not an outlier.
June 2014 was globally either the hottest June ever or the 3rd hottest, depending on how you process the data.

Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies

Jim is pretending to have trouble with the word "global". He can't actually be that stupid, so he's probably deliberately spreading misinformation because he thinks it will earn him brownie points with his cult.
No, an anomaly of this magnitude over such a wide area cant be dismissed as a mere outlier, dude, and you should know that if you have had any statistics courses.

You apparently had a statistics course and can back up your assertion with numbers. Please share the results of the statistical climate model you ran that says this was not an outlier.

lol, do it yourself by simply reading the data...oh, wait you cant because the Warmistas have a'djusted' all the numbers to fit their fucking fraud.
No, an anomaly of this magnitude over such a wide area cant be dismissed as a mere outlier, dude, and you should know that if you have had any statistics courses.

You apparently had a statistics course and can back up your assertion with numbers. Please share the results of the statistical climate model you ran that says this was not an outlier.

lol, do it yourself by simply reading the data...oh, wait you cant because the Warmistas have a'djusted' all the numbers to fit their fucking fraud.

Dam conspirators. They're probably the same ones secretly using blowtorches on glaciers around the world.
You apparently had a statistics course and can back up your assertion with numbers. Please share the results of the statistical climate model you ran that says this was not an outlier.

lol, do it yourself by simply reading the data...oh, wait you cant because the Warmistas have a'djusted' all the numbers to fit their fucking fraud.

Dam conspirators. They're probably the same ones secretly using blowtorches on glaciers around the world.

lol, more fubared data

Glaciers Growing in Tibet

According to the authors, Shuang Yi and Wenke Sun, the “remarkable positive signal (+30 Gt/yr)” … “is challenging to explain.” This growth “almost completely offsets loss of 35Gt/yr elsewhere in the region.”

The authors further reveal that a 5-year cycle found in other Asian high mountain glacier mass “can be explained by the influence of Arctic Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation.”

Wow, so we have cycles over-riding the so-called crisis build up of

Global warming mystery: Why are some glaciers growing? - The Week

" And as the world gets warmer, most glaciers are shrinking and melting, causing sea levels to rise about 0.04 millimeters per year on average. "

Lol, these 'scientists' want to cripple entire industries over the fear of a rising tide of less than one tenth of a millimeter per year? Wow, the data set only goes back to the early 1800s and leaves open plenty of room for cyclic change and any number of other causes.

But the Warmistas have to have change NOW or we will all die by 2007, oh, waith by 2027 now that we went past 2007. roflmao

The forceast accuracy alone shows that nothing should be done till more reliable data and modeling is accomplished

I Love CO2: Ice caps and glaciers growing around the world, penguins looking for warmth!

Ice caps and glaciers growing around the world, penguins looking for warmth!

30 years later, Arctic and Antarctic ice has actually increased, and is growing at fastest rate in recorded history.

Next time you see the news reports of "catastrophic" ice loss at the poles, try to remember you're watching a ratings-oriented entertainment program driven by hysteria and propaganda. Ditto for the Greenpeace rallies chock full of 'climate change' propaganda to secure their funding. Ditto for Al Gore's un-scientific Star Trek film, now proven to be bursting with junk science. Now, check the facts for yourself. Why do we continue to hear the scare stories about Antarctic ice vanishing when it is, in fact, breaking records for ice growth? Well, it's simple. Your local media outlet always shows you seemingly amazing images of massive melting and chunks of ice breaking away -- but always neglect to mention that it is normal, and happens every single year during the spring/summer melt. Oh, and it's been happening since forever began, by the way.

Be aware when they show the "before" and "after" pictures on your 6 o'clock news. The "before" pictures are always from the winter season and the "after" are summer images. So, to properly educate you, take a look at actual images of ice concentrations from the same time of year in comparison, spread out over three decades. Not only is the interior growing but so is the sea ice. Sea ice levels are higher now than when satellite records began.

And U Colorado pulled the graphic, *Chortle*
When discussing glaciers, one should look at the data compiled by the USGS.

USGS Report Series Fact Sheet 2005?3056: Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World

Most mountain glaciers worldwide have been retreating since the late 1800s (at the end of the “Little Ice Age”), and global sea level has risen about 30 centimeters since then. Glaciers vary in size in response to changes in global and regional climates (such as warmer summers). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) studies the complex links among glacier variation, climate change, and global sea level.

Sea-level changes, especially in densely populated, low-lying coastal areas and on islands, have significant effects on human activities and facilities. The present volume of the Earth’s glacier ice, if totally melted, represents about 80 meters in potential sea-level rise. About 200 meters is the range of sea-level changes that can be caused by water being frozen in glaciers during an ice age (glacial stage) or melted during an interglacial stage. For example, during the last glacial maximum (LGM), about 21,000 years ago, sea level is estimated to have been 125 meters lower than it is today. During a warmer climatic interval in the last interglacial stage, about 125,000 years ago, sea level was about 6 meters higher than it is today; during an even warmer interval about 2.2 million years ago, sea level is estimated to have been 25 to 50 meters higher.

Arguements from scientific websites would be more convincing than those from theology-based websites.

A changing global climate would be expected to affect local climates, in some cases increasing precipitation. Again it is the global climate that is being discussed.

Lol, what makes one site a 'scientific' website as opposed to another if not the willingness of the nonscientific site's willingness to buck the scientific industry's establishment?

No, I prefer to get ALL the angles, and not just the establishment approved thought, thank you.
. The present volume of the Earth’s glacier ice, if totally melted, represents about 80 meters in potential sea-level rise.

That would include Antarctica melting, and Antarctic ice is growing, not melting.

The globe has been warming since we left the Little Ice Age in the early 1800's no doubt, except maybe the cycle has peaked in the last 15 years and maybe starting to return to a cold period.

We don't know, but I would bet the house that AGW is not causing it at all.
Did you miss the "Global" part? Other parts of the Earth may have experienced heat waves (e.g., Australia) that made up for local coolings. Also, last year was pretty warm on the East Coast if I recall.

I think there are many natural climatic cycles overlain on top of each other. The image that stays in my mind is the global retreat of glaciers since they wouldn't be subject to short term cycles.

No, an anomaly of this magnitude over such a wide area cant be dismissed as a mere outlier, dude, and you should know that if you have had any statistics courses.

The Warmistas said this should be a very hot summer and we get the opposite.

So what do you call a theory that predicts EVERYTHING?

You call it bullshit.

Less than 2% of the globe!
More Global Warming FAIL!

Temperatures failed to climb past the 60s F from the eastern part of the Dakotas, through Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Monday.
Minneapolis, home of the 2014 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, set a record low maximum temperature of 65 on Monday, breaking the old record of 68 set in 1884.
Autumnlike Chill to Expand From Midwest to South, East

AGW Warmistas were telling us how this was going to be a scorching hot summer due to el nino.

They called it totally 100% WRONG.

The Sun cycle analysts in Russia got it right, once again, we are heading into a cooling period.

Right so in your view, weather=climate.

It's Warmer = Manmade Global Warming

It's Cooler =
Denier!!! or
Climate Disruption or
it's Local not Global, or
Ah ha! Just as predicted by the AGWCult Models

Our top story tonight, the number of experiments showing how a 120PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature and lowers ocean pH is still zero!!

Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow
Lol, what makes one site a 'scientific' website as opposed to another if not the willingness of the nonscientific site's willingness to buck the scientific industry's establishment?

No, I prefer to get ALL the angles, and not just the establishment approved thought, thank you.

There are rules that science follows. Data must be published and peer-reviewed.
Lol, what makes one site a 'scientific' website as opposed to another if not the willingness of the nonscientific site's willingness to buck the scientific industry's establishment?

No, I prefer to get ALL the angles, and not just the establishment approved thought, thank you.

There are rules that science follows. Data must be published and peer-reviewed.


Follow the wheel...round and round...we're peer reviewing manmade global warming climate change climate disruption

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