Good Nationalism-- Oh yes, it's real

rtwngAvngr said:
I remain hopeful. But I'm still watching my back. Chicks don't really have a feel for things like defending the nation. They just bend over for the winners when it comes to armed conflict. Just kidding!

Defending a nation and the way nationalism is being applied are not the same thing. Unless you consider Oprah and Randy Rhodesl to be cultural icons, I then have no choice but to regress. :laugh:
rtwngAvngr said:
what's an enactive experience?

It seems you're the one who can't face the fact that your notions of nationalism are politically charged. Get a grip, Suzy-q.

I never said they weren't, you silly burn victim.
Said1 said:
Defending a nation and the way nationalism is being applied are not the same thing. Unless you consider Oprah and Randy Rhodesl to be cultural icons, I then have no choice but to regress. :laugh:

I didn't say they were. It was more of a sidenote, TO DILLO.

Say no to hate.
Said1 said:
I never said they weren't, you silly burn victim.

SIlly burn victim! LOL. You ARE my kind of scum after all!
Said1 said:
So, I guess you won't be so nasty to PE and all the peaceful Jihadis around here anymore?

You're tripping out.
Said1 said:
Oh, they're bad nationalist.

The values their nations cherish at this point, are bad, in my opinion. The nationalism itself is actually value neutral, but if you want to call it "bad nationalism" , I will concede. that's good enough for now.

It's similar to selfishness, not always bad, but definitely dangerous to others when pursued outside the constraints of a reasonable moral framework.
rtwngAvngr said:
The values their nations cherish at this point, are bad, in my opinion. The nationalism itself is actually value neutral, but if you want to call it "bad nationalism" , I will concede. that's good enough for now.

It's similar to selfishness, not always bad, but definitely dangerous to others when pursued outside the constraints of a reasonable moral framework.

Nationalism is really an inevitable adaptation, required when a state's well being and/or independence becomes threatened. But where is the line drawn and where does intolerence begin?

It's on the rise here too, but that was purely the result of badly planned liberal propaganda that was intended to promote unity, not more anti-Quebec/ROC sentiment. It created a bigger divide. :laugh:
Said1 said:
Nationalism is really an inevitable adaptation, required when a state's well being and/or independence becomes threatened. But where is the line drawn and where does intolerence begin?

It's on the rise here too, but that was purely the result of badly planned liberal propaganda that was intended to promote unity, not more anti-Quebec/ROC sentiment. It created a bigger divide. :laugh:

Actually a strong nationalism can also be a positive trait whereby the strenghts and inherent positives of the nation can be spread to other nations and peoples around the globe.

One of the articles above makes the distinction that when a country recedes from trade and goes autarkous, yet still seeks to acquire increased wealth through other forms of domination, that THAT is "bad nationalism"
rtwngAvngr said:
Actually a strong nationalism can also be a positive trait whereby the strenghts and inherent positives of the nation can be spread to other nations and peoples around the globe.

Adopting traits of another nation has little to do with nationalism.
Said1 said:
Adopting traits of another nation has little to do with nationalism.

But being proud enough of your nations values on a rational level, proud enough to spread them and tout them to others has to do with nationalism.
rtwngAvngr said:
But being proud enough of your nations values on a rational level, proud enough to spread them and tout them to others has to do with nationalism.

Just like PE and Arabian or Napolean in Egypt. The end result has been consistent over time. Nationalism is a natural cultural process, which can be seen implemented in more or less the same way in all societies - I mean "nations". It's starts off good, but almost always ends the same. Perhps things can be done differently in North America, I'd like to be wrong.
nationalism is a poltical ideology developed in the West. It has swept
the world and let to a huge amount of warfare. Ethnic racism often
is connected to over nationalism.

While its useful and can be used for good it not purely a knight in shining armor.
nosarcasm said:
nationalism is a poltical ideology developed in the West. It has swept
the world and let to a huge amount of warfare. Ethnic racism often
is connected to over nationalism.

While its useful and can be used for good it not purely a knight in shining armor.

As a defined ideology yes, but concepts associated with nationalism can be seen in tribal societies.
Said1 said:
As a defined ideology yes, but concepts associated with nationalism can be seen in tribal societies.

That must explain our international relationship with Canada! :cof:
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