GO Army

It is said in the US Army that a West pointer never ever loses their sense of Military bearing while in Uniform. This is not always the case.

Many years ago as a Young Corporal I worked at a Aviation Unit head quarters, One day a group of warrant officers (pilots) were sittting around BSing, One started an old joke.

In the US NAvy we have USS or United States Ship.

In the British Navy they have the HMS or Her Majesties Ship.

In the Italian Navy they have AMB or........

At this point the Operations Officer; a West Pointer and a Captain Poked his head into the room and , with hand motions proclaimed.......

The flyboys live well, if you ever mentioned the word martini in a naval club you would get a dumb stare and then a beer with some gin in it. Maybe a pickled onion for the olive.

If they did not throw you out.

Got thrown out of an Air Force O club for doing "carrier quals"...:lol::lol::lol:

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