Good Ole Socialists/Progressives: Trying To Get Fox News Banned...

No, O'Reilly's education is as qualifying as Madow's.

No bait and switch- YOU are the one claiming her fathers service somehow makes her a more qualified interviewer- it was stupid to make that claim.

Your inability to see that O'Reilly having military personnel as guests undermines any position you may have of his not being qualified (which I disagree with) by the mere fact he has these guests to ask questions of. His job is to inform the public.

The inanity of your argument about qualifications is further damage when discussing "qualifications" when you look at O'Reilly's education compared to say a Walter Cronkite, who dropped out of college. Seriously you argument over qualifications is more then a little wanting.

Sounds like you're a real O'Reilly apologist?

Didn't mean to scratch on a nerve.

Yeah...ok....O'Reilly is a real stand up guy.

BTW....wonder how much he finally spent to buy the silence of the loofa chick he went all pervy on?

Yes, that's how to win a debate... <eye-roll> Using O'Reilly as a Fox News personality to debate your assertions of Maddow being better qualified, took a turn you didn't like...I understand and so do the posters seeing your departure to the mud.

The fact of the matter is you're a moron with a moronic position, who argues that position like a...moron.


That hurts! :eusa_whistle:
Sounds like you're a real O'Reilly apologist?

Didn't mean to scratch on a nerve.

Yeah...ok....O'Reilly is a real stand up guy.

BTW....wonder how much he finally spent to buy the silence of the loofa chick he went all pervy on?

Yes, that's how to win a debate... <eye-roll> Using O'Reilly as a Fox News personality to debate your assertions of Maddow being better qualified, took a turn you didn't like...I understand and so do the posters seeing your departure to the mud.

The fact of the matter is you're a moron with a moronic position, who argues that position like a...moron.


That hurts! :eusa_whistle:

Well, of COURSE it does! She's clever. *even if she does say so herself, and it's just a user name* <otherwise we'd have no idea how CLEVER she is!>
FOXNews based on my time in the military is the most popular channel among the go on talking about how stupid FOXNews viewers are liberals....
Please tell us all these lies that went "national." :cuckoo:

You're confusing some nutjob website run by your pimp as big media.

Funny how there seems to be an entire industry that has popped up in recent years dedicated to trying to discredit FOX. For as bad as the left/dims hate FOX, they always seem to know what is ON FOX.

You'd think they actually watched FOX to know that much. Maybe that's why FOX's ratings are so high. The left/dims are watching, stomping their feet, and drooling over what FOX says.

I wonder if they watch the other networks with so much intensity, and constantly point out their errors?

Probably not...

Fox lying IS news. Everytime they are caught, it goes national. It's a great source of "mirth".
Some are missing the point. Socialists/Progressives are trying to get a Media Outlet banned. Nothing else matters. They are the ultimate Un-American assholes. Period, end of story.
If CNN and msnbc are more popular and "telling the truth" compared to FOXNews then why do they have lower ratings and falling viewer numbers.

Keith Gooberman couldn't even find fans on msnbc.

The msnbc dyke plays up being a college graduate but uses her degree as toilet paper, but the boy look fits her.

That fatman on msnbc hopefully dies of a heart attack on the air, so his 2-3 viewers get the shock of their lives.
If CNN and msnbc are more popular and "telling the truth" compared to FOXNews then why do they have lower ratings and falling viewer numbers.

Keith Gooberman couldn't even find fans on msnbc.

The msnbc dyke plays up being a college graduate but uses her degree as toilet paper, but the boy look fits her.

That fatman on msnbc hopefully dies of a heart attack on the air, so his 2-3 viewers get the shock of their lives.

And yet no one is trying to ban those awful Networks. I really have now come to truly despise Socialists/Progressives. There was a time when i could show them some respect. But that time has now passed. This attempt by them is incredibly shameful. They are not Americans.
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if cnn and msnbc are more popular and "telling the truth" compared to foxnews then why do they have lower ratings and falling viewer numbers.

Keith gooberman couldn't even find fans on msnbc.

The msnbc dyke plays up being a college graduate but uses her degree as toilet paper, but the boy look fits her.

That fatman on msnbc hopefully dies of a heart attack on the air, so his 2-3 viewers get the shock of their lives.

and yet no one is trying to ban those awful networks. I really have now come to truly despise socialists/progressives. There was a time when i could show them some respect. But that time has now passed. This attempt by them is incredibly shameful. They are not americans.

Some of us sure revel when the leftist networks suffer defeat due to declining numbers of readership/viewership...but calling for stifling?

Not gonna happen with ANY Conservative worth thier salt.

WE need to be reminded as to whom the real roadblocks are.
Conservatives fund their radio outlets and 1 TV network that outdraw liberal media outlets in viewers, so liberals demand their bullshit be aired over those conservative outlets or some liberals just want conservative media to be eliminated by the Feds.

These scum should be arrested for trying to undermine Democracy, treason.
Conservatives fund their radio outlets and 1 TV network that outdraw liberal media outlets in viewers, so liberals demand their bullshit be aired over those conservative outlets or some liberals just want conservative media to be eliminated by the Feds.

These scum should be arrested for trying to undermine Democracy, treason.

You forget GBTV...Glen saw the writing on the wall...Started his own network on the Internet.

It's fascinating. NO ONE can screw with him getting out the truth.:eusa_shhh:
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Yes, that's how to win a debate... <eye-roll> Using O'Reilly as a Fox News personality to debate your assertions of Maddow being better qualified, took a turn you didn't like...I understand and so do the posters seeing your departure to the mud.

The fact of the matter is you're a moron with a moronic position, who argues that position like a...moron.


That hurts! :eusa_whistle:

Well, of COURSE it does! She's clever. *even if she does say so herself, and it's just a user name* <otherwise we'd have no idea how CLEVER she is!>

Well it does not take a very clever person to debate you dear- username aside and all that~
Sounds like you're a real O'Reilly apologist?

Didn't mean to scratch on a nerve.

Yeah...ok....O'Reilly is a real stand up guy.

BTW....wonder how much he finally spent to buy the silence of the loofa chick he went all pervy on?

Yes, that's how to win a debate... <eye-roll> Using O'Reilly as a Fox News personality to debate your assertions of Maddow being better qualified, took a turn you didn't like...I understand and so do the posters seeing your departure to the mud.

The fact of the matter is you're a moron with a moronic position, who argues that position like a...moron.


That hurts! :eusa_whistle:

I'm certain stupidity has hurt you most of your life if your offerings here are any indication~ The dull brilliance of your Maddow assertions have certainly been enlightening as to what your academic record must be.
Heh, "clever girl" is actually a pretty good nickname brought out from a movie line. I didn't get until the last few posts but her icon explains it for those who look. Nice one clevergirl!
Heh, "clever girl" is actually a pretty good nickname brought out from a movie line. I didn't get until the last few posts but her icon explains it for those who look. Nice one clevergirl!

[ame=]clever girl - YouTube[/ame]
Heh, "clever girl" is actually a pretty good nickname brought out from a movie line. I didn't get until the last few posts but her icon explains it for those who look. Nice one clevergirl!

Precisely! I love it when Muldoon realizes his goose is cooked as it were, but he remains brave despite his impending demise~ Both hunted and hunter have respect for one another-
Heh, "clever girl" is actually a pretty good nickname brought out from a movie line. I didn't get until the last few posts but her icon explains it for those who look. Nice one clevergirl!

Precisely! I love it when Muldoon realizes his goose is cooked as it were, but he remains brave despite his impending demise~ Both hunted and hunter have respect for one another-

Yes, that was a good scene.

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