GOP about to be blindsided with Obama's brilliant re-election strategy

This is funny, the bridges collapse according to the republicans for 3 reasons: Mexicans, Unions and Obama.

Funny how those three are to blame for everything but nothing else could even be a possibility. Nope just those three
Why won't Obama publish a list of bridges not to drive on for public safety ?

Does he not care ?
This is funny, the bridges collapse according to the republicans for 3 reasons: Mexicans, Unions and Obama.

Funny how those three are to blame for everything but nothing else could even be a possibility. Nope just those three

Government bids go to the lowest biders and for the most part in that line of work the lowest bidder employes Mexicans and the work is done by Mexicans. Thats the cold hard truth
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And the lowest approval rating goes to: The Repub base/t-partiers :clap2:

I think his 39% approval rating is very impressive. He should run on that and the tremendous job he is doing with the economy, his seven wars, employment, foreclosures, and bankrupcies. He's really kicking ass. Should be a shoe-in
Ya' left out the Solyndra corruption, and now we have a new scandal coming out involving Light Squared. Where a Top General was pressured to change his testimony by the Obama administration.

Bad days in Obamaville, to be sure.
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

So are the rest of us, can't wait until his sorry ass is run out of office...
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

Not as much as me.
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

Didn't "Stimulus I" have massive amounts of infrastructure spending? How come those structurally deficient bridges didn't get fixed with THAT money? Oh, that's I remember...Barack and his minions panicked when the shovel ready jobs were taking so long to get off the ground and had them spend the infrastructure money on road resurfacing instead. Go ahead and run on that issue, Rdean. It's one more thing that this incompetent President couldn't get right.

Actually..some of it was allocated to infrastructure..some of it went to plug up budgets.

Like one of the "minions" of Barack Obama did with his budget...Texas Governor Rick Perry.

The part of the stimulus that was designated for infrastructure spending is sitting around because all the shovel ready projects already had funding. The pert of the stimulus that was used to balance state budgets was actually designated to balance state budgets.



Consequences from Republican policy are an important strategy. Wouldn't you say?

If it weren't for union maintenance paying 3 guys to watch 1 dig a hole those bridges might have been maintained properly.

No maintenance.

Simple as that.

Yes it is, which is why we should stop using federal transportation funds to build bike paths, nature trails, and trains that go fast.
GOP about to be blindsided with Obama's brilliant re-election strategy

I wouldn't exactly hold my breath or think myself some kinda victor before the fact. Even if the current rep showing is rather lame.
Funny, Texas has the safest, most modern roadways in America.

Who's in charge down there?

  • 22% of Texas’ bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
  • There are 888 high hazard dams in Texas. A high hazard dam is defined as a dam whose failure would cause a loss of life and significant property damage.
  • 103 of Texas’ 7,478 dams are in need of rehabilitation to meet applicable state dam safety standards.
  • 84% of high hazard dams in Texas have no emergency action plan (EAP). An EAP is a predetermined plan of action to be taken including roles, responsibilities and procedures for surveillance, notification and evacuation to reduce the potential for loss of life and property damage in an area affected by a failure or mis-operation of a dam.
  • Texas’ drinking water infrastructure needs an investment of $28.17 billion over the next 20 years.
  • Texas ranked 2nd in the quantity of hazardous waste produced and 4th in the total number of hazardous waste producers.
  • Texas’ ports handled 487 million tons of waterborne traffic in 2005, ranking it 1st in the nation.
  • Texas reported an unmet need of $31.2 million for its state public outdoor recreation facilities and parkland acquisition.
  • 32% of Texas’ major roads are in poor or mediocre condition.
  • 47% of Texas’ major urban highways are congested.
  • Vehicle travel on Texas’ highways increased 50% from 1990 to 2007.
  • Texas has $5.64 billion in wastewater infrastructure needs.

Top Three Infrastructure Concerns:
Drinking Water

Key Infrastructure Facts

Wow...who is in charge down there? Yikes!

I think this is where Warrior plays the "just kidding" card

I pointed out that according to the article that "he" cited the percentage of Texas' bridges that were substandard was half that of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York. The OP ignored that...wonder why?
  • 22% of Texas’ bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
  • There are 888 high hazard dams in Texas. A high hazard dam is defined as a dam whose failure would cause a loss of life and significant property damage.
  • 103 of Texas’ 7,478 dams are in need of rehabilitation to meet applicable state dam safety standards.
  • 84% of high hazard dams in Texas have no emergency action plan (EAP). An EAP is a predetermined plan of action to be taken including roles, responsibilities and procedures for surveillance, notification and evacuation to reduce the potential for loss of life and property damage in an area affected by a failure or mis-operation of a dam.
  • Texas’ drinking water infrastructure needs an investment of $28.17 billion over the next 20 years.
  • Texas ranked 2nd in the quantity of hazardous waste produced and 4th in the total number of hazardous waste producers.
  • Texas’ ports handled 487 million tons of waterborne traffic in 2005, ranking it 1st in the nation.
  • Texas reported an unmet need of $31.2 million for its state public outdoor recreation facilities and parkland acquisition.
  • 32% of Texas’ major roads are in poor or mediocre condition.
  • 47% of Texas’ major urban highways are congested.
  • Vehicle travel on Texas’ highways increased 50% from 1990 to 2007.
  • Texas has $5.64 billion in wastewater infrastructure needs.

Top Three Infrastructure Concerns:
Drinking Water

Key Infrastructure Facts

Wow...who is in charge down there? Yikes!

I think this is where Warrior plays the "just kidding" card

I pointed out that according to the article that "he" cited the percentage of Texas' bridges that were substandard was half that of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York. The OP ignored that...wonder why?

Isn't Texas about as flat as Florida if not more so?
Yes unsafe bridges are the trump card.




Consequences from Republican policy are an important strategy. Wouldn't you say?

Stupid right wing lunatics, they don't get how the conservative bridge polices are the real enemy of America, and is foreign bridge policy, particularly in the Muslim world gives radical Muslims a right to hate us.

Seriously though, Americans pay more than enough in tolls each year, for the maintenance and repair, of roads tunnels and bridges.

Maybe we'd get more money from tolls, if the price of gas wasn't so high, but in order for that to change, Obama would have to free up drilling, which isn't going to happen, because it's the common sense and adult thing to do.
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

:cuckoo: This administration is currently under investigation for the Fast and Furious program--now the Solyndra bankruptcy--that is looking like Obama pressured the Energy department to loan 1/2 billion in taxpayer dollars out of the stimulus bill--WITHOUT going through proper procedures and KNOWING that this company was not financially viable to loan this money too in the 1st place--along with 4 other green energy companies. And we have the e-mails to PROVE IT. And now we have another scandel regarding testimony from a 4 star general--that this administration pressured him to change his testimony.

Then we have Obama's JOBS czar--Immelt CEO of General electric that is making certain he is creating jobs in CHINA--to compete with Boeing aircraft and American company who employs Americans.

NY9 the most liberal district in the UNITED STATES--which includes Brooklyn and Queens--just went red. Democrats held this seat since 1923-or 90 YEARS-and this Tuesday Democrats around this country--got a very good look at what is going to happen to them in 2012.

After these special elections--we have democrat politicians jumping ship on Obama--and are running from him and his policies. Many have stated they have no intention of supporting his NEW JOBS bills as they don't like it either.

So dream on--& enjoy the next 14 months--because I sure will.-:lol::lol:

$food stamp President.jpg
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While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

:cuckoo: This administration is currently under investigation for the Fast and Furious program--now the Solyndra bankruptcy--that is looking like Obama pressured the Energy department to loan 1/2 billion in taxpayer dollars out of the stimulus bill--WITHOUT going through proper procedures and KNOWING that this company was not financially viable to loan this money too in the 1st place--along with 4 other green energy companies. And we have the e-mails to PROVE IT. And now we have another scandel regarding testimony from a 4 star general--that this administration pressured him to change his testimony.

Then we have Obama's JOBS czar--Immelt CEO of General electric that is making certain he is creating jobs in CHINA--to compete with Boeing aircraft and American company who employs Americans.

NY9 the most liberal district in the UNITED STATES--which includes Brooklyn and Queens--just went red. Democrats held this seat since 1923-or 90 YEARS-and this Tuesday Democrats around this country--got a very good look at what is going to happen to them in 2012.

After these special elections--we have democrat politicians jumping ship on Obama--and are running from him and his policies. Many have stated they have no intention of supporting his NEW JOBS bills as they don't like it either.

So dream on--& enjoy the next 14 months--because I sure will.-:lol::lol:

View attachment 15202

You left out the Gibson Guitar scandal, just another recent example of sleazy Chicago style politics from the regime.
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

:cuckoo: This administration is currently under investigation for the Fast and Furious program--now the Solyndra bankruptcy--that is looking like Obama pressured the Energy department to loan 1/2 billion in taxpayer dollars out of the stimulus bill--WITHOUT going through proper procedures and KNOWING that this company was not financially viable to loan this money too in the 1st place--along with 4 other green energy companies. And we have the e-mails to PROVE IT. And now we have another scandel regarding testimony from a 4 star general--that this administration pressured him to change his testimony.

Then we have Obama's JOBS czar--Immelt CEO of General electric that is making certain he is creating jobs in CHINA--to compete with Boeing aircraft and American company who employs Americans.

NY9 the most liberal district in the UNITED STATES--which includes Brooklyn and Queens--just went red. Democrats held this seat since 1923-or 90 YEARS-and this Tuesday Democrats around this country--got a very good look at what is going to happen to them in 2012.

After these special elections--we have democrat politicians jumping ship on Obama--and are running from him and his policies. Many have stated they have no intention of supporting his NEW JOBS bills as they don't like it either.

So dream on--& enjoy the next 14 months--because I sure will.-:lol::lol:

View attachment 15202

Solyndra and Bush | The Moderate Voice

So like Tarp was it Bush or Obama? Who initiated the crap? Is Obama just guilty of being naive and actually trusting GW initiatives? You all tell me. But at least let us examine real facts and be objective please.
While Republicans are tearing each other up during the debates and giving Obama plenty of new soundbytes, Obama is busy going from Republican District to Republican District asking the Republican base why their leadership feels they should be satisfied with unsafe bridges and dangerous roads.

"Let him die" will become one of the many new campaign lines used against the Republicans.

"Corporations are people, my friend" will become another one.

Then there's the whole "anti science" thing.

The list goes on and is growing. While all the cameras and press are focused on the Republicans bashing Washington, Obama is not even IN Washington. Instead, he's laying the groundwork for what is to come and laying it on his terms.

Republicans will say, "But look, Democrats lost Wiener's district". So what? A few months before Republicans lost a couple of districts in a similar way. Remember, the House has a "13%" approval rating. That means an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating.

By doing what he's doing, Obama isn't just running againt the Republican nominee, he's running against the entire Republican Party.

Soon, he will be in John Boehner's district asking why there are 195 bridges deemed "structurally deficient".

Bridges falling down, no money for infrastructure, two wars, failed economy, all these things happened on Republican watch or came from Republican policy. And we know from the debates, these are STILL their policies. Difficult to run on failed policy.

Republicans will say, "But Obama's policies failed". How will we know? Republicans and Conservative Democrats never gave them a chance. And many Conservative Democrats have already been voted out of office.

Looking forward to the next 14 months.

:cuckoo: This administration is currently under investigation for the Fast and Furious program--now the Solyndra bankruptcy--that is looking like Obama pressured the Energy department to loan 1/2 billion in taxpayer dollars out of the stimulus bill--WITHOUT going through proper procedures and KNOWING that this company was not financially viable to loan this money too in the 1st place--along with 4 other green energy companies. And we have the e-mails to PROVE IT. And now we have another scandel regarding testimony from a 4 star general--that this administration pressured him to change his testimony.

Then we have Obama's JOBS czar--Immelt CEO of General electric that is making certain he is creating jobs in CHINA--to compete with Boeing aircraft and American company who employs Americans.

NY9 the most liberal district in the UNITED STATES--which includes Brooklyn and Queens--just went red. Democrats held this seat since 1923-or 90 YEARS-and this Tuesday Democrats around this country--got a very good look at what is going to happen to them in 2012.

After these special elections--we have democrat politicians jumping ship on Obama--and are running from him and his policies. Many have stated they have no intention of supporting his NEW JOBS bills as they don't like it either.

So dream on--& enjoy the next 14 months--because I sure will.-:lol::lol:

View attachment 15202

Solyndra and Bush | The Moderate Voice

So like Tarp was it Bush or Obama? Who initiated the crap? Is Obama just guilty of being naive and actually trusting GW initiatives? You all tell me. But at least let us examine real facts and be objective please.

Like that would ever happen with Republicans.

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