"Good" Friday??

I used to have to eat disgusting fried fish patties in school because of good Friday. It's a stupid tradition that means nothing. There are way more important teachings in the Bible than this nonsense.
The good comes from the fact that on that day, we exchanged places with Christ. When He died in our sin, God was able to look at us and see the righteousness of Christ. Satan was defeated on Good Friday.
Halleluiah. What a gift!
Ok, so Jesus dies on Friday and is in the ground for 3 days and raises on Sunday.

How does that work? :confused:
The good comes from the fact that on that day, we exchanged places with Christ. When He died in our sin, God was able to look at us and see the righteousness of Christ. Satan was defeated on Good Friday.
Halleluiah. What a gift!

The crucifixion just seems so horrific that it's strange how "they" came up with the term "Good Friday"

It really is an oxymoron. As a mom I can't even imagine what Mary went through. Christ was beaten so badly you could hardly tell it was a human hanging there. What agony He endured.
But what joy they all had on the third day. :)
The good comes from the fact that on that day, we exchanged places with Christ. When He died in our sin, God was able to look at us and see the righteousness of Christ. Satan was defeated on Good Friday.
Halleluiah. What a gift!

Didn't take long before the toilet was flushed .
Got any more spurious garbage ?
And get a job . You will come to self harm if you sit around all day making up silly nonsense .
Where do people come up with this crap of someone else dying for your sins? it is truly a pagan belief no where found in Judaism, which Christianity claim to derive from.

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Jesus, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the evangelists, Jesus was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, Jesus' circumcision constituted "mutilation" (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to "castration" (Galatians 5:12). As a result, Jesus would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

he New Testament's claim that Jesus' death was "one sacrifice for sin for all time" (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called "a blood atonement sacrifice."
Where do people come up with this crap of someone else dying for your sins? it is truly a pagan belief no where found in Judaism, which Christianity claim to derive from.

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Jesus, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the evangelists, Jesus was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, Jesus' circumcision constituted "mutilation" (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to "castration" (Galatians 5:12). As a result, Jesus would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

he New Testament's claim that Jesus' death was "one sacrifice for sin for all time" (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called "a blood atonement sacrifice."

In addition the concept of original sin is NOWHERE found in Judaism, so if their is No original sin as xtains call it what did the godman Jesus die for?

Jews do not believe in the doctrine of original sin. This is a Christian belief based on Paul's statement, "Therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12). The doctrine was fully developed by the church father, Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

According to this doctrine, hereditary sinfulness is inescapably transmitted to human beings by their parents, starting with Adam and Eve. It is alleged that only acceptance of Jesus as savior from sin can redeem a person from sin. All those who do not accept Jesus as their savior from sin are condemned to eternal suffering in hell.

Whether man is a sinner by nature or not is immaterial. Judaism teaches the biblical way to repentance and reconciliation with God. Sincere repentance in which the sinner pledges to rectify his sinful ways and lead a righteous life is one means that is open at all times to all of humanity (Jonah 3:5-10, Daniel 4:27). God counsels Cain, "Why are you annoyed, and why has your countenance fallen? If you do good [that is, change your ways], will it not be lifted up [that is, you will be forgiven]. But if you do not do good, sin rests at the door; and it desires you, but you may rule over it" (Genesis 4:6-7).
People believe what they want to believe.

there is no rational accounting for faith.

but the question was asked "Why call it Good Friday?"

Irish Ram answered that question clearly according to his faith.

It isn't at all hard to understand that logic, even if you think his faith is senseless
(I'm going to have to change my name. I'm a her with the attitude of a ram.)

The New Testament's claim that Jesus' death was "one sacrifice for sin for all time" (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures.

Nor does it need to be. Animal blood was not pure blood and could not remove sin. It was a temporary coverup of sin, not a permanent removal. Christ's pure blood removes sin permanently. They are no more. And if they no longer exist, we can't be judged in accordance to them.

What happens to Hebrew sin when there are no animals to sacrifice, and no house to sacrifice them at?
What happened when no pure red heifers could be found?
Where are the Jews sacrificing lambs at this passover?

The Jews will accept Christ as their Messiah upon His return, and He will stay with them for eternity, because while they were in sin, He died for them.

Didn't take long before the toilet was flushed .
Got any more spurious garbage ?
And get a job . You will come to self harm if you sit around all day making up silly nonsense .

Don't need a job. I took God at His word and tested Him on His tithing challenge, and retired. The only 'job' I have had is my co-mission with Christ to spread the Word.
Turns out I can't buy a piece of property that someone doesn't come along and offer me seven times what I paid for it. Oy vey!
Now it's the gas company. They seem to think that they have to have my mineral rights and want to give me lots of money and royalties and free gas and stuff. So thanks for the concern, but God has me covered.

Maybe you should get a job. You may come to self harm if you sit around all day listening to the fulfilled promises of God. Your heart may soften........ ;)
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Where do people come up with this crap of someone else dying for your sins? it is truly a pagan belief no where found in Judaism, which Christianity claim to derive from.

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Jesus, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the evangelists, Jesus was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, Jesus' circumcision constituted "mutilation" (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to "castration" (Galatians 5:12). As a result, Jesus would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

he New Testament's claim that Jesus' death was "one sacrifice for sin for all time" (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called "a blood atonement sacrifice."

I do believe that the Book of Isiah qualifies as "Hebrew Scripture", does it not?!

God's servant would die for our sins

Bible prophecy: Isaiah 53:4-6
Prophecy written: Between 701-681 BC
Prophecy fulfilled: About 31 AD

In Isaiah 53:4-6, prophet described a servant as being punished for the sins of others, and that others would be healed by the wounds of this person.

Isaiah 53:4-6:

4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

How about the book of Zechariah as a "Hebrew Scripture"??

Zechariah foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus

Bible prophecy: Zechariah 12:10
Prophecy written: Between 520 and 518 BC
Prophecy fulfilled: About 31 AD

In the Old Testament book of Zechariah, chapter 12, the Bible said that there would be a time when people in Jerusalem would lament over the one who was "pierced," as one mourns for the loss of a first-born son. (First-born sons were often viewed as the main inheritors of a family's legacy)
Zechariah 12:10:

"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

The Talmud, which offers Judaism-related commentary about various Old Testament passages, makes a very Christian-like assessment of the prophecy found in the book of Zechariah:

"What is the cause of the mourning (Zechariah 12:10)? It is well according to him who explains that the cause is the slaying of Messiah, the son of Joseph, as it is written, 'And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son.'" -Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 52a.

Read more:
Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' crucifixion
Ok, so Jesus dies on Friday and is in the ground for 3 days and raises on Sunday.

How does that work? :confused:
In Jewish time, the day begins with the onset of night (the appearance of the stars) followed by the morning (which technically begins with the appearance of the North Star). According to some Jewish teachers, night and morning begin with sunset and sunrise respectively. For that is how the Torah describes it: “And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.”
Jewish Time

As for the OP: Christians think it's a good day because a Jew [Christ Killer] was killed :eusa_whistle:

re: "He said He would rise on the 3rd day. Not *after 3 days*"

Actually, Matthew 27:63 and Mark 8:31 say "after three days".
The good comes from the fact that on that day, we exchanged places with Christ. When He died in our sin, God was able to look at us and see the righteousness of Christ. Satan was defeated on Good Friday.
Halleluiah. What a gift!

The crucifixion just seems so horrific that it's strange how "they" came up with the term "Good Friday"


I agree it's not quite fitting,I'm thinkin that somebody said it was awful for Jesus but a damn good thing for us or we'd all be going to hell right now,hence good Friday.

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