God Bless America - moving the world forward

So lets say just as a theory of conspiracy. Bradley Manning, a traitor to the United States, got tits installed into his chest, is on extreme hormone therapy, has grown his hair long, and then does another crime, leaving some of his DNA behind. Now will they be looking for a man, or a woman, in said event? I can see a whole lot of trouble , with the insanity of gender reassignments and trannies, let alone mentally ill fudge packers who love Muslim dick up their butts.

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Treasonous cross-dressing faggots like Manning are heroes to people like Tammy.
You men people with a different lifestyle and world view to yourself.They obey the laws and pay their taxes. Therefore they should have the same level of "dignity and respect" as everyone else.

Anything else is unfair.
"A different lifestyle" isn't genetic science, you fucking buffoon.

The way you use language to dehumanise people has its roots in the worlds murky past. I suspect that you have a limited vocabulary but it doesnt really excuse your lack of humanity.

Now tell us how one persons choice of which box to tick affects you personally.

My government should not be making idiotic concessions to mentally-ill people. There are only two genders: Male and female. Anyone who believes otherwise, should seek psychiatric treatment.

The US is not the first but is surely the most significant country to offer this option to people. As observed in the article it is about "dignity and respect" and the US is now leading the world in that respect.

My feeling is that there is no going back from this. From time to time I have been critical of US policy so now I must give credit where it is due. Well done all.
sooooo you would have no problem with someone identifying as a different race ? for example a white man that identifies as a black man or woman ?
sooooo you would have no problem with someone identifying as a different race ? for example a white man that identifies as a black man or woman ?

Or for that matter, an under-nourished bulemic or anorexic woman who looks in the mirror, self-identifies as being "fat", and continues to starve herself to death. Someone who identifies as the opposite sex is every bit as mentally ill.
You men people with a different lifestyle and world view to yourself.They obey the laws and pay their taxes. Therefore they should have the same level of "dignity and respect" as everyone else.

Anything else is unfair.
It's also unfair to force their delusional reality on the rest of us. This is and remains an untreated mental disorder known for decades as gender dysphoria. It is literally mental illness. Ignoring it is irresponsible.
So to sum up none of you is affected by this. Its just a case of your feelings being hurt. And of course you want society to organise itself around your hurt feelings.
Thats a bit selfish and Un American isnt it ?
So to sum up none of you is affected by this. Its just a case of your feelings being hurt. And of course you want society to organise itself around your hurt feelings.
Thats a bit selfish and Un American isnt it ?
It does not hurt my feelings one bit if you want to call yourself a woman.

This is really about your feelings. It's YOUR ass that is hurt because I will not recognize you as a woman.

It is your feelings getting hurt because I correctly diagnose you with gender dysphoria, which is a mental health disorder.

This entire crock of cocksucking bullshit is about hurt feelings of those dudes who think they're women.
Here we are in the 21st century and lefties can't figure out what DNA means. You can whack 'em and tack 'em, grow long hair, cut your hair, dress in a dress or dress like a cowboy but it doesn't change your DNA.

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