GOP Candidate Advocates Returning ‘Prayer To The Classroom’ To Stop Shootings

Prayer is not coming back anytime soon. I’d be happy with personal accountability returning to schools. The gun haters should also be getting fired up about the assaults on teachers and bullying as they do school shootings.

Why do the gun haters say, “ get rid of gun violence in schools” vs. “get rid of violence”? Gun violence in schools is part of violence in schools.

I think everyone is going to have to give here.... starting with the NRA and ACLU.

“It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we are confronted with this.”

At a time when many people are fed up with the empty “thoughts and prayers” of politicians after every mass shooting, a Republican congressional candidate is doubling down and arguing that making thoughts and prayers more regular would perhaps be a solid step toward solving the problem.

The country would not be experiencing so many mass shootings if it had not “deteriorated to this point morally,” said conservative Republican Steve Lonegan, who is running to represent the GOP in New Jersey’s 5th congressional district.

He made the statements in a Thursday radio interview on the Kevin McCullough Show, which Democratic opposition research group American Bridge first spotted.

Lonegan added that he would be a “big advocate” for returning prayer to the classroom.

“My own wife has been a Catholic school teacher now for 37 years, and they have to do drills for this kind of a purpose ― how to shut down the classrooms,” he said. “It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we’re confronted with this. And if there’s ever a time to return prayer to the classroom, now’s the time. That’s something I would be a big advocate for. Fortunately in my wife’s school they have prayer in the classroom.”

It’s not that people are against receiving thoughts and prayers. Victims and their families are frustrated that politicians ― who have the power to do more, such as enact meaningful gun violence reform ― do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers.

On average, two dozen children are shot every day in the United States.

More: GOP Candidate Advocates Returning 'Prayer To The Classroom' To Stop School Shootings

Another GOP psycho offering more thoughts and prayers. I don't want religiously delusional people like this affecting how I live. So, hopefully New Jersey's 5th congressional district won't send him to Washington.

You cannot argue since God was taken out of school. That schools haven't gone down hill.
I don’t agree with putting prayer back into the classroom, but to his point, is it fair to say that we had a lot less of these problems when families were more stable and people had some kind of faith to believe in? It seems that Americans in this day and age have very little regard and respect for each other and when you have visited as many other countries as I have that becomes painfully obvious
You mean we had fewer school shootings with AR-15s before AR-15s were invented?

The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
I don’t agree with putting prayer back into the classroom, but to his point, is it fair to say that we had a lot less of these problems when families were more stable and people had some kind of faith to believe in? It seems that Americans in this day and age have very little regard and respect for each other and when you have visited as many other countries as I have that becomes painfully obvious
You mean we had fewer school shootings with AR-15s before AR-15s were invented?

The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
You have to wonder if Obama's weaponized FBI didn't intentionally ignored the warnings. Progressives believe that a critical mass of school shootings might help to eliminate the 2A
I don’t agree with putting prayer back into the classroom, but to his point, is it fair to say that we had a lot less of these problems when families were more stable and people had some kind of faith to believe in? It seems that Americans in this day and age have very little regard and respect for each other and when you have visited as many other countries as I have that becomes painfully obvious
You mean we had fewer school shootings with AR-15s before AR-15s were invented?

The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
Like I said you cannot deny schools started deteriorating after God was taken out.
You mean we had fewer school shootings with AR-15s before AR-15s were invented?

The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
Like I said you cannot deny schools started deteriorating after God was taken out.
I have no knowledge of that at all I do remember many years ago we said the Pledge to America before classes started but nothing to do with god
The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
Like I said you cannot deny schools started deteriorating after God was taken out.
I have no knowledge of that at all I do remember many years ago we said the Pledge to America before classes started but nothing to do with god

I'm surprised you remember anything you did yesterday.
The AR-15 has been around since the early 60s. Columbine didn’t happen until the late 90s, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of your propaganda

the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
Like I said you cannot deny schools started deteriorating after God was taken out.
I have no knowledge of that at all I do remember many years ago we said the Pledge to America before classes started but nothing to do with god
You also can't argue that society would be better if the 10 commandments were followed.

“It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we are confronted with this.”

At a time when many people are fed up with the empty “thoughts and prayers” of politicians after every mass shooting, a Republican congressional candidate is doubling down and arguing that making thoughts and prayers more regular would perhaps be a solid step toward solving the problem.

The country would not be experiencing so many mass shootings if it had not “deteriorated to this point morally,” said conservative Republican Steve Lonegan, who is running to represent the GOP in New Jersey’s 5th congressional district.

He made the statements in a Thursday radio interview on the Kevin McCullough Show, which Democratic opposition research group American Bridge first spotted.

Lonegan added that he would be a “big advocate” for returning prayer to the classroom.

“My own wife has been a Catholic school teacher now for 37 years, and they have to do drills for this kind of a purpose ― how to shut down the classrooms,” he said. “It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we’re confronted with this. And if there’s ever a time to return prayer to the classroom, now’s the time. That’s something I would be a big advocate for. Fortunately in my wife’s school they have prayer in the classroom.”

It’s not that people are against receiving thoughts and prayers. Victims and their families are frustrated that politicians ― who have the power to do more, such as enact meaningful gun violence reform ― do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers.

On average, two dozen children are shot every day in the United States.

More: GOP Candidate Advocates Returning 'Prayer To The Classroom' To Stop School Shootings

Another GOP psycho offering more thoughts and prayers. I don't want religiously delusional people like this affecting how I live. So, hopefully New Jersey's 5th congressional district won't send him to Washington.

Gee what a great idea

1st Period: General Mass in the school auditorium
2nd Period: Catechism
3rd Period: Faith Healing
4th Period: Bible Study
5th Period: Confession and personal prayer

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History? BAH - Need more stupid Trump voters! :cool:
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?

Nothing more hilarious than "moral decay" proclamations from Trump voters :)
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?

Nothing more hilarious than "moral decay" proclamations from Trump voters :)
Well Clinton did set the standard for future presidents. You know when liberals said a man's sex life is nobody's business. Now run along and let the adults talk.
Well Clinton did set the standard for future presidents. You know when liberals said a man's sex life is nobody's business. Now run along and let the adults talk.

And yet, I don't recall Clinton running on a "family values/ moral decay" platform or pandering to evangelicals.

See the difference?
Well Clinton did set the standard for future presidents. You know when liberals said a man's sex life is nobody's business. Now run along and let the adults talk.

And yet, I don't recall Clinton running on a "family values/ moral decay" platform or pandering to evangelicals.

See the difference?
He claimed to be a Christian.

“It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we are confronted with this.”

At a time when many people are fed up with the empty “thoughts and prayers” of politicians after every mass shooting, a Republican congressional candidate is doubling down and arguing that making thoughts and prayers more regular would perhaps be a solid step toward solving the problem.

The country would not be experiencing so many mass shootings if it had not “deteriorated to this point morally,” said conservative Republican Steve Lonegan, who is running to represent the GOP in New Jersey’s 5th congressional district.

He made the statements in a Thursday radio interview on the Kevin McCullough Show, which Democratic opposition research group American Bridge first spotted.

Lonegan added that he would be a “big advocate” for returning prayer to the classroom.

“My own wife has been a Catholic school teacher now for 37 years, and they have to do drills for this kind of a purpose ― how to shut down the classrooms,” he said. “It’s just so disturbing that society has deteriorated to this point morally that we’re confronted with this. And if there’s ever a time to return prayer to the classroom, now’s the time. That’s something I would be a big advocate for. Fortunately in my wife’s school they have prayer in the classroom.”

It’s not that people are against receiving thoughts and prayers. Victims and their families are frustrated that politicians ― who have the power to do more, such as enact meaningful gun violence reform ― do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers.

On average, two dozen children are shot every day in the United States.

More: GOP Candidate Advocates Returning 'Prayer To The Classroom' To Stop School Shootings

Another GOP psycho offering more thoughts and prayers. I don't want religiously delusional people like this affecting how I live. So, hopefully New Jersey's 5th congressional district won't send him to Washington.

No, you kicked God out of school and now you're seeing pure evil. The depravity of man will increase along with the reprobate mind .
Gee what a great idea

1st Period: General Mass in the school auditorium
2nd Period: Catechism
3rd Period: Faith Healing
4th Period: Bible Study
5th Period: Confession and personal prayer

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History? BAH - Need more stupid Trump voters! :cool:
No, first thing in the morning say the national anthem, then say a prayer and then teach history, math, English. Instead you want to teach them about how great it is to be gay. Also if you don't think you are who you are. I'll help you change and we will keep it between us.
the point being that school prayer stopped (1963) before the ar-15 was invented (1964)

you were saying something about not letting facts get in the way, i believe

carry on
Yep and schools have been deteriorating slowly since. Sodom and Gomorrah turned their back on God. We know what happened to them, and we are doing the same. Notice the way our society is going?
On your knees knowgood and pray for all those children Perhaps God will hear your prayers ,,,,,lolWhen pigs fly
Like I said you cannot deny schools started deteriorating after God was taken out.
I have no knowledge of that at all I do remember many years ago we said the Pledge to America before classes started but nothing to do with god
You also can't argue that society would be better if the 10 commandments were followed.
wonder what the 5 commandments that Moses broke on the way down from that mountain said
No, first thing in the morning say the national anthem, then say a prayer and then teach history, math, English. Instead you want to teach them about how great it is to be gay. Also if you don't think you are who you are. I'll help you change and we will keep it between us.

so much incoherence in so few words


i'll think of you when i say the national anthem prior to thinking about not thinking i am who i am.


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