Good analysis of attack on WTC in 1993, same hate hoax team including "Osama"

I was in the show FBI files, as a lawyer for the attackers of the towers. All my 10 seconds of fame. I was the guy on the far left.

Here is the pattern

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
WTC 1993

Always a Zionist Fascist hate hoax false flag attack designed to convince America to go to war against Israel's neighbors....
Have no doubts that this is the correct narrative .

One should also question whether people like these actually are in prison and whether they ever were there, other than perhaps for a nominal period at the beginning -- and that this was and remains a common practise .

The prison system can be readily monitored in terms of inmates and their top line details .Repeatedly it has been shown that individuals supposedly serving long term sentences simply cannot be traced within the system .
Charles Manson was a classic example .
It is a very easy proposition to bring back an apparently convicted person for a day every so often for supposed in situ shots and fake interviews / narrative updates .The Sheeple love this and then everything is automatically "seen "is as it is supposed to be in Noddy Land .

My only slight and small quibble is the term chosen to label the architects of all of this . We need to obviously accept that the leg work comes from the CIA and FBI . But this is the Khazarian Mafia at work and we need this terminology to show the Normies and Sheeple that this is not conspiracy thinking that has run riot and that , even worse, is also extreme antisemitism BUT rather something fundamentally evil which uses Judaism as the cloak to allow it to operate without almost any detection , let alone criticism .
We are the time of the Big Reveal , to quote somebody else , and as the true narratives emerge we need to marshal facts and terminology as accurately as possible to help the Sheeple navigate in areas which initially will seem fantastic to them and almost beyond their belief .
One should also question whether people like these actually are in prison and whether they ever were there, other than perhaps for a nominal period at the beginning


I think many, like the "Joker" shooter in Colorado, are frauds who live in Israel....

Is Epstein really dead?

Sad truth, we do not know, that is how corrupt our "leaders" are....
Bill Clinton was more interested in downplaying the event. He called it a "stupid act by stupid people_. While the phrase accurately describes his own attack on Waco, the first attempt on the WTC was a serious act by serious terrorists and the same gang went on to flight school in Florida on Clinton's watch.
the first attempt on the WTC was a serious act by serious terrorists and the same gang went on to flight school in Florida on Clinton's watch.

Indeed, those who did the act are the "terrorists," and those who endlessly lie here to cover that up to start ever more wars in the Middle East over more hate hoaxed false flagged lies ....

are indeed traitors.

Will Jesus float down from the clouds if we wax all Muslims in the ME and give that land to Israel?

Edesraleon was telling us to "get over it" meaning the USS Liberty. Israel and LBJ deliberately tried to murder 300 US Naval Personnel and hate hoax it to Egypt.

"Get over it"

The SUB is a stupid useless worthless treasonous sub human devoid of a molecule of patriotism to America, and has wrecked the GOP by believing every single lie told by Fox and Jew fraud of Christian preacher.

Tell us, genius, on 911, what was the relationship between Taliban and Iran....
Thanks for revealing yourself as nothing more than a little anti-Semitic conspiracy loon.


Still cheering when Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ?
I knocked over a bottle of milk this morning. I knew it was a Jewish plot. One of their space lasers, probably.
How they have the energy to persecute me, when they're also busy changing the weather to make it rain all the time ... I don't know.
Just like when they rigged the speed camera to show I was going six miles over the speed limit.
Diabolical! Now they're pretending to have mass demonstrations against their own government!!!

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