God's Team The Dallas Cowboys

I grew up around Washington DC and will always be a Redskins fan. I fear for the future as the Snyder curse continues to drag down the once mighty Skins and it looks like the Cowgirls have the pieces for a Super Bowl run. Snyder must be God's punishment for all the evil in DC.
I will pray to our lord to remove this evil curse from your wretched soul. I am so glad that you came here today to reveal your curse. I hope that it encourages others to reveal theirs, hopefully freeing themselves from their suffering.
Namaste Brother Mike.
DEMONS LEAVE THIS CHILD!!!!...IN Jesus name we pray.
Every year is a great year for the fans of the Dallas Cowboys because our lord Jesus Christ has blessed the world with their presence. It's almost April and the draft is coming Cowboy fans. Who do YOU see God's Team picking up in this years draft?
Additionally....Washington Foreskin fans are banned. If you are a Foreskin Fan I will contact the mods because you are are curse upon mankind.
What a crock of sh!t.

Everyone knows there is a Raiders flag flying at God's house.
Every year is a great year for the fans of the Dallas Cowboys because our lord Jesus Christ has blessed the world with their presence. It's almost April and the draft is coming Cowboy fans. Who do YOU see God's Team picking up in this years draft?
Additionally....Washington Foreskin fans are banned. If you are a Foreskin Fan I will contact the mods because you are are curse upon mankind.
What a crock of sh!t.

Everyone knows there is a Raiders flag flying at God's house.

That wasn't by choice. That was a home invasion.


You're shittin me right? What God are you worshiping? Beelzebub?


Is this a football game or parolee dress up time?
I grew up around Washington DC and will always be a Redskins fan. I fear for the future as the Snyder curse continues to drag down the once mighty Skins and it looks like the Cowgirls have the pieces for a Super Bowl run. Snyder must be God's punishment for all the evil in DC.

Snyder doesn't need a curse, he can screw up a team without help.
Since God is perfect any team He blessed would also be perfect. Therefore it is obvious that God has blessed only one team in all of professional football history. That team included such players as Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, Jim Kiick, Paul Warfield, Nick Bouniconti, and Garo Yepremian. And when the 1972 football season ended, God looked at the team he created and saw that it was good. And then God rested from the work he had made in creating the perfect team, the Miami Dolphins.

NY checkin' in: Squish them fish!

Carrol was a decent CB for the Iggles. Hit that 30 mark recently...we shall see.
Welcome to God's Team!...Wooooooooooooooo!
My favorite Cowboys game last year.......

Yeap...it was a great game...the Boys just made too many mistakes. That pass by Rodgers in the 4Q...Jesus! Like an arrow to me heart! Oh well.

I really enjoyed the losing part.....

:lol: I bet you did. God tests us though. He tests our patience and our trust in his word and his team...The Fudge Pack...they just get tested for AIDS.

Oh I know all about being tested being a Texans fans...:texflag:
My favorite Cowboys game last year.......

Yeap...it was a great game...the Boys just made too many mistakes. That pass by Rodgers in the 4Q...Jesus! Like an arrow to me heart! Oh well.

I really enjoyed the losing part.....

:lol: I bet you did. God tests us though. He tests our patience and our trust in his word and his team...The Fudge Pack...they just get tested for AIDS.

Oh I know all about being tested being a Texans fans...:texflag:

Oh! Wow...the other cola. You know what though. You guys have built a nice little program down there. You just need a GD QB! Your QB is about fer shit. If JJ comes back next season as strong you guys are gonna have a monster line with Clowney and Watt. You dudes need a QB baaad. I can tell you from personal experience B. Weeden is the worst excuse for a QB ever.
My favorite Cowboys game last year.......

Yeap...it was a great game...the Boys just made too many mistakes. That pass by Rodgers in the 4Q...Jesus! Like an arrow to me heart! Oh well.

I really enjoyed the losing part.....

:lol: I bet you did. God tests us though. He tests our patience and our trust in his word and his team...The Fudge Pack...they just get tested for AIDS.

Oh I know all about being tested being a Texans fans...:texflag:

Oh! Wow...the other cola. You know what though. You guys have built a nice little program down there. You just need a GD QB! Your QB is about fer shit. If JJ comes back next season as strong you guys are gonna have a monster line with Clowney and Watt. You dudes need a QB baaad. I can tell you from personal experience B. Weeden is the worst excuse for a QB ever.

Hell,we may end up with Romo as a short term solution.
Not sure how I feel about it honestly....kinda makes me feel dirty and in need of a shower.

We know all about Weeden...unfortunately.

The Texans D should hold onto the #1 ranking next year and should actually improve.
Yeap...it was a great game...the Boys just made too many mistakes. That pass by Rodgers in the 4Q...Jesus! Like an arrow to me heart! Oh well.

I really enjoyed the losing part.....
:lol: I bet you did. God tests us though. He tests our patience and our trust in his word and his team...The Fudge Pack...they just get tested for AIDS.

Oh I know all about being tested being a Texans fans...:texflag:
Oh! Wow...the other cola. You know what though. You guys have built a nice little program down there. You just need a GD QB! Your QB is about fer shit. If JJ comes back next season as strong you guys are gonna have a monster line with Clowney and Watt. You dudes need a QB baaad. I can tell you from personal experience B. Weeden is the worst excuse for a QB ever.

Hell,we may end up with Romo as a short term solution.
Not sure how I feel about it honestly....kinda makes me feel dirty and in need of a shower.

We know all about Weeden...unfortunately.

The Texans D should hold onto the #1 ranking next year and should actually improve.

Yeah Weeden is terrible dude...My old lady kicked me out of the house two years ago because I got so pissed off at Weeden (and Jerry Jones for signing him) that I cracked the remote throwing it. That SOB couldn't hit water from a boat.
The question on Mr. Glass a.k.a Tony Romo is how good is your O-Line? You fart on old boy and he breaks a scapula.
Additionally though...he will win for ya. He will. Believe you me that dude can sling that pigskin and contrary to popular belief he is not AS mistake prone as he used to be. The LAST time we lost to the GD Packers in the playoffs he had a great year. He is just brittle...damn.
I really enjoyed the losing part.....
:lol: I bet you did. God tests us though. He tests our patience and our trust in his word and his team...The Fudge Pack...they just get tested for AIDS.

Oh I know all about being tested being a Texans fans...:texflag:
Oh! Wow...the other cola. You know what though. You guys have built a nice little program down there. You just need a GD QB! Your QB is about fer shit. If JJ comes back next season as strong you guys are gonna have a monster line with Clowney and Watt. You dudes need a QB baaad. I can tell you from personal experience B. Weeden is the worst excuse for a QB ever.

Hell,we may end up with Romo as a short term solution.
Not sure how I feel about it honestly....kinda makes me feel dirty and in need of a shower.

We know all about Weeden...unfortunately.

The Texans D should hold onto the #1 ranking next year and should actually improve.

Yeah Weeden is terrible dude...My old lady kicked me out of the house two years ago because I got so pissed off at Weeden (and Jerry Jones for signing him) that I cracked the remote throwing it. That SOB couldn't hit water from a boat.
The question on Mr. Glass a.k.a Tony Romo is how good is your O-Line? You fart on old boy and he breaks a scapula.
Additionally though...he will win for ya. He will. Believe you me that dude can sling that pigskin and contrary to popular belief he is not AS mistake prone as he used to be. The LAST time we lost to the GD Packers in the playoffs he had a great year. He is just brittle...damn.

My fears exactly.
Our O-line is a little weak at L tackle which is the worst place to be weak with a brittle QB.
Hopefully they will address the issue this offseason.
My favorite play involved a Miami Dolphins' game. It was back in the 70s and I can't remember who they were playing. With the clock winding down, the Dolphins were leading by 13 points and looked like sure winners. Then, with just a few minutes to go the other team scored cutting the lead to 6. The Dolphins got the ensuing kickoff at their 20 and on each down were driven back. Their third down attempt left them inside their own 5-yard line.

As the team left the field for the punting unit, Don Shula waived them back forcing them to play the fourth down. The sports announcers went crazy. They couldn't believe what they were seeing and they lambasted Shula for punishing the team for their poor performance. On fourth down Griese went back into the end zone and was tackled for a safety. Once again the announcers tore into Shula.

Something funny happened, though. When Griese came over to the sidelines both he and Shula were smiling. It was all planned! Since the Dolphins were leading by 6, the other team had to score a touchdown to tie; a field goal would have done them no good. After scoring 2 points for the safety they trailed by 4 points and still needed a touchdown to avoid defeat. By giving their opponents 2 points that made no difference, the Dolphins got a free kick from their 20 yard line instead of having to punt from deep within their end zone. It was brilliant. They had everyone fooled. When the announcers finally figured out what happened they praised Shula for his strategy. The Dolphins held on to win the game.
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My favorite play involved a Miami Dolphins' game. It was back in the 70s and I can't remember who they were playing. With the clock winding down, the Dolphins were leading by 13 points and looked like sure winners. Then, with just a few minutes to go the other team scored cutting the lead to 6. The Dolphins got the ensuing kickoff at their 20 and on each down were driven back. Their third down attempt left them inside their own 5-yard line.

As the team left the field for the punting unit, Don Shula waived them back forcing them to play the fourth down. The sports announcers went crazy. They couldn't believe what they were seeing and they lambasted Shula for punishing the team for their poor performance. On fourth down Griese went back into the end zone and was tackled for a safety. Once again the announcers tore into Shula.

Something funny happened, though. When Griese came over to the sidelines both he and Shula were smiling. It was all planned! Since the Dolphins were leading by 6, the other team had to score a touchdown to tie; a field goal would have done them no good. After scoring 2 points for the safety they trailed by four points and still needed a touchdown to avoid defeat. By giving their opponents 2 points that made no difference, the Dolphins got a free kick from their 20 yard line instead of having to punt from deep within their end zone. It was brilliant. They had everyone fooled. When the announcers finally figured out what happened they praised Shula for his strategy. The Dolphins held on to win the game.
Shula is a legend.
The Cowboys? Didn't they lose to the Packers? Who were then steamrolled by Atlanta? lol

If you genuinely believe that God favors one NFL team over another, you are delusional.

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