God Damned George Bush and His Golfing!!!

Trying to blame the left on this one is just silly, it's like India trip, glen beck, it's going to cost 2 billion dollars, then hanity, 20 billion, by the end of the day it was up too 200 billion. None of the above was true. Also th golf thing is played out. Obama takes less vacation days than bush, Reagan, and bush jr. So the grid lock has been here for a long time. The republicans have said our only goal is to make Obama a 1 term prez. So they kept the Econ bad hoping that would work, it didn't. Sorry to say if the Republican Party is going to compete on the national stage, they need to change and stop playing the blame game. They still don't get it, cpac is inviting Sara palin, mittens, Rick perry, you know who they are leaving out? The most popular republican of all Chris christy, just proves they don't get it, so yes warrior please talk about golf and how it's all Obama fault and stay walled in to that bubble, I will live out here in the real world and watch the liberals keep winning,cheers.

On a. Side note, from your pic you look a little sweet.
I mean - seriously. Our men/women are dying in one of his gazzililion "Illegal" wars and he's out golfing/vacationing??? What a Chickenhawk Warmongering Draftdodger...

Senator: Obama's Golf Weekend With Tiger Cost As Much As 341 Federal Workers Furloughed | The Weekly Standard

Hey but seriously asswipe. This is all you got to complain about? Get a life.
And this is the kind of shit that you think will get a rethug elected next president.
Or maybe Mitch the Bitch and Boner can bring about impeachment proceedings for playing golf. Bet that would get you excited eh? Sure it will dude. Go for it. Impeach the Pres for playing golf.

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