Goebbels Warming Moonbat: “Bar-Code Everyone at Birth”


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
And they wonder why fewer and fewer people are taking them seriously....

(Elizebeth) Moon, who has published essays warning of the dire effects of global warming and even made catastrophic global warming part of the background to her novels, made the stunning revelation in a BBC Radio programme on possible futures. Asked for her vision for the future of humanity, Moon stunned and “terrified” the other guests with this vision:

If I were empress of the Universe I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached – a barcode if you will; an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals.

It would be imprinted on everyone at birth. Point the scanner at someone and there it is.

Global Warming Author Says “Bar-Code Everyone at Birth”. | hauntingthelibrary
She's a science fiction author. She's not a scientist, or an "expert" in anything.

Who the fuck cares what she thinks?

Seriously, guys. What the fuck does she have to do with "Global Warming"?
More like a marxist in the USSR.

I hope what ever is happening occurs fast and define to end debate.
1# It warms 1c+ by 2040.
2# It cools or doesn't warm at all.

We should know one way or another within the next 10 years. As NO warming or a cooling trend would=A huge win for skeptics. Same for the warmers with a more defined warming trend.
What we have are people that think they can ridicule reality into nonexistance. They will grab anybody that makes statements like this, whether in fiction or earnest, and claim that they are someone that is taken seriously by the scientific community.

It is the 'skeptic' people that give credance to people like 'not a lord' Monkton, and undegreed ex-tv weathermen.

It is places like this, real peer reviewed articles from real scientists;

AGW Observer

You can also go the the AGU Convention videos for the last 3 years on google, and see what the scientiests that are members of the AGU are seeing
And I thought this thread was about Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels.


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