Go Joe!

The damage to the West has already been done. MSS agents deserve a raise for these successes. To convince people to hurt their own nation and interests requires a special level of understanding the selfish greed of Western politicians and the lack of success of federal agencies to prevent them from doing so.

So successful in fact, to the point of having media and educational institutions on board. Nation states, the U.N, the whole works. To this day a generation or two of young people believe the world is going to end any day now due to climate change. Some even voting on this issue!

Not to worry, China will manufacture the solar panels and EVs for us, so relax young jedi and let old China take care of you. Brilliant.

We should envy how well they hurt the West. Thousands of years of history and they are able to flip the world in 35 short years after the moment America became the sole super power. A dominant success beyond their wildest dreams.
The green fallacy failed, miserably like we told them it would
I think Joe is working against Kamala.... He's suddenly popping up and making public appearances. Oddly this works against her. He might actually be trying to help Trump win.
Can't say I blame him.

People remember when they lose a refrigerator full of over priced food because the power went out.... again....
Actually they don’t.

That happened often in Texas...and the idiots there re-elected the party that was responsible.

Oh wait, let me guess....it was the Democrats who haven’t won state wide since the 90’s who were responsible.

my bad.
Actually they don’t.

That happened often in Texas...and the idiots there re-elected the party that was responsible.

Oh wait, let me guess....it was the Democrats who haven’t won state wide since the 90’s who were responsible.

my bad.
Texas foolishly bought into the Green scheme and carelessly shut down too many of their coal fired plants too early.

The laws of physics will bury the green movement.
The world will eventually experience very cheap electricity from fusion reactors.
Not even remotely true. C'mon man..at least try.
There are 13 coal plants currently operating in Texas. Since 2012, seven other have fully decommissioned, and another four plants are set to retire some or all of their units before 2030, according to data from the Energy Information Agency.Oct 16, 2023
There are 13 coal plants currently operating in Texas. Since 2012, seven other have fully decommissioned, and another four plants are set to retire some or all of their units before 2030, according to data from the Energy Information Agency.Oct 16, 2023

Meanwhile the governor of the state--brick red buffoon Gregory Abbott said the following about the massive power outages:

You'll notice there is nothing about blaming windmills or solar. Natural gas.
Meanwhile the governor of the state--brick red buffoon Gregory Abbott said the following about the massive power outages:

You'll notice there is nothing about blaming windmills or solar. Natural gas.
Lack of redundancy was the culprit... There's plenty of natural gas and there's plenty of coal.
If Texas was going to transition they didn't plan well.
Lack of redundancy was the culprit... There's plenty of natural gas and there's plenty of coal.
If Texas was going to transition they didn't plan well.
So now it's not "green energy" now its a lack of redundancy.

Rolling blackouts for a mild freeze in Texas is a way of life. It was so cold that Ted Cruz almost had to catch a connecting flight to Cancun.

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