GOP blocks veterans jobs bill with budget vote


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
You just can't make this stuff up!

Senate Republicans stopped the veterans jobs bill Wednesday by forcing a budget point of order vote.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (R-Ill.) requested a motion to waive the budget point of order, which was raised by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). Democrats needed 60 votes, but got only 58.

“This violates the Budget Control Act, there is no dispute about it,” Sessions said in a floor speech Wednesday. “The bill will not even go through the House and it violates the Constitution because it says revenue bills must be started in the House ... [and] this is a revenue bill.”

The Veterans Jobs Corp Act would have created new job-training programs to help veterans find work in targeted fields such as national park conservation, historic preservation projects, police work and firefighting, among others.

Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Olympia Snowe (Maine) were the only Republicans who voted for the waiver, in a 58-40 vote.
GOP blocks veterans jobs bill with budget vote - The Hill's Floor Action

That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now. <---republican jobs bill passed by senate, signed by obama <---republican veteran's jobs bill blocked by the democrat senate.

Just being fair and balanced, this "jobs" bill was actually a defecit spending bill which is why reps were against it ;)

EDIT: sorry my 2nd link was broken, that should work now.
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That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now.

Senate Passes Sen. Scott Brown's Small Business, Veterans Jobs Bills - Scott Brown <---republican jobs bill passed by senate, signed by obama

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.2433 - THOMAS (Library of Congress) <---republican veteran's jobs bill blocked by the democrat senate.

Just being fair and balanced, this "jobs" bill was actually a defecit spending bill which is why reps were against it ;)
EDIT: sorry my 2nd link was broken, that should work now.

Seems that the "fiscal cliff" involves deficit spending on big fat defense contracts.

Democrats are famous for doing this. They attach a veteran's benefit bill to something truly egregious so they can say the GOP voted against the veterans. They attacked John McCain on this very issue.
That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now.

Senate Passes Sen. Scott Brown's Small Business, Veterans Jobs Bills - Scott Brown <---republican jobs bill passed by senate, signed by obama

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.2433 - THOMAS (Library of Congress) <---republican veteran's jobs bill blocked by the democrat senate.

Just being fair and balanced, this "jobs" bill was actually a defecit spending bill which is why reps were against it ;)
EDIT: sorry my 2nd link was broken, that should work now.

Seems that the "fiscal cliff" involves deficit spending on big fat defense contracts.


Hey thats not my idea ;). You know I'm the guy who said "we should stop giving aid to foreign countries and stop spending money stationing our troops in places like europe where they aren't needed to cut the defecit"

Your response and my response back doesn't change the fact that the republicans have introduced and passed one veterans bill which the dems/president went along with that was introduced by Scott Brown, that the senate has blocked a veterans jobs bill from the republican house, and that this bill you linked was voted against by republicans because their constitutants do not want another stimulus paid for with borrowed money.
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That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now.

Senate Passes Sen. Scott Brown's Small Business, Veterans Jobs Bills - Scott Brown <---republican jobs bill passed by senate, signed by obama

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.2433 - THOMAS (Library of Congress) <---republican veteran's jobs bill blocked by the democrat senate.

Just being fair and balanced, this "jobs" bill was actually a defecit spending bill which is why reps were against it ;)
EDIT: sorry my 2nd link was broken, that should work now.

Seems that the "fiscal cliff" involves deficit spending on big fat defense contracts.


Apples and oranges. But this isn't uncommon for the LOLberals.
That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now.

You look like your struggling. You still have internet capabilities ie. computer, internet provider service, you probably have a smartphone, iphone or blackberry.

As a vet he probably EXPECTS to have food on the table and a place to live and all of those other benefits he earned serving our country. The GOP only loves vets if they have died in the service of oil companies. Those still alive? not so much. Gravity? Why didn't you have the good sense to get killed serving your country?
Republican Senators Boozman, Johanns, Burr, and Toomey kill veterans' jobs bill ..........

The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, a vets group that supported the legislation, called the GOP move “a huge disappointment,” adding, “Today, politics won over helping vets.”
While only five Republicans voted with the Democrats to waive the GOP budget point of order measure, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) led the GOP opposition. “When we find ourselves in $16 trillion of debt and we pay for a five-year bill over 10 years, we make the problem worse,” he said.
However, Veterans Jobs Corps bill co-sponsor Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) said on the Senate floor today that “this bill is fully paid for and does not violate pay-go rules.” (The New York Times said Murray’s aides say “say the program will be paid for by recovering more money from tax-delinquent Medicare providers and forcing big tax deadbeats to pay up before receiving passports.”)
Murray even tried to include most of the provisions of a competing Republican bill but Democrats still ran into opposition. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he would block the measure until the Pakistani doctor that aided the CIA in looking for Osama bin Laden was freed, while Coburn claimed the bill would have no chance of passing the House so it wasn’t worth the effort.
“I’ve been surprised at the many obstacles and weird arguments that have been thrown at us,” Murray told the Washington Post.

Senate Republicans Kill Veterans' Jobs Bill | ThinkProgress
Ok, so the bill even though it contained a large majority of bi-partisan amendments in it and those same Sen. who put those amendments in then turned around and voted against it, seems a bit more political than it has anything to do with a concern over spending. Given the fact that the bill would have been paid for with fee's to providers and suppliers in Medicare I find it troubling that Congress would be so willing to deploy young men and women at the drop of a hat for any reason, and when those same young men and women need their support here at home they get nothing but a political fight at their expense. Had the disagreement with this bill been one based on spending alone then those Republican Senators who contributed to it would not have done so, and would not have voted against it. Shameful
Sallow you're smart enough to know two things....

1. If it's attached to a spending bill it's DOA.

2. If dems attached it to a spending bill they FULLY EXPECTED it to fail. Which means they are the ones playing games at the veterans expense.

I heard it was all paid for..let me go look
That really sucks, us vets are struggling right now.

You look like your struggling. You still have internet capabilities ie. computer, internet provider service, you probably have a smartphone, iphone or blackberry.

As a vet he probably EXPECTS to have food on the table and a place to live and all of those other benefits he earned serving our country. The GOP only loves vets if they have died in the service of oil companies. Those still alive? not so much. Gravity? Why didn't you have the good sense to get killed serving your country?

As a vet he has more opportunities than I.

U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs
Sallow you're smart enough to know two things....

1. If it's attached to a spending bill it's DOA.

2. If dems attached it to a spending bill they FULLY EXPECTED it to fail. Which means they are the ones playing games at the veterans expense.

I heard it was all paid for..let me go look

Here ya go..I mean really what was their excuse...dimwits The right is making more enemies by the day!
However, Veterans Jobs Corps bill co-sponsor Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) said on the Senate floor today that “this bill is fully paid for and does not violate pay-go rules.”

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