GOP Elects Allen West Speaker.A Slap In The Face To Our Liberal Leaders?

Feb 1, 2013

This would make for the ultimate answer to Obama appointing Susan Rice as National Security Advisor.
Obama/Pelosi/Reid wont know how to handle it. OMG! A Black Man as Speaker Of The House? What are we going to do ??:crybaby::bang3:
Allen West as Speaker, Ted Cruz as leading candidate for GOP 2016, this will have the racist/biased media in a tailspin during the two-year Presidential Election!
:laugh2: Us Conservatives Can Only Hope For "West-Gate".

This would make for the ultimate answer to Obama appointing Susan Rice as National Security Advisor.
Obama/Pelosi/Reid wont know how to handle it. OMG! A Black Man as Speaker Of The House? What are we going to do ??:crybaby::bang3:
Allen West as Speaker, Ted Cruz as leading candidate for GOP 2016, this will have the racist/biased media in a tailspin during the two-year Presidential Election!
:laugh2: Us Conservatives Can Only Hope For "West-Gate".

Didn't Alan West's own constituents turn him out?
you think I made this up? he has often been mentioned as a candidate for Speaker 2014/or 2016.
Anyone that would default on our debt
Anyone that hates infrastructure, science and tech

should never be allowed near power!
you think I made this up? he has often been mentioned as a candidate for Speaker 2014/or 2016.

What idiot did you hear that from? The speaker has to be a member of the House. Are you trying to be funny? West is not a congressman. What kind of numbskulls are you listening to. :cuckoo:
you think I made this up? he has often been mentioned as a candidate for Speaker 2014/or 2016.

What idiot did you hear that from? The speaker has to be a member of the House. Are you trying to be funny? West is not a congressman. What kind of numbskulls are you listening to. :cuckoo:

Ah, who gives a shit. Repubs control the House, they can make the rules. Let 'em put Allen West in the Speaker's chair for the whoooooole country to see.

but thanks to ried/obama, there are no rules in the white house anymore,,,including checking for birth-certificates.

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