Good Job, Men! One Late Night Down, Just Two More To Go!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The good warm days of Johnny Carson are long over. For many years now, late night has long since stopped being funny, about entertainment or comedy and has now since Jay Leno been mostly about political attacks and audience indoctrination under the mere guise of comedy, though I suppose getting one's nightly democrat marching orders and talking points fed you IS to the Left entertaining. You just throw in a few keywords like "orange," "Insurrection," or maybe "prison," and you have your LA audience eating right out of your hand apparently.

Or maybe not. Seems that while the hosts have gotten drunk on their position demanding more and more, at least one person has gotten so expensive now contrasted against his meager draw that CBS felt it just better to close the show--- people have been seeing through it and are getting so sick of the sham that they are just not apparently watching all that much anymore! I don't have info on how much money ABC and NBC are losing, though probably NBC would be willing to lose a LOT just to keep going, but CBS has thrown in the towel on once great The Late Late Show.

Seems they just don't want to keep losing 20 million a year anymore! All I can say is: GOOD JOB PEOPLE, whatever goes woke is eventually just going broke--- one step at a time. :clap:

The good warm days of Johnny Carson are long over. For many years now, late night has long since stopped being funny, about entertainment or comedy and has now since Jay Leno been mostly about political attacks and audience indoctrination under the mere guise of comedy, though I suppose getting one's nightly democrat marching orders and talking points fed you IS to the Left entertaining. You just throw in a few keywords like "orange," "Insurrection," or maybe "prison," and you have your LA audience eating right out of your hand apparently.

Or maybe not. Seems that while the hosts have gotten drunk on their position demanding more and more, at least one person has gotten so expensive now contrasted against his meager draw that CBS felt it just better to close the show--- people have been seeing through it and are getting so sick of the sham that they are just not apparently watching all that much anymore! I don't have info on how much money ABC and NBC are losing, though probably NBC would be willing to lose a LOT just to keep going, but CBS has thrown in the towel on once great The Late Late Show.

Seems they just don't want to keep losing 20 million a year anymore! All I can say is: GOOD JOB PEOPLE, whatever goes woke is eventually just going broke--- one step at a time. :clap:

Now if they can get rid of Fallon, Kimmel and Colbert, All will be good with the world.
The good warm days of Johnny Carson are long over. For many years now, late night has long since stopped being funny, about entertainment or comedy and has now since Jay Leno been mostly about political attacks and audience indoctrination under the mere guise of comedy, though I suppose getting one's nightly democrat marching orders and talking points fed you IS to the Left entertaining. You just throw in a few keywords like "orange," "Insurrection," or maybe "prison," and you have your LA audience eating right out of your hand apparently.

Or maybe not. Seems that while the hosts have gotten drunk on their position demanding more and more, at least one person has gotten so expensive now contrasted against his meager draw that CBS felt it just better to close the show--- people have been seeing through it and are getting so sick of the sham that they are just not apparently watching all that much anymore! I don't have info on how much money ABC and NBC are losing, though probably NBC would be willing to lose a LOT just to keep going, but CBS has thrown in the towel on once great The Late Late Show.

Seems they just don't want to keep losing 20 million a year anymore! All I can say is: GOOD JOB PEOPLE, whatever goes woke is eventually just going broke--- one step at a time. :clap:

Never heard of the guy.
Kimmel and Colbert are ridiculously bad hacks; Fallon is less political but kind of dull. I never really liked Carson, but he had the best guests in his day than what they have now. All the great comics are dead now.
I miss Steve Allen.
Carson and Leno too.
I didn't even know they still do late night tv. With so many options you wonder who the heck would watch it. I thought people wanted to be entertained when they turn the tv on.
I was entertained with the likes of Leno and Carson, but Fallon, Kimmel, Colbert and Lorne Michaels SNL crew are nothing more than democrap mouthpieces.
Since Carson, Leno was about a TENTH as good, and Dave Letterman about a TWENTIETH, he was a nasty guy, probably why NBC passed him over for Leno, who was at least a little funny.

Other than those two, the only other I watched a little of who wasn't too bad was Conan O'Brian.
Letterman was a nasty asshole. I did like Conan.
I wonder why they are failing?


They used to have guests from all over, then they turned into just advertisements for stuff on their network mixed with musicians and movies being peddled, then just shows and musicians and movies peddled by the conglomerate that owned the network. Dull stuff. Every once in a while they would have a musician or a band I wanted to see, but they put them on last usually, at least on FAllon. I couldn't stand Cobert at all, never watched no matter who was on, and the other guy just wasn't that funny. The last two had serious TDS.

We used to like staying up to watch Tom Snyder. He would have both big stars, writers, and off the walls nutjobs all mixed. Dan Akroyd would do send ups of him; the one with Mick Jagger was hilarious. Nightline came along later, was pretty good for a while then got stale. Before those it was shows like Joe Pine and wrestling, lol.
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Kimmel and Colbert are ridiculously bad hacks; Fallon is less political but kind of dull. I never really liked Carson, but he had the best guests in his day than what they have now. All the great comics are dead now.

It’s hard to do political commentary that’s more ridiculous than the current iteration of the Republican Party.

George Santos actually went on TV today and called his indictment a “witchhunt”. How do you parody that?

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