GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico ^

Posted on Friday, August 06, 2010 8:03:30 AM by Todd Kinsey

It's just one hypocrisy after another from Barack Obama. The president sold the taxpayer bailout of General Motors by telling us that it was needed to save jobs. Obviously it doesn't mean American jobs because Government Motors has decided to spend half a billion, taxpayer dollars, to build a new plant in Mexico.

GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico
As I understand it, GM is investing the money in an existing plant to produce an new engine and vehicle and wil create 390 new jobs. Another $215 million will be invested into the current production line and keep the 400 workers there now employed.

Hey he is creating jobs in America. Just think of the Mexicans this will keep south of the border!
As I understand it, GM is investing the money in an existing plant to produce an new engine and vehicle and wil create 390 new jobs. Another $215 million will be invested into the current production line and keep the 400 workers there now employed.

Hey he is creating jobs in America. Just think of the Mexicans this will keep south of the border!

lol All these years of NAFTA sending our jobs down there and they still keep coming. Somehow I think this plant will have little effect. :)
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico ^

Posted on Friday, August 06, 2010 8:03:30 AM by Todd Kinsey

It's just one hypocrisy after another from Barack Obama. The president sold the taxpayer bailout of General Motors by telling us that it was needed to save jobs. Obviously it doesn't mean American jobs because Government Motors has decided to spend half a billion, taxpayer dollars, to build a new plant in Mexico.

GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico

That's where OUR stimulus money went. And Dodge sent there pick-up truck division down there too.

American Cars .............NO

Latin American Cars .....YES
Anyone who buys a GM product hates America.

If you want to support Americans, buy a Hyundai, a Kia, or a Toyota. They're much better cars, and much less expensive.
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico ^

Posted on Friday, August 06, 2010 8:03:30 AM by Todd Kinsey

It's just one hypocrisy after another from Barack Obama. The president sold the taxpayer bailout of General Motors by telling us that it was needed to save jobs. Obviously it doesn't mean American jobs because Government Motors has decided to spend half a billion, taxpayer dollars, to build a new plant in Mexico.

GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico

Okay, I'm convinced.

Take them out and behead the thankless fucking bastards!


That phase has got to be the world's most mendacious misnomer.
serves all the motherfuckers who voted for asswipe right. they got what they deserved at our expense. Remember in NOvember.

The United Auto Workers have an opinion on this?
They ought to, they are a major shareholder in the new GM.
I don't think any comedian could make this up and tell the joke with a straight face. Of course, I'd like a more reliable source before committing fully to an opinion, but let's just say for shits and giggles that this is true:

1. The Government bails out the failing auto industry by buying out GM in order to stimulate the economy, save jobs and preserve a very important industry.
2. In order to sell the People's Car, er, I mean, Volkswagen, uh, I mean Government Motors...well, you know....the Government outsources its plants to Mexico as a strategic cost-savings initiative.
3. This could actually reduce the tide of illegal immigrants from 1,000,000 to 999,925; and free up 50 to 60 more jobs for gardeners, carpenters and housekeepers. Our college graduates won't have to apply for unemployment or be forced to join the military.
4. Meantime, Mexico will probably convince us that the place to have the plant is Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's largest and most industrialized border city; and we'll probably have to pay out a $1 million contract to hire a Blackwater-type security firm to protect the GM workers in the crime infested city which will result in increased taxes to support this cost-saving initiative.

Now that's change you can believe in!
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico
GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico ^

Posted on Friday, August 06, 2010 8:03:30 AM by Todd Kinsey

It's just one hypocrisy after another from Barack Obama. The president sold the taxpayer bailout of General Motors by telling us that it was needed to save jobs. Obviously it doesn't mean American jobs because Government Motors has decided to spend half a billion, taxpayer dollars, to build a new plant in Mexico.

GM to build $500 million plant in Mexico

I was with it until the author got to bashing the Volt, where he was VERY DISINGENIOUS:
(1) The Volt is not a golf cart. Its a pretty nice looking car (See Below). It will drive and feel like a regular car and get the same speed and horse power. His assessment is partisan at best.
(2) 500%? Where did you get that number dickhead? That would mean 200 miles, yet the Leaf will get 100 miles! But that is 40 miles electric and 360 on gas. to equal 400 miles. I think the slanderous author meant to say that the Volt gets 400% more mileage!
(3) Why would some one want the Volt over the Leaf. First, looks do mean something. The Leaf looks like crap, but the Volt stilll looks like a pretty cool car. Second, the Leaf is fully electric with 100 mile range. The Volt get 40 miles on ELECTRICITY, but after that it gets 360 more miles on a GAS ENGINE. The Volt combines gas and electric to go much further. Lower price doesn't always mean it wins the competition. See the BMW or Mercedes vs the Yugo!
(4) Who will want it? Apparently A LOT of people. They are well over booked on presales from their entire 2010-2011 production, causing them to up production. Many of these people that put down deposits will get their deposits refunded. If you wanted to buy a Volt in 2011, then would have had to put in a presale a while ago!
(5) Demand brought the electric car back!!! When gas prices hit over $4! People where begging for an alternative. Oil prices are only going to go up! When gas exceed $5 a gallon, people will be glad that the car comes brought out the first generation of electric cars while gas was relatively low, therefore the electric car will be perfected, when gas prices spike! It started with the success of the Prius. The hyprid (which I remember Partisan knocking big time) became a best seller to the tune that 1 million have been sold!

Then there’s GM rolling out their $41,000.00 golf cart, the Chevy Volt. If this company wasn't owned by the government, there is no way that they would launch a new car that only has a 40 mile range. Who is going to buy the Volt when they can buy a Nissan Leaf that has 500% more range, and costs $10,000.00 less? And it gets better; the American taxpayer is going to subsidize every purchase of this horrendous excuse of an automobile to the tune of $7,500.00 per car.


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