Gohmert: Funds already appropriated for border wall,Its GOING TO HAPPEN

I love it when a plan comes together!

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was optimistic about the prospects of President-elect Donald Trump being able to follow through with his campaign promises of a border wall.

Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy that there has been money already appropriated for the wall and that he was excited about the prospects of Trump “actually following the law.”

“It’s amazing what you can get Congress to do when you lead and push them in the right direction,” Gohmert said. “And actually, you know, we had appropriated money during the Bush administration that didn’t get spent for the wall. So, yeah, it’s going to be great to have somebody that’s actually following the law.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Yep, more debt is fine when NaziCons are in power.


Alright, I'll bite.

Be specific. What do you mean?

I love it when a plan comes together!

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was optimistic about the prospects of President-elect Donald Trump being able to follow through with his campaign promises of a border wall.

Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy that there has been money already appropriated for the wall and that he was excited about the prospects of Trump “actually following the law.”

“It’s amazing what you can get Congress to do when you lead and push them in the right direction,” Gohmert said. “And actually, you know, we had appropriated money during the Bush administration that didn’t get spent for the wall. So, yeah, it’s going to be great to have somebody that’s actually following the law.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Yep, more debt is fine when NaziCons are in power.

Squaw Pussy never bothers to read how he will do it...typical low IQ'd subversive!
I love it when a plan comes together!

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was optimistic about the prospects of President-elect Donald Trump being able to follow through with his campaign promises of a border wall.

Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy that there has been money already appropriated for the wall and that he was excited about the prospects of Trump “actually following the law.”

“It’s amazing what you can get Congress to do when you lead and push them in the right direction,” Gohmert said. “And actually, you know, we had appropriated money during the Bush administration that didn’t get spent for the wall. So, yeah, it’s going to be great to have somebody that’s actually following the law.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Yep, more debt is fine when NaziCons are in power.

No more debt. If Mexico refuses to pay its fair share, then a surcharge on the $24 billion a month in money transfers from the US to Mexico will cover the costs.
I love it when a plan comes together!

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was optimistic about the prospects of President-elect Donald Trump being able to follow through with his campaign promises of a border wall.

Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy that there has been money already appropriated for the wall and that he was excited about the prospects of Trump “actually following the law.”

“It’s amazing what you can get Congress to do when you lead and push them in the right direction,” Gohmert said. “And actually, you know, we had appropriated money during the Bush administration that didn’t get spent for the wall. So, yeah, it’s going to be great to have somebody that’s actually following the law.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Yep, more debt is fine when NaziCons are in power.

Squaw Pussy never bothers to read how he will do it...typical low IQ'd subversive!
LMAO! Squaw Pussy. ROFL!
I look forward to hearing NaziCons spin the exploding national debt in four years.
I have known Louis (as Crazy Louie, among his associates) for about 20 years.

The money was appropriated, a decade ago. It is long gone.

Louie lies.

Get used to it.
It seems that Gohmert is also something of an expert on animal husbandry. Here’s his theory: The caribou very much enjoy the warmth the pipeline radiates. “So when they want to go on a date, they invite each other to head over to the pipeline,” he informed his colleagues. It’s apparently the equivalent of being wined and dined. And that has resulted in a tenfold caribou population boom, he concluded.

I look forward to hearing NaziCons spin the exploding national debt in four years.

You can hit me up to discuss your bullshit when you have a chance. it seems like maybe details will get in the way of your bullshit, so I was going to help you with that.


Obama ran up a $10 trillion debt in 8 years, let's see if Trump does better...
I love it when a plan comes together!

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was optimistic about the prospects of President-elect Donald Trump being able to follow through with his campaign promises of a border wall.

Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy that there has been money already appropriated for the wall and that he was excited about the prospects of Trump “actually following the law.”

“It’s amazing what you can get Congress to do when you lead and push them in the right direction,” Gohmert said. “And actually, you know, we had appropriated money during the Bush administration that didn’t get spent for the wall. So, yeah, it’s going to be great to have somebody that’s actually following the law.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

laughs in illegal.jpg
So if it does nothing, you libtards get a giant public works project, so whats the hostility to it?

Oh and you said obamacare was good, trump would lose, democrats would take the house

So you record of predictions is complete shit
The wall would be a national shame. A symbol that would replace the Statue of Liberty, the complete opposite of it. It would cost hundreds of billions of dollars to build, maintain, and patrol; and it won't do a thing to stop people seeking to come here. It's a lazy way of addressing a symptom, so that nobody has to care about the disease.

Obamacare is good (despite complete Republican sabotage), we were right that a majority of Americans would reject Trump than vote for him, and nobody was saying that Democrats would take the house.
Right now we are borderless on the southern border, something has to change. Obama care was fully let through by the Republican GOP.
It is good thing it's no longer mandatory to have Obamacare…:dance:

How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
What passed was not even close to what Democrats wanted. It was a compromise with the GOP, that the GOP then spent years trying to repeal and sabotage. Many republican run states refused to cooperate with it's implementation in order to turn up the pain on their residents for political gain.

He didnt work with Republicans at all. He wanted single payer, ie medicare for everyone. No thanks.
He wanted lots of things. Republicans made it clear from before he was even sworn in they would sabotage all of it, country be damned.

That was after the democrats rammed.obamacare down our throat with no hearings, even pelosi admitted she had no clue what was in it. You cant run a govt.like.that and it has fucked the democrats since
The pubs control just about everything now.

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