Goodbye, America! Trump Rioter Flees the Country


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This is great, if only other insurrectionists would follow this guys lead and move to Belarus.

Is this another article about cat litter? Buzzfeed? The cat blog?

It has just been reported that Newman has just detained Jerry Seinfeld

In fact, the whole January 6th conspiracy was all to entrap one Jerry Seinfeld that we can see being interrogated by Newman.

This is great, if only other insurrectionists would follow this guys lead and move to Belarus.

What a Poo poo say! These cowards are an embarrassment to our country... Have fun in Belarus douchebag!
Will the under cover FBI rioting agents be leaving too?...
This is great, if only other insurrectionists would follow this guys lead and move to Belarus.

A great place for him.
If the choice is Baltimore or Belarus, I'll take Belarus every time.

I lived in Siberia for 4 years and it's much more civilized than our rat-infested, shit on the sidewalk, driveby shooting, blue shitholes.

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