Good News Indeed!


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
I'm so glad the Republican party leadership campaigned so hard for John Kerry to be the new Secretary of State.

John Kerry & Climate Change

John Kerry & Climate Change « Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy
December 21, 2012
by Dan Farber

Whatever else it might portend, Kerry’s appointment as Secretary of State is certainly good news environmentally...

Kerry’s commitment to the environment runs deep. Along with Theresa Kerry, he authored a book a few years ago called “This Moment on Earth,” which builds on stories about local activists to discuss broader issues of policy. As the book shows, Kerry’s concerns are by no means limited to climate change:
The planet is in crisis. [W]e live in a world so infused with toxins that they have made their way into the soil, the air and water, and our bodies from conception to the end of life. This stark reality was bluntly confirmed in March 2005 with the release of the UN’s Global Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. . . It was the most comprehensive look at the health of the world’s oceans, land, forests, species, and atmosphere to date, and its conclusion was bleak — Many of the world’s ecosystems are headed for collapse unless radical measures are implemented to revive them...

In Kerry’s State Department, environmental concerns are likely to have high priority, including but not limited to climate change. Good news indeed.
(read full post at above link)

I held my nose and voted for Kerry about like many of you voted for Romney/Obama, but as Secretary of State negotiating various individual, regional, and possibly even an Global Climate/Carbon treaty, that may be a very well fit peg, he certainly possesses the requisite credentials.
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He's a zealot. A moron and a zealot.

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, and nuclear arms second

During the next four years, look for Secretary Kerry to boost efforts in a futile fight to stop global warming.

The real problems of the world, such as hunger, poverty and disease in developing nations, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation, may need to take a back seat.

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, and nuclear arms second | Watts Up With That?
I thought you conservatives would be happy that Kerry left his seat. Didn't you think that now would be a good time for Scott Brown to run?

Yeah....................he did lose to Elizabeth Warren, but what is the chances he'd lose yet another election?

He's a zealot. A moron and a zealot.

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, and nuclear arms second

During the next four years, look for Secretary Kerry to boost efforts in a futile fight to stop global warming.

The real problems of the world, such as hunger, poverty and disease in developing nations, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation, may need to take a back seat.

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, and nuclear arms second | Watts Up With That?

Give Jim Bunning the job and let him go Forrest Gump all over the place!
He's a zealot. A moron and a zealot...

Well, he's no Al Gore, but he's a lot better than Hillary with regards to issues that concern me most. Now aren't we all glad that McCain suffered his delusional agent orange spasm over Rice!?

Kerry has an opportunity to to make a real and significant change to his image and legacy by being the first US climate change secretary of state!!


EPA CO2 Regulations are NOT Based on Sound Science - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

So you can prove record highs by states in the past suck! Post what the record highs in the states are now!

Do you know what gobbledygook means?

Actually, I really dont care what the graphs say because they are ALL irrelevant. Nobody gives a rats ass about the science anymore. Despite all the bomb throwing by the k000ks in the past 10 years, legislative efforts to curb carbon emmissions are in the toilet, with lots of poop I might add. Nobody cares. And projections decades out indicate renewables will continue to be a sliver on the energy graphs..............


Go google it s0n......there are dozens of them out graphs........pie charts........take your pick!!!:2up::2up::fu:

Thank goodness Obama nominated Kerry and not some millionaire out of touch elitist like Mitt Romney.
Thank goodness Obama nominated Kerry and not some millionaire out of touch elitist like Mitt Romney.

Kerry was McCain and Graham's choice as much as it was Obama's, and now the person the republican party chose over Rice is not good enough for you either? Why am I not surprised? I mean, I really dislike Obama, but this is ridiculous.
Kerry’s commitment to the environment runs deep.
Kerry's commitment to paying lip service to the environment to fool suckers runs deep.

How many mansions does he own? How many SUVs? How many plane trips does he take?

Good Gaea, you morons are gullible. You'll fall all over yourselves recycling old newspapers because a millionaire with several mansions tells you YOU need to change your lifestyle to save the planet.

Kerry’s commitment to the environment runs deep.
Kerry's commitment to paying lip service to the environment to fool suckers runs deep.

Well, not nearly that cynical, but I would be willing to cede and adjust that Kerry's commitment to environmental public policy, is as sincere and dutiful as any conservative politician's commitment to smaller government, or any libertarian politician's commitment to the supremacy of individual rights and freedoms.
Kerry’s commitment to the environment runs deep.
Kerry's commitment to paying lip service to the environment to fool suckers runs deep.

Well, not nearly that cynical, but I would be willing to cede and adjust that Kerry's commitment to environmental public policy, is as sincere and dutiful as any conservative politician's commitment to smaller government, or any libertarian politician's commitment to the supremacy of individual rights and freedoms.

So you know you're being fed bullshit, but since it's bullshit whose flavor you enjoy, you just keep eating.
Kerry's commitment to paying lip service to the environment to fool suckers runs deep.

Well, not nearly that cynical, but I would be willing to cede and adjust that Kerry's commitment to environmental public policy, is as sincere and dutiful as any conservative politician's commitment to smaller government, or any libertarian politician's commitment to the supremacy of individual rights and freedoms.

So you know you're being fed bullshit, but since it's bullshit whose flavor you enjoy, you just keep eating.

Hey, as long as he negotiates the appropriate treaties and international accords and we get some substantive action in regards to climate change issues, I could care less whether or not he fully grasps every aspect of the science. As long as he uses mainstream science to guide the decisions about what is appropriate and substantive, I will support his efforts as the U. S. Secretary of State (after all it will probably be either Kerry or Clinton that gets elected to the Whitehouse in 2016).

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