GObP doesn't know what they want?

A "law" that several groups have waivers for. Gee, what a just "law" that must be.

Its a social program that we have no money for. But, rabid shitbag liberals like yourself don't care that there is no way to fund this "law". You just want us to borrow another trillion dollars, regardless of the consequences of driving our national debt even higher.

But, asshats like you don't give a damn about $17 trillion of debt. You can't even admit that the GOP/Tea Party won HUGE in the House last election, and that they represent at least half the country.

Nah, in the last election it was shown that wingnut dickheads such as yourself as actually a minority. Unfortunately, a minority that has managed to hold power to one house of Congress.

Not to worry, though. Your Teahad heroes did a great job of creating lots of safe seats for the nutbags to keep being nutbags.

The entire House is up for election every two years. How can a minority possibly hold a majority of the House? The last election showed that the country is pretty much divided 50/50.

No, you're really a minority. More people voted nationwide for Democrats than Republicans.

But hey, they picked up a lot of seats in a year ending in zero, so....
Nah, in the last election it was shown that wingnut dickheads such as yourself as actually a minority. Unfortunately, a minority that has managed to hold power to one house of Congress.

Not to worry, though. Your Teahad heroes did a great job of creating lots of safe seats for the nutbags to keep being nutbags.

The entire House is up for election every two years. How can a minority possibly hold a majority of the House? The last election showed that the country is pretty much divided 50/50.

No, you're really a minority. More people voted nationwide for Democrats than Republicans.

But hey, they picked up a lot of seats in a year ending in zero, so....

No, actually, they elected more Republicans than Democrats. Feel free to count them. It's close to 50/50 but the Republicans won more seats in National elections in 2012. However, since the big seat was up for grabs and that went to the Ds, there seems to be some who confusingly thing more went to them.

But don't let simple math get in the way.
If the gop were not the minority, Obamacare would have been repealed, or at the least the repeal would have been vetoed.

The election of Scott Mitchell from THE most dimocraptic State in the Union -- The People's Republic of Taxacussets, was a direct result of the people in that State... THE most liberal in all the land... To stop obamacare.

After the ACA was passed, what do you think the 2010 mid-terms were about?

Seriously? You think people suddenly changed their minds on abortion? You think people all over the Country wanted more free stuff?

The WORST ASS-KICKING in electoral history happened because people did NOT want the ACA.

People don't want the ACA and Republicans are only asking for the piece of fucking shit in the White House to give the INDIVIDUAL the same break he gave his buddies in Big Business...... A one year delay.

Or did you not know that the Stuttering Clusterfuck delayed the Employer Mandate by a year?

Probably not.

I don't know why I bother. Sometimes I forget.... I mean, dimocraps often make noises like they're human but then, in the final analysis, they're really not.

They're mindless lemmings
If the gop were not the minority, Obamacare would have been repealed, or at the least the repeal would have been vetoed.

How exactly? Even if the Republicans had both Houses of Congress, (Something they don't need to be a majority), even if they had both, they wouldn't have a supermajority because the nation is split near 50/50. The GOP majority is very small. They would need a supermajority to get past the fillibuster. They would need and even greater supremajority to override a veto.

Doesn't change the fact that the people never wanted Obamacare. Doesn't change the fact that it's been more and more unpopular as aspects of it have been implimented. Nor does it change the fact that the House was elected specifically to repeal it so it doesn't go into effect.

Why on earth is our government making people suffer to protect a law that both parties say doesnt work?

The only answer is Pride.
The entire House is up for election every two years. How can a minority possibly hold a majority of the House? The last election showed that the country is pretty much divided 50/50.

No, you're really a minority. More people voted nationwide for Democrats than Republicans.

But hey, they picked up a lot of seats in a year ending in zero, so....

No, actually, they elected more Republicans than Democrats. Feel free to count them. It's close to 50/50 but the Republicans won more seats in National elections in 2012. However, since the big seat was up for grabs and that went to the Ds, there seems to be some who confusingly thing more went to them.

But don't let simple math get in the way.

Let's not forget the imprisonable offense committed by obama in unleashing the incredible power of the IRS on Conservative Groups.

He did. And we all know it.

Had he not ordered the shutdown of dozens of Groups who only wanted their voices to be heard, like the Constitution allows for...... No -- DEMANDS.... Things might have been different.

Look what we did in 2010. That wasn't an accident.

But obama took the IRS off its leash and turned them on THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Something which, if it's ever proven, he should be imprisoned for the rest of his life for.

And I think he did it

obama = Ten times worse than Nixon.
If the gop were not the minority, Obamacare would have been repealed, or at the least the repeal would have been vetoed.

How exactly? Even if the Republicans had both Houses of Congress, (Something they don't need to be a majority), even if they had both, they wouldn't have a supermajority because the nation is split near 50/50. The GOP majority is very small. They would need a supermajority to get past the fillibuster. They would need and even greater supremajority to override a veto.

Doesn't change the fact that the people never wanted Obamacare. Doesn't change the fact that it's been more and more unpopular as aspects of it have been implimented. Nor does it change the fact that the House was elected specifically to repeal it so it doesn't go into effect.

Why on earth is our government making people suffer to protect a law that both parties say doesnt work?

The only answer is Pride.

More people either support the law or disapprove because it deosn't go far enough in the direction of single-payer than agree wtih the conservative view of it. That's why they've gone ahead with it.

You're a minority.
The entire House is up for election every two years. How can a minority possibly hold a majority of the House? The last election showed that the country is pretty much divided 50/50.

No, you're really a minority. More people voted nationwide for Democrats than Republicans.

But hey, they picked up a lot of seats in a year ending in zero, so....

No, actually, they elected more Republicans than Democrats. Feel free to count them. It's close to 50/50 but the Republicans won more seats in National elections in 2012. However, since the big seat was up for grabs and that went to the Ds, there seems to be some who confusingly thing more went to them.

But don't let simple math get in the way.

More people voted nationwide for Dems, including House elections. Despite having control of one house of Congress, you're a minority.
If the gop were not the minority, Obamacare would have been repealed, or at the least the repeal would have been vetoed.

How exactly? Even if the Republicans had both Houses of Congress, (Something they don't need to be a majority), even if they had both, they wouldn't have a supermajority because the nation is split near 50/50. The GOP majority is very small. They would need a supermajority to get past the fillibuster. They would need and even greater supremajority to override a veto.

Doesn't change the fact that the people never wanted Obamacare. Doesn't change the fact that it's been more and more unpopular as aspects of it have been implimented. Nor does it change the fact that the House was elected specifically to repeal it so it doesn't go into effect.

Why on earth is our government making people suffer to protect a law that both parties say doesnt work?

The only answer is Pride.

More people either support the law or disapprove because it deosn't go far enough in the direction of single-payer than agree wtih the conservative view of it. That's why they've gone ahead with it.

You're a minority.

that is not true, most americans do not want the law, only 11% say it doesn't go far enough
How exactly? Even if the Republicans had both Houses of Congress, (Something they don't need to be a majority), even if they had both, they wouldn't have a supermajority because the nation is split near 50/50. The GOP majority is very small. They would need a supermajority to get past the fillibuster. They would need and even greater supremajority to override a veto.

Doesn't change the fact that the people never wanted Obamacare. Doesn't change the fact that it's been more and more unpopular as aspects of it have been implimented. Nor does it change the fact that the House was elected specifically to repeal it so it doesn't go into effect.

Why on earth is our government making people suffer to protect a law that both parties say doesnt work?

The only answer is Pride.

More people either support the law or disapprove because it deosn't go far enough in the direction of single-payer than agree wtih the conservative view of it. That's why they've gone ahead with it.

You're a minority.

that is not true, most americans do not want the law, only 11% say it doesn't go far enough

And where does that 11% figure come from?
And back to the OP...

“We’re not going to be disrespected,” said Congressman Stutzman during an interview with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. “We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

Just what do Cons on here think of what the Teahadi Congresscritter had to say?

Is it just about the hurt fee fees of teabaggers in Congress?
God bless Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) for at least being honest. “We’re not going to be disrespected,” he told the Washington Examiner. “We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

Nobody knows what the House Republicans’ goal might be at this point. So far, they have managed to shut down the government and maintain enough unity in their ranks to prevent an open revolt by moderates. They also succeeded in getting Democrats to agree to fund the government at sharply reduced “sequester” levels, but for some reason they renounced this victory.

The list of what Republicans haven’t been able to do is considerably longer.

Most galling for them — and most beneficial for the country — is that they failed to defund or delay Obamacare. The health insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act are up and running, despite technical glitches. People across the country are buying coverage for themselves and their families. This fight is over, people. Republicans lost.

Eugene Robinson: John Boehner's turn to give in - The Washington Post
“I told you, I can’t give you that,” he said. “Also, that’s not even negotiating.”

“You’re refusing to talk,” I said.

“I’m talking a mile a minute. Negotiating is when you give up something to get part of what you want. Your idea of negotiating is to insist on getting everything you asked for in the first place, and then ask for more on top of it. ”

“Also I want your car and I want sex with your wife,” I said. "I'm glad I just remembered to ask for that."

“I told you, I’m not negotiating,” he said.

So that’s when I pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. I don’t know why everybody turned against me over this – the cops, and the prosecutor and the jury and the judge and everybody. I know they’re really on my side. I have it on good authority. I have good friends who told me. Besides, like I said, the guy was asking for it.

Why I shot the guy in the head

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