Go Fund Me took the Canadian truckers money and will be giving it to their approved charities.

So, 10% of cross-border truckers are dictating what ALL Canadian truckers that did the right thing, do?

Sounds like the US repuliscum party.

Oh' wait it is.

January 27 2022
A crowd-funded convoy, ostensibly fighting against a mandate for truckers to be vaccinated, has raised over $6 million dollars. Its two GoFundMe organizers are previously known figures in Canada’s far-right ecosystem and have publicly made Islamophobic comments. Its loudest promoter, Pat King, is a racist who has tried to incite his audience to violence more times than you can count.

Some convoy supporters, like the Diagolon network, are even saying that they want this to be Canada’s very own January 6th, referring to the attempted insurrection in Washington, DC that led to multiple deaths and widespread arrests. Diagolon is an accelerationist movement, which means they believe a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current system. It’s also rife with neo-Nazis.

Tamara Lich and B.J. Dichter, neither of whom are truck drivers, are currently listed as the organizers of the GoFundMe page. Dichter was a late addition, only added this week.

Scrutiny of the convoy has increased, which according to the Canadian Press, briefly resulted in the crowdsourcing website freezing donations. Shortly thereafter, one-time Conservative Party of Canada candidate, People’s Party of Canada booster, and co-founder of the podcast network Possibly Correct, Benjamin “BJ” Dichter appeared as a co-organizer on the GoFundMe page.

Likely laughing all the way to the bank..........................SUCKERS.
Punch them back twice as hard. Message going out. Make them pay:

Do not use the gofundme.com refund form.
Issue a charge-back/open a dispute with your bank, this way,
gofundme will have to pay 15USD, or more, for each charge-back
request, plus the refund value.
So, 10% of cross-border truckers are dictating what ALL Canadian truckers that did the right thing, do?

Sounds like the US repuliscum party.

Oh' wait it is.

January 27 2022
A crowd-funded convoy, ostensibly fighting against a mandate for truckers to be vaccinated, has raised over $6 million dollars. Its two GoFundMe organizers are previously known figures in Canada’s far-right ecosystem and have publicly made Islamophobic comments. Its loudest promoter, Pat King, is a racist who has tried to incite his audience to violence more times than you can count.

Some convoy supporters, like the Diagolon network, are even saying that they want this to be Canada’s very own January 6th, referring to the attempted insurrection in Washington, DC that led to multiple deaths and widespread arrests. Diagolon is an accelerationist movement, which means they believe a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current system. It’s also rife with neo-Nazis.

Tamara Lich and B.J. Dichter, neither of whom are truck drivers, are currently listed as the organizers of the GoFundMe page. Dichter was a late addition, only added this week.

Scrutiny of the convoy has increased, which according to the Canadian Press, briefly resulted in the crowdsourcing website freezing donations. Shortly thereafter, one-time Conservative Party of Canada candidate, People’s Party of Canada booster, and co-founder of the podcast network Possibly Correct, Benjamin “BJ” Dichter appeared as a co-organizer on the GoFundMe page.

Likely laughing all the way to the bank..........................SUCKERS.

You all are losing so hard.

It's glorious

Some protesters have been accused of harassing people at a homeless shelter, desecrating war memorials and monuments, waving racist flags and swastikas, snarling traffic, and obstructing a US–Canadian border crossing. The movement has forced businesses and vaccine clinics to close due to the outpouring of maskless demonstrators.

Earlier this week, GoFundMe froze the rapidly growing campaign, which had raised more than $7 million, to review how the money was being used.

"Organizers provided a clear distribution plan for the initial $1M that was released earlier this week and confirmed funds would be used only for participants who traveled to Ottawa to participate in a peaceful protest," GoFundMe said. "Given how this situation has evolved, no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers."

In a rare move, instead of dealing with refunds, GoFundMe said it would work with organizers to send all remaining funds to "credible and established" charities chosen by Freedom Convoy 2022 organizers that are verified by the fundraising platform.

In other words, gofundme stole that 9 mil. Antifa and blm had bricks delivered, were harassing people, knowing it would be blamed on the truckers. My bet is Trudeau has his stinky hands all over this gfm situation.

All lies...


Nobody stole anything...
Bet BLM will get a chunk of it.

This is an outrage, too. People sent money to support what the truckers are trying to convey, but now even THAT is beind used for theft. Those who donated CHOSE to give to the truckers to help with food, gas, and unemployment since they cannot work while TRYING to fight for rights. I hope they sue GFM for theft.

I could be wrong but I don't think GFM can legally do this unless they wrote something into the fine print. I mean, what a sweet scam if you offer a service to collect money to go to various causes, then decide after they've collected millions or whatever, that you changed your mind and are reneging on your end of the contract on arbitrary grounds and instead are just going to keep the money and use it for yourself! Because that is what GFM is doing here, they are misappropriating the money towards what THEY see fit to use it for after making a promise of delivery!

The time to refuse service would have been at the ONSET, when they opened the GFM account for the reasons therein. I mean, it really is NONE of their business what you are creating the fund for, so long as it isn't obviously criminal or illegal in intent.

At this point if GFM wants to back out now, I think worst they should be able to do would be to simply refund the donations back to whomever originally gave them. What this is really about is GFM seeing the increasing polarization of the trucking issue and now afraid that all the woke assholes who oppose the truck movement will go all cancel culture on THEIR asses!
So, 10% of cross-border truckers are dictating what ALL Canadian truckers that did the right thing, do?

Sounds like the US repuliscum party.

Oh' wait it is.

January 27 2022
A crowd-funded convoy, ostensibly fighting against a mandate for truckers to be vaccinated, has raised over $6 million dollars. Its two GoFundMe organizers are previously known figures in Canada’s far-right ecosystem and have publicly made Islamophobic comments. Its loudest promoter, Pat King, is a racist who has tried to incite his audience to violence more times than you can count.

Some convoy supporters, like the Diagolon network, are even saying that they want this to be Canada’s very own January 6th, referring to the attempted insurrection in Washington, DC that led to multiple deaths and widespread arrests. Diagolon is an accelerationist movement, which means they believe a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current system. It’s also rife with neo-Nazis.

Tamara Lich and B.J. Dichter, neither of whom are truck drivers, are currently listed as the organizers of the GoFundMe page. Dichter was a late addition, only added this week.

Scrutiny of the convoy has increased, which according to the Canadian Press, briefly resulted in the crowdsourcing website freezing donations. Shortly thereafter, one-time Conservative Party of Canada candidate, People’s Party of Canada booster, and co-founder of the podcast network Possibly Correct, Benjamin “BJ” Dichter appeared as a co-organizer on the GoFundMe page.

Likely laughing all the way to the bank..........................SUCKERS.
Really pisses you Leftards that blue collar workers are standing up against the establishment
Really pisses you Leftards that blue collar workers are standing up against the establishment
No, it pisses me off that 10% of truckers that cross the border are making 90% Canadians, look like US republitards.

Here's an idea that republiscum will hate.

I you don't want the vaccine, fine, stay in Canada.
You can't cross the border, because YOU made YOUR decision?

Cry me a river.
Bet BLM will get a chunk of it.

This is an outrage, too. People sent money to support what the truckers are trying to convey, but now even THAT is beind used for theft. Those who donated CHOSE to give to the truckers to help with food, gas, and unemployment since they cannot work while TRYING to fight for rights. I hope they sue GFM for theft.

This should not just be a matter of a civil tort.

This is fraud and theft. Criminal charges need to be brought.
GoFundMe could be permanently put out of business if people who donated demanded a chargeback. Credit card companies usually refund purchases with no questions asked, and every chargeback would cost GoFundMe $28.
No, it pisses me off that 10% of truckers that cross the border are making 90% Canadians, look like US republitards.

Here's an idea that republiscum will hate.

I you don't want the vaccine, fine, stay in Canada.
You can't cross the border, because YOU made YOUR decision?

Cry me a river.
Ah. So it’s good to oppress all minority groups, they just have to shutup and take it.
I expected such.
Bet BLM will get a chunk of it.

This is an outrage, too. People sent money to support what the truckers are trying to convey, but now even THAT is beind used for theft. Those who donated CHOSE to give to the truckers to help with food, gas, and unemployment since they cannot work while TRYING to fight for rights. I hope they sue GFM for theft.

Can they sue the convoy people if the funds were not used for food, gas, and unemployment?

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