“Go to hell, Senator, it’s time for you to take your final dirt nap”

I'll wait to see if this confirmed by another source that is legitimate..

the Hufferpost has been known to make up shit AND LIE

Maybe the following link, which is contained in the Huffington Post article, will help confirm...

The email Harris sent includes a forwarded item from the blog Bare Naked Islam that castigates McCain for defending “Islamic enemies of America” and attacking U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota Republican and tea party favorite. The blog piece ends by saying, “Go to hell, Senator, it’s time for you to take your final dirt nap.”

Tea party leader says all Muslims a ‘threat’ to U.S.; seeks recall of McCain - Arizona Capitol Times

LOL, the Arizona Capitol times...another HUFFERPOST
you find them all

Yeah, right...

The Arizona Capitol Times is a non-partisan, weekly newspaper covering state politics and government published every Friday in Phoenix, Arizona.

Arizona Capitol Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesus...four years ago he was their party's nominee for the highest office in the land. Oh well. Have fun decimating the Republican Party, Teabaggers!

You don't get it. The Tea Party is cleaning up the republican party. It has been the Tea Party that has defeated you, not republicans per se. The republican party is growing stronger while your party is growing weaker because of the rotten corrupt rabid leftists who hijacked your party. Expect more this fall. Dumb ass.
Nothing new.

Posted on USMB 10-10-2008:

I consider myself to be right leaning, and John McCain turns my stomach.

While I wouldn't go quite that far, suffice it to say John McCain wasn't my first choice (or my second). I think I echo the sentiments of many Republicans when I say I'm not so much voting for John McCain as I am voting against Barack Obama.

Which pretty well sums up my 2000 and 2004 vote as well.



(Paulitics is AKA Paulie)
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Amusing to watch the looney lefties defend a loser like John McCain. The left is more confused than a termite in a yo yo.

How could anyone defend this crazy beast?
Nothing new.

Posted on USMB 10-10-2008:

I consider myself to be right leaning, and John McCain turns my stomach.

While I wouldn't go quite that far, suffice it to say John McCain wasn't my first choice (or my second). I think I echo the sentiments of many Republicans when I say I'm not so much voting for John McCain as I am voting against Barack Obama.

Which pretty well sums up my 2000 and 2004 vote as well.



(Paulitics is AKA Paulie)

The better picture of MB has a big corn-dog, going in and out of her mouth. Just sayin' . . .

I believe USMB rules may prohibit the posting, of attractive Michelle, putting her stupid gob, to good use, last year. But where has she been with that yapper, since?
Jesus...four years ago he was their party's nominee for the highest office in the land. Oh well. Have fun decimating the Republican Party, Teabaggers!

Yeah, I do....I also remember when Lieberman was running as a vice president with Gore. Times do change, don't they.
Other than when it comes to Arabs and Persians, Joe L. is a pretty Liberal Senator.

So what's your point?
Mark Levin has been railing against McCain, as well.
Mark LEVin is a sissy.

That may be, but he's got a huge nationwide forum, and he likely has a damn site more influence than Wes Harris has. However, admittedly, Levin hasn't used the term, 'dirt nap,' which is obviously a euphemism for death.

Which begs the question as to why Harris used the phrase, FINAL death nap.
Because he's a dope?

LEVin isn't the least bit influential. Nobody with any sense at all takes him seriously, and all his listeners are already lost causes. He's not going to change anyone's mind who is undecided, with his juvenile name-calling.

And he's constantly wrong about the Constitution, to boot.
Mark LEVin is a sissy.

That may be, but he's got a huge nationwide forum, and he likely has a damn site more influence than Wes Harris has. However, admittedly, Levin hasn't used the term, 'dirt nap,' which is obviously a euphemism for death.

Which begs the question as to why Harris used the phrase, FINAL death nap.
Because he's a dope?

LEVin isn't the least bit influential. Nobody with any sense at all takes him seriously, and all his listeners are already lost causes. He's not going to change anyone's mind who is undecided, with his juvenile name-calling.

And he's constantly wrong about the Constitution, to boot.

And Bachmann can't defend herself against a pair of pantyhose; McCain shows his decency, yet again.
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?" Joseph Nye Welch, the Army's chief counsel

There is a reason McCarthyism has become a synonym for false and ridiculous accusations. It is so interesting that the right today is so much like the right in the past. McCarthyism lives on in the hearts of the narrow minded and those who need a scapegoat in order to feel justified or superior. Insecure people are scary, McCarthy was a drunken paranoid, what's Bachmann's excuse?

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