Good luck to those of you in Irenes path

I just pray Mother Nature isn't as racist as she was with Katrina herp derp.

I just pray Mother Nature isn't as racist as she was with Katrina herp derp.

She's headed right for Baltimore which is 60% black. I think Washington DC has an even higher percentage of blacks.

Watch all the moaning and whining for "emergency aid" start after the hurricane passes through.
Chanel checking in with y'all. Irene is headed for Cape May Sun a.m. We had forced evacuations so I'm at my bros in Philly. Hubby chose to stay. Say a prayer. Thanks.
I just pray Mother Nature isn't as racist as she was with Katrina herp derp.

She's headed right for Baltimore which is 60% black. I think Washington DC has an even higher percentage of blacks.

Watch all the moaning and whining for "emergency aid" start after the hurricane passes through.

I hear FEMA is already in DC. How the hell can they be in one town days before a hurricane and it took a week for them to get to NOLA?
I guess obama is better at this natural disaster stuff than Bush.
What's that? FEMA is based in DC?
Never mind.
I'm just glad I'm not in one of those states run by Conservatives who think FEMA and federal disaster aid is unconstitutional.
WTF are you ramblin on about? Your making yourself look stupid.
You have no idea where you are, do you :cool:

This is "US Message Board" - where disgressing all threads, regardless of topic, to political dribblings and general stupidity is mandatory.

Now get with it and make a snotty remark about the left or the right or Bush or Obama or blah blah blah and stop with all this "I wish you all the very best during this hurricane" silliness. Maturity and class? WTH were you thinking?
I just pray Mother Nature isn't as racist as she was with Katrina herp derp.

She's headed right for Baltimore which is 60% black. I think Washington DC has an even higher percentage of blacks.

Watch all the moaning and whining for "emergency aid" start after the hurricane passes through.

Yes, watch all of the requests for emergency aid, just like every other city and state does, regardless of how many blacks or whites reside there. :lol::lol::lol: What a maroon
Every other city and state didn't flood the surrounding cities and states due to a severe lack of preparation/evacuation despite ample warning then after recieving tons of free lodging, food etc etc etc for MONTHS on end whine because they wanted more free stuff and found the gravy train only had so much gravy on it. And shall we talk looting? Please.

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