"Glory to Ukraine - Russia's shit": The new Ukrainian 'Church' scandal


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The new scandal with new founded Ukrainian 'Church'. Now in the Dnipropetrovsk region. A local priest of the Epiphany Church called those who go to the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church ("to the separatist priests") "crap. He justified his insults to the believers by saying that he "cares about Ukraine. And he ended his speech with the words "Glory to Ukraine - shit to Russia.

Ukrainians as nation are poor educated envious mob who can only insult and curse.
Can you imagine a such 'priest' somewhere outside of Ukraine?

Watch the video on the link



Russians have had to put up with a lot of crap given the fact that their leaders have a history of using and abusing the Russian people. Hopefully one day the people will tell their Russian oligarchs to fuck off. Tzars, politburo and oligarchs - same shit, different day.


Russians have had to put up with a lot of crap given the fact that their leaders have a history of using and abusing the Russian people. Hopefully one day the people will tell their Russian oligarchs to fuck off. Tzars, politburo and oligarchs - same shit, different day.


Why do you not care about 'human rights' in Muslim countries, Africa, Asia etc. , only Putin is the biggest villain?
Because Russia has anything it needs to live without western 'advises'
How many oligarchs in USA? I guess a hundred times more as in Russia.
Where is your outrage?
Go to CA and see crime, feces, homeless, pees, drug addicted and another 'fruits' of democracy at any corner.
Where is something equal in Russia.

Russia goes its way of life, therefore the West hates it so much!





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