Good Question: Has Chuck Schumer Ever Said,"Just Look At The Stock Market !!".

:2up: It seems all Crying Chucky ever talks about is how this new tax bill will make the rich richer, while the middle class will eventually dissapeer. Yet, Chucky never brings up how much better the economy has been since the historic Trump Landslide of 2016 !!!
Can anyone essplain this?

While the middle class will not disappear, many upper middle class people will pay more. Also there are more loopholes for the rich to take advantage of while middle class tax breaks were taken away. Also rates for businesses were lowered by backdoor tax increases on the middle class. This tax bill is garbage.

Also the economy was improving under Obama. It proves the economy is far more resilient than politicians. I gave Obama no credit for the improving economy just as I giver Trump no credit.
The Trumpslide of 2016

Chuck is still crying over the Trumpslide

This was no huge vote for Trump. A quarter of Trump's vote came from people voting against Clinton rather than a vote for Trump. The election results in 2017 bear that out. Democrat gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey did better than Clinton did. The Democrat Senator from Alabama did better than Clinton did even if the Republicans who stayed home had voted. The Republican losses in the Virginia House of Delegates has increased to 16 which means it has gone from 66-34 Republican to a 50-50 tie.
Chuck is still crying over the Trumpslide

This was no huge vote for Trump. A quarter of Trump's vote came from people voting against Clinton rather than a vote for Trump. The election results in 2017 bear that out. Democrat gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey did better than Clinton did. The Democrat Senator from Alabama did better than Clinton did even if the Republicans who stayed home had voted. The Republican losses in the Virginia House of Delegates has increased to 16 which means it has gone from 66-34 Republican to a 50-50 tie.
but no normal person ever showed up to see a Hillary Rally, they either had to bus them in and/or create a green screen to make it look as though Hillary packed the high school gym
:2up: It seems all Crying Chucky ever talks about is how this new tax bill will make the rich richer, while the middle class will eventually dissapeer. Yet, Chucky never brings up how much better the economy has been since the historic Trump Landslide of 2016 !!!
Can anyone essplain this?

I've never seen 1%'ers like Chuck and Nancy whine and cry so much at the great deal they say the rich will get.
:2up: It seems all Crying Chucky ever talks about is how this new tax bill will make the rich richer, while the middle class will eventually dissapeer. Yet, Chucky never brings up how much better the economy has been since the historic Trump Landslide of 2016 !!!
Can anyone essplain this?
The growing wealth divide in this country is devouring every piece of the middle class that is currently left. The stock market is largely a sham for most Americans. Why? Many hedge funds and other large Wall Street firms are in the business of making quick profits even if it means destabilizing the underlying economy. Many large companies have made larger profits since the recession ended by slashing wages and benefits. More importantly however, is that this dramatic bull market in stocks since 2009 has been one big sideshow for most Americans. A Pew Research survey found that 53 percent of Americans own no stocks, including in their retirement accounts. And the fact that only 10 percent of Americans have pensions, many (most) are going to rely on Social Security as they enter old age.
:2up: It seems all Crying Chucky ever talks about is how this new tax bill will make the rich richer, while the middle class will eventually dissapeer. Yet, Chucky never brings up how much better the economy has been since the historic Trump Landslide of 2016 !!!
Can anyone essplain this?

Yeah, conservatives considered it a huge bubble at 19,000...but now like kindergarteners on a sugar high tout it’s supposed relevance to any perceived trump economic impact.

Of course they will deny that when the Great Tax Heist turns that same stock market.

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