GOP A 'Day Late And A Dollar Short'...but too Late For Charges Against Former President / Cabinet?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It has been proven that Former FBI Director Mueller, Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Former President Barak Obama hid Russian crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation...buying politicians and agency officials...and the Russian's intent to corner the US Uranium Market.

It is apparent that Former FBI Director Mueller, Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, and Former President Barak Obama lied about / hid the ability for the Russians to buy Uranium One, move uranium out of the country, and have it end up in the Russians' hands.

The Energy Department, the nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Congress KNOWS it was 'MISLED' (LIED to) regarding the inability for this to happen, as told by the Obama administration during the deal. The question for the GOP investigating it now is, 'Did Obama and his administration
INTENTIONALLY LIE in order to help the Russians acquire 20% of the US' inventory of Uranium?'

Senate Expands Investigation Into The Uranium One Deal

'Wyoming GOP Sen. John Barrasso wants to know whether or not former President Barack Obama’s administration intentionally misled him about Uranium One being able to export its product out of the U.S. after it was acquired by Russia.'

By stating DOE had no role in the matter, the DOE concealed the possibility of subsequent exports and their responsibility in reviewing them,” wrote Barrasso, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.'

'Barrasso began investigating the Uranium One deal in October after it came to light the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sat on evidence linking the deal to a Russian bribery scheme. That evidence included links to the Clinton Foundation.'

Way to go, Republicans, for investigating this TREASON committed by the Obama administration ... although you are a day late and a dollar short. The 'deed is done', the crime has been committed. the money has exchanged hands, and the Russians now have 20% of our former US supply of Uranium.

....but is it too late to punish the 'traitors'?

'The Obama administration approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy company, Rosatom, in 2010.'

Despite KNOWING of the Russians' intent and knowing of their Bribery / Extortion / Intimidation / etc.... Obama still signed off on the sale.

'Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton headed the State Department at the time. The Hill
reported the FBI also had an eyewitness account and documents showing Russian nuclear officials funneled millions of dollars into the U.S. to “benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation. ... The Clinton campaign denied donations to the Clinton Foundation ever played a role in policy.”

OF COURSE they did. It has been proven that the Russians were bribing Politicians and Agency officials... during the time she received MILLIONS from the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One....and out of all the money that changed hands during that time between Russian and politicians Hillary wants us to believe that SHE was the only one who took Russian money that was not a 'Bribe'.

'The Obama Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved no export licenses for the company, the commission told Barrasso in 2011. A few years later NYT reported Uranium One products had left the country, mostly to Canada, without a license.'

1. WHY would the US sell 20% of our a foreign Govt...especially to the RUSSIANS?

2. WHY did Mueller, Holder, Obama, and Hillary keep secret from everyone the Russian crimes and Hillary getting over %100 million from the KGB bank?

3. HOW did, without a license to do so, the Obama administration allow 20% of the US' uranium leave the country?

4. Why was no one arrested / held accountable for the US uranium illegally leaving the country?

5. Why did the Obama administration 'mislead' Congress about there being no chance the uranium could leave the country?

The FACT that the Obama administration engaged in illegal activities, potentially treasonous activities, to help Russia acquire 20% of our supply of uranium is so easy to see that Stevie F*ing Wonder can see it.

This will go down as one of the biggest acts of treason by a President and his Cabinet in US history.....unless the exposed Fake News media and snowflakes can succeed in re-writing history and cover it up once and for all...

I hope the GOP succeed in dragging all of this out in the open and expose everything. It would be nice is many (or even some) end up in prison for it.
Obama-era Russian Uranium One deal: What to know

Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, Hillary, Obama....

'Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News that the House Oversight committee’s investigation “could be criminal,” depending on the statute of limitations.'

This is one of the things Democrats - especially those involved - are counting on and trying to affect - 'running out the clock'. IMO, however, 'Treason' should have no 'statue of limitations'.
Notice how Hillary isn’t desperately tweeting that the current investigation into the Uranium One deal is a “witch hunt”. Not a peep about it.

What happened to those “bombshell revelations” the FBI informant was supposed to make in his testimony the other week? They kind of fizzled
It has been proven that Former FBI Director Mueller, Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Former President Barak Obama hid Russian crimes of Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation...buying politicians and agency officials...and the Russian's intent to corner the US Uranium Market.

It is apparent that Former FBI Director Mueller, Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, and Former President Barak Obama lied about / hid the ability for the Russians to buy Uranium One, move uranium out of the country, and have it end up in the Russians' hands.

The Energy Department, the nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Congress KNOWS it was 'MISLED' (LIED to) regarding the inability for this to happen, as told by the Obama administration during the deal. The question for the GOP investigating it now is, 'Did Obama and his administration
INTENTIONALLY LIE in order to help the Russians acquire 20% of the US' inventory of Uranium?'

Senate Expands Investigation Into The Uranium One Deal

'Wyoming GOP Sen. John Barrasso wants to know whether or not former President Barack Obama’s administration intentionally misled him about Uranium One being able to export its product out of the U.S. after it was acquired by Russia.'

By stating DOE had no role in the matter, the DOE concealed the possibility of subsequent exports and their responsibility in reviewing them,” wrote Barrasso, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.'

'Barrasso began investigating the Uranium One deal in October after it came to light the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sat on evidence linking the deal to a Russian bribery scheme. That evidence included links to the Clinton Foundation.'

Way to go, Republicans, for investigating this TREASON committed by the Obama administration ... although you are a day late and a dollar short. The 'deed is done', the crime has been committed. the money has exchanged hands, and the Russians now have 20% of our former US supply of Uranium.

....but is it too late to punish the 'traitors'?

'The Obama administration approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy company, Rosatom, in 2010.'

Despite KNOWING of the Russians' intent and knowing of their Bribery / Extortion / Intimidation / etc.... Obama still signed off on the sale.

'Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton headed the State Department at the time. The Hill
reported the FBI also had an eyewitness account and documents showing Russian nuclear officials funneled millions of dollars into the U.S. to “benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation. ... The Clinton campaign denied donations to the Clinton Foundation ever played a role in policy.”

OF COURSE they did. It has been proven that the Russians were bribing Politicians and Agency officials... during the time she received MILLIONS from the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One....and out of all the money that changed hands during that time between Russian and politicians Hillary wants us to believe that SHE was the only one who took Russian money that was not a 'Bribe'.

'The Obama Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved no export licenses for the company, the commission told Barrasso in 2011. A few years later NYT reported Uranium One products had left the country, mostly to Canada, without a license.'

1. WHY would the US sell 20% of our a foreign Govt...especially to the RUSSIANS?

2. WHY did Mueller, Holder, Obama, and Hillary keep secret from everyone the Russian crimes and Hillary getting over %100 million from the KGB bank?

3. HOW did, without a license to do so, the Obama administration allow 20% of the US' uranium leave the country?

4. Why was no one arrested / held accountable for the US uranium illegally leaving the country?

5. Why did the Obama administration 'mislead' Congress about there being no chance the uranium could leave the country?

The FACT that the Obama administration engaged in illegal activities, potentially treasonous activities, to help Russia acquire 20% of our supply of uranium is so easy to see that Stevie F*ing Wonder can see it.

This will go down as one of the biggest acts of treason by a President and his Cabinet in US history.....unless the exposed Fake News media and snowflakes can succeed in re-writing history and cover it up once and for all...

I hope the GOP succeed in dragging all of this out in the open and expose everything. It would be nice is many (or even some) end up in prison for it.

And by 'proven', you mean someone has merely said it?
And by 'proven', you mean someone has merely said it?

Ummmm....NO! 2 weeks ago it was 1st reported that Mueller - the then FBI Director - KNEW / HAD the evidence of the Russian intent and crimes but HID IT. It is in several news reports again today, in the articles I even cited.

Nice try...but FAIL.
And by 'proven', you mean someone has merely said it?

Ummmm....NO! 2 weeks ago it was 1st reported that Mueller - the then FBI Director - KNEW / HAD the evidence of the Russian intent and crimes but HID IT. It is in several news reports again today, in the articles I even cited.

Nice try...but FAIL.

A report by whom? Again, you've said that all of this has already been proven.
And by 'proven', you mean someone has merely said it?

Ummmm....NO! 2 weeks ago it was 1st reported that Mueller - the then FBI Director - KNEW / HAD the evidence of the Russian intent and crimes but HID IT. It is in several news reports again today, in the articles I even cited.

Nice try...but FAIL.

A report by whom? Again, you've said that all of this has already been proven.
Get off your ass and do your work.
Look at today's news.
look at the posts I have made and the links to the stories.
Look at the links placed in this and other threads today.

I am not Obama handing out Welfare and Unemployment. I expect you to work for some of what you want.
Forget The Statute of Limitations. Whether it applies or not---the Citizens still MUST know who the Traitors are. They must at least be publicly shamed even if a technicality keeps them out of jail.

And by all means get them out of Government.
But but but Hillary.

What is this? The third Hillary thread today. Deflection isn’t going to save Trump. Lies won’t save Trump.

This has already been debunked, countless times. We’re focussed on the treason committed by the current President.
'Traitor Shaming' / 'Enemy Identification'

It's amazing, though, no matter how much Hillary and Obama keep being exposed as 'domestic enemies', criminals, and traitors, snowflakes keep digging in deeper, like a tick under the skin, in defense and support for them.
And by 'proven', you mean someone has merely said it?

Ummmm....NO! 2 weeks ago it was 1st reported that Mueller - the then FBI Director - KNEW / HAD the evidence of the Russian intent and crimes but HID IT. It is in several news reports again today, in the articles I even cited.

Nice try...but FAIL.

A report by whom? Again, you've said that all of this has already been proven.
Get off your ass and do your work.
Look at today's news.
look at the posts I have made and the links to the stories.
Look at the links placed in this and other threads today.

I am not Obama handing out Welfare and Unemployment. I expect you to work for some of what you want. its all been proven unless we ask for the actual proof.

Odd, that.

So this is your 'smoking gun'..... a trucking firm.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show."

Which you insist is evidence that Russia bought politicians and energy officials?
We’re focussed on the treason committed by the current President.

No, you're focused on the FAKE NEWS DISTRATION / FALSE ACCUSATION against Trump - for which you STILL have no evidence - instead of the ACTUAL treason committed by Barry and his administration.
We’re focussed on the treason committed by the current President.

No, you're focused on the FAKE NEWS DISTRATION / FALSE ACCUSATION against Trump - for which you STILL have no evidence - instead of the ACTUAL treason committed by Barry and his administration.

Actual treason that is proven......unless we ask for evidence?

By chance are you a Trump supporter? As the 'make an accusation and insist that the accusation is proven without evidence' shtick is a classic Trump move. its all been proven unless we ask for the actual proof.

You know what would help you, Skylar? If you pulled your head out of your ass ... or out of Hillary's / Obama's ass.....

View attachment 165638

I would say that with evidence 'right in front of your face' you still can't see it...but you just proved there's no way for you to see any such evidence based on where your head / face is right now.


Laughing.....if its all 'already proven', then this should be remarkably easy for you. Yet you haven't provided proof of your claims. You've given me excuses for why you won't back them.

I don't think 'proven' means what you think it means. As you're accepting speculation and accusation as evidence. Just like Trump.

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