GOP budget balancing plan in decade will cost $900 billion in taxes


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The new House and Senate Republican budgets make a big boast: They both balance the federal budget within 10 years, without raising taxes. #Their own numbers, however, say millions of American families and businesses would have to pay more in taxes to make the math work — about $900 billion more over the next decade."

I all for new taxes to accomplish this as long as America's poor and ill are not put at any disadvantage. I don't trust any of the voucher programs suggested the cons.
Raise taxes on all that make 500k or more per year. Raise the corporate and cut the loop holes!!!

Fund infrastructure, science and r&d to help expand the economy.
Doing something in 10 years doesn't mean ANYTHING in Washington where up to 33% of them are turned over every 2 years.
Take a chainsaw to the budget. Slash EVERYTHING...30% across the board for non-military spending, 50% for military spending.

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