Google Is Deliberately Hiding Nibiru Images @ 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58

Hi pal:

The JPL orbit simulation for Comet Elenin indicates that it will not cross the ecliptic plane until September. What makes you think Planet X will cross the ecliptic plane in March?

The ELEnin Comet (Brown Dwarf) cannot possibly break the plane as late as September, because perigee position is reached on September 11, 2011; when Nibiru is already beyond the Sun. The March 4, 2011 date was established by comparative analysis of multiple source warnings between March 3 and March 6, 2011. Among those I found the astronomer-backed date of March 4, 2011 to have highest credibility. If you draw a line between a reference point in the Leo Constellation at these coordinates (5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58) and Mercury orbit around the Sun, then the intersection with the ecliptic plane must be a point outside Mercury orbit and even outside Venus orbit and outside Earth orbit. In other words, the slope of the incline trajectory is a small angle and not 90 degrees from straight under the Sun.

There is a solar ecliptic plane and there is a Milky Way Galaxy ecliptic plane that are due to intersect on December 21, 2001, when Earth passes into the southern hemisphere of this galaxy. Perhaps the March 3-6 warnings are based upon Nibiru breaking through the galaxy ecliptic plane, which places Nibiru and earth in the upper half of the galaxy for the earth change symptoms to increase dramatically. I wish you were right about the September prediction, but the evidence seems to say early March. Here is my problem: Warning people about March to see your September date correct makes everyone prepared beforehand. However, to base preparations on your September date will not help anyone prepare for March 4, 2011 when that turns out to be correct.

I fully admit to being no astronomer. I am a Truth investigator wading through a literal mountain of data and doing my best to warn these readers about what appears to be an Extinction-Level Event being deliberately hidden from public view. All of that said, I really wish your September date had more support from the evidence.


Greetings to All:

I have several errors to report and a new link to show you. First, my reports that Nibiru is approaching from the Leo Constellation appear to be wrong. The coordinates 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 point in the direction of the Orion Constellation as reported by Halfback in this post (link):

Halfback pic

This is the archived 'prove' link connected to the little icon at the bottom of the black Google box (Timeline mistake post).


Greetings to All:

I have several errors to report and a new link to show you. First, my reports that Nibiru is approaching from the Leo Constellation appear to be wrong. The coordinates 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 point in the direction of the Orion Constellation as reported by Halfback in this post (link):

Halfback pic

Google Earth Community: why is it covered?? black layer hiding something

This is the archived 'prove' link connected to the little icon at the bottom of the black Google box (Timeline mistake post).



Let me get this WERE proving your reports.....were right, right? But, they ended up being wrong, right?
Now your proving halfback reports as being right, right?
Hmmmm, I'm going to have to digest all this.......:cuckoo:
And halfback thinks your always right? Damn you guys are confusing me
Hi Meister with Halfback mentioned:

Let me get this WERE proving your reports.....were right, right? But, they ended up being wrong, right?
Now your proving halfback reports as being right, right?
Hmmmm, I'm going to have to digest all this.......:cuckoo:
And halfback thinks your always right? Damn you guys are confusing me

This is what happens when dealing with Conspiracy THEORIES and the facts told by the evidence forces me to make changes to my original hypothesis. I stated that these coordinates 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 were from the Leo Constellation, because other sources provided that information that I failed to verify. That was my mistake that is being corrected by Halfback for which I am grateful. However, the bulk of my timeline data is based upon the NASA-provided chart information for their Elenin Comet Psyop about which nothing has changed.

I am not conceding the entire hypothesis, but the aspects where other registered members have show me the Light and adjustments must be made to my original thesis. The data continues to show:

1. Increased earthquake, volcano, rogue tide Nibiru Symptoms (topic) starting March 3-6, 2011.

2. The first of three conjunctions taking place on March 15, 2011 where we should expect severe volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc..

3. Nibiru reaching perigee position nearest the Sun on Sept. 11, 2011.

4. A Geological Pole Shift Event to take place at the second conjunction on September 25, 2011 accompanied by catastrophic global earth change events.

5. A Geological Pole Shift Reversal to take place at the third conjunction on November 22, 2011 accompanied by catastrophic global earth change events, as Nibiru looses polarity control over our planet to the Sun.

This is what the evidence seems to indicate today with revisions based upon new information that I had not taken into account when this topic began. What you are looking at is a truth investigator admitting that someone else (Halfback in this case) produced evidence that affected my original statements, even if that evidence did not render the entire hypothesis false. That is why I say halfback is right ABOUT HIS POINT, and why he insists I am right about the overall March 4 through November 22 thesis and timeline of events.

BTW, what is your conspiracy theory? Or are you just here to throw stones too?


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I put those co-ordinates into my telescope ( I live in New Zealand) and there is a big black nothing .. right where Google Sky shows it ... a 14 inch newtonian is a good light bucket !!

Could it be that there is simply a big black nothing there ... :razz: or was the moon there, the night Google did their sky survey !!

Anyway mate we don't have all that long to wait do we .. time will tell .. if you are right.

I live above the dreaded 200 ft above current sealevel essential survival zone, have fresh water stored and sardines and flour to feed the less fortunate multitudes.

Personally I think you are arm waving to an essentially deaf crowd .. :cool: .. and so far your argument is unconvincing.

I put those co-ordinates into my telescope ( I live in New Zealand) and there is a big black nothing .. right where Google Sky shows it ... a 14 inch newtonian is a good light bucket !!

Could it be that there is simply a big black nothing there ... :razz: or was the moon there, the night Google did their sky survey !!

Anyway mate we don't have all that long to wait do we .. time will tell .. if you are right.

I live above the dreaded 200 ft above current sealevel essential survival zone, have fresh water stored and sardines and flour to feed the less fortunate multitudes.

Personally I think you are arm waving to an essentially deaf crowd .. :cool: .. and so far your argument is unconvincing.



Hello sir, from the Zona Azteca, Las Cruces New Mexico, USA. Utterly brilliant post and venture and you are correct. I do thank you and fedora is tipped. Well done lad.

Go For Throttle Up!

Greetings to All:

We have images from South Pole Observatories...

Why do you need south pole observatory? Is there a south pole observatory?

This point in Leo (dec: +6°) is visible from entire globe except from north pole and latitudes above 84°. That basically means it is visible from almost ENTIRE planet.

The only human who can't see it with the telescope is Santa Claus!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have ANY knowledge of celestal mechanics???

There are propably 10 millions people who has powerful enough telescopes to photograph "Nibiru", yet you bother us with NASA conspiracy theory.

Get a life, dude.
How did you know these coordinates (05 53 27 , -06 10 58) and the red object with a cross-planets shaped , shown in this photo and known as Nibiru, do match?

Thank you very much for a possible explanation to this question.

Best regards.
Greetings to All:

Google is apparently unhappy that someone is pointing out the fact that this giant conglomerate is up to its eyeballs in collusion with NASA and the "Intelligence Community" doing everything to keep this Elenin = Nibiru story under wraps.


They think you resemble this:


And who could blame them?
Hi Stan:

Terral, I put those co-ordinates into my telescope ( I live in New Zealand) and there is a big black nothing ..

You are looking into the Orion Constellation and therefore cannot be looking at a big nothing. Point your telescope into any of the Constellations and try to find nothing. Others are finding something, because they are not in denial of Nibiru and trying to lull others to sleep like you. Everything will make perfect sense very soon.


Hi True:

How did you know these coordinates (05 53 27 , -06 10 58) and the red object with a cross-planets shaped , shown in this photo and known as Nibiru, do match?

Thank you very much for a possible explanation to this question.

Best regards.

That is what I keep getting from multiple sources.

[ame=""]Mike's Video[/ame]

[ame=""]Opening Post Video[/ame]

Watch the video again and the coordinates on the bottom of the photograph. This lines up with what Halfbacks posted here.


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Nibiru (Planet X) 100% Proof

I must imagine that Robert watched the short video to look at the evidence that shows a glowing celestial object with multiple moons. I must also assume you were made aware of these coordinates: 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58

Please correct me with your infinite wisdom of the heavens, but those coordinates point to the Leo Constellation that Google Sky says looks like this:


Um, that's not in Leo.

Leo is in the 9-11h Right Ascension and 11-23 degree Declination.

5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58. is between Orion and Monoceros.

(oops, I'm late with that point
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Hi Albireo:

... This point in Leo (dec: +6°) is visible from entire globe except from north pole and latitudes above 84°. That basically means it is visible from almost ENTIRE planet ....

This is my problem with big mouth know-it-alls that run their big mouths and make no case for anything. You guys throw rocks at people, but refuse to say WHAT is behind the big black empty box that proves Google is hiding something.

[ame=""]Opening Post Video[/ame]

These coordinates are not in Leo, but point to the lower left of Orion's belt in the Orion Constellation, which you would know if you were paying attention. Again, I am a truth investigator who just started writing on these Nibiru Topics and NOT ANY ASTRONOMER. My focus in this investigation is the CONSPIRACY aspect that NASA and Google and the Govt are conspiring together to hide Nibiru information from the public. NASA says the incoming object from Orion is a harmless comet:


NASA says this harmless little comet will reach perigee position nearest the earth on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks (my updated timeline). NASA says this ELEnin Comet (Extinction-Level Event) was discovered by a Russian that does not exist (link) and that the third conjunction is on November 22, 2011 on the day that JFK was murdered. The world governments are preparing underground bunkers (link) and you want me to believe all of this is a mere coincidence. I do not have to be any astronomer to see that Google, NASA and the world Govt's are hiding something BIG and you want to help them put everyone back to sleep.

If you are so damned smart about astronomy, then use your massive intellect to show us what is behind the empty box:


Go ahead hotshot and make my day,

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Hi Terral

I have been keeping an eye on your posts and I think It's good that somebody like you keep's an eye on these things.

I can see where you are coming from here... and it does seem a little odd that Google's sky map has been blocked out.

However, if there is a brown dwarf in that region of space, surely there would be astronomer's all over the world spotting this? ... or not?

Here is a picture I took Saturday night of the same region.


See anything there? Me neither.

DRAT! The conspiracy runs deep! The bastards got ahold of my telescope and camera!
Its not just google sky. its microsoft WWT. its wikisky.


Methinks some people here are lacking some gray matter.
Perhaps they are using the same source for aquiring the images? Not like there are several sources doing this same thing with the images.
Hi Terral

I have been keeping an eye on your posts and I think It's good that somebody like you keep's an eye on these things.

I can see where you are coming from here... and it does seem a little odd that Google's sky map has been blocked out.

However, if there is a brown dwarf in that region of space, surely there would be astronomer's all over the world spotting this? ... or not?

Here is a picture I took Saturday night of the same region.


See anything there? Me neither.

DRAT! The conspiracy runs deep! The bastards got ahold of my telescope and camera!

They are going to run from your shows too much and not enough for them. There is no approaching brown dwarf where there should be, and your showing the region clearly.
Notice Terral posts, but say he doesn't write here anymore. I'm sure he would have an answer to this image....but atlas, he doesn't write anymore.

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