GOP Congressional Candidate Gets in Fist Fight With Biden Supporters, Hospitalized With Broken Tibia

These are the adults?

This is the future. It's why China is going to crush the West and have future generations "Cancelled" by their Social Credit score, or, thrown into Concentration Camps for re-education.

No need to worry though, Western taxpayers will be spending trillions to deal with Climate Change. Phew, I'm glad we have our priorities straight.

No need to worry about Communist China expansion, they aren't our competition anyways. Send them money as they pollute at will and then lecture the West to "clean up your act!".

The angry guy who took the video who was swearing his head off didn't help the situation either. Why wouldn't he just avoid it and walk away?
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These are the adults?

This is the future. It's why China is going to crush the West and have future generations "Cancelled" by their Social Credit score, or, thrown into Concentration Camps for re-education.

No need to worry though, Western taxpayers will be spending trillions to deal with Climate Change. Phew, I'm glad we have our priorities straight.

No need to worry about Communist China expansion, they aren't our competition anyways. Send them money as they pollute at will and then lecture the West to "clean up your act!".

The angry guy who took the video who was swearing his head off didn't help the situation either. Why wouldn't he just avoid it and walk away?

The Chinese when they rule, will only end up investing most of their resources destined for American areas that will be productive for them. We are heading to becoming primal tribes in certain regions and/or areas of those regions. The only way this will not is if the Prog media/entertainers/politicians/elites back off or the same start getting killed. If not, we go the way of other failed nations. These people seem to be brainwashed.
Or you could say "Republican candidate gets assaulted by left wing mob, hospitalized". It's all in the wording.

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