Thinking that Americans aren't suitable to own and run companies for American's, otherwise in which seems to be the inference in this gold card deal or idea being touted, (IMO), is not an acceptable way of thinking when it comes to the American first agenda.
Having the idea that foreigners can come in this country if they purchase a 5 million dollar green card, and this in order to spur business, and to create job's for Americans etc, is not an America first agenda IMHO.
Why ???
People coming here from other countries, and then being given special treatment or deals after they do some kind of business deal with our government, and yet without Americans having a say (vote) in this type of thing or activity should be unacceptable to most Americans.
We as American citizen's have experienced a wide range of abuses under foreigners either as individuals or owners of companies operating in this country. This is because of them not having a loyalty or belief system that is assimilated or has some sort of an idea on how to be an empathetic compassionate, fair minded, and yet well balanced business owner that has been exposed to the American value system in ways that working Americans can then agree to having such a person or person's to operate as their boss.
I'm skeptical all due to the owner's not having the same ideology, beliefs, standards, and values that Americans hold dear here, and this is usually where the abuses go under the radar when American workers are worked by foreigners without some sort of civil guarantees or check system that ensures compliance.
Take the call center's being used off shore for example, otherwise that have been used by our business owner's, and think about how much trouble and disrespect we as Americans have had dealing with that situation (if not but just having a super hard time understanding them).
I know people who work for foreign business owners here in America, and the stories they tell are not good one's.
What say you all ?
I'm sure there are some good one's in many cases, but flooding this nation with foreign money and business owner's for whom Americans would have to rely on or go too for their livelihoods, ummm sounds about as bad as the open borders that took place under Biden along with the abuses Americans were experiencing with that situation. Money just makes it a cleaner abuse.
We shouldn't be flooding our country with people who don't share our beliefs, our values, and our standards or traditions, especially as business owners that Americans end up relying on.
Like Trump said - If we don't have a border we don't have a country.
Now put your word's where your heart is Trump, and stop looking at everything as a business DEAL when you are talking about an American first agenda...
Don't get distracted Trump, and focus on America first.
This is not a dig at Trump, because I believe this Idea is being pushed by one of his cabinet officials.
Americans don't want hand outs, and we don't want to be showered with gifts to the point of becoming dependent, and we sure as hell don't want a country flooded with wealthy foreigners that end up controlling the means of our prosperity as Americans.