GOP Elite Beware: 700+ Truckers Plan Epic Traffic Jams In Cleveland If Trump Denied Nomination

Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

Again, who's going to pay those drivers' mortgages and buy their families food in the meantime?

Why is it that strikes are always enthusiastically proposed by people who AREN'T the ones having to go broke to make it happen?
Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

So you actually think that (a) you can get all truck drivers all-in on your comic book boycott in solidarity, and (b) those truckers have no need themselves for food.... water.... medicine.... paying the rent... ?

Were you dropped on your head recently, or as a child?
they did it before to protest cost of fuel or did you not know that being the typical window licker or you all for supporting the gop elite and driving this country further into ruin

Dumbass, there's a big difference between stopping work to protest something that makes it too expensive to work anyway, and stopping work to support some jackwagon political candidate. Do you really think Donald Trump is as important to the majority of truck drivers as the price of diesel fuel is?
Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

So you actually think that (a) you can get all truck drivers all-in on your comic book boycott in solidarity, and (b) those truckers have no need themselves for food.... water.... medicine.... paying the rent... ?

Were you dropped on your head recently, or as a child?
they did it before to protest cost of fuel or did you not know that being the typical window licker or you all for supporting the gop elite and dr
Get the pepper spray ready.
what they need to do is all truck drives park their trucks for 1 month no gas at gas stations no food in the stores no medicine at hospitals works for me even better

And they're going to do what for an income? Not to mention that the trucking companies would just replace them and go right on, particularly the ones who are driving company-owned trucks.

You do know that truck drivers are doing a JOB, for the purpose of making money and paying bills and supporting families, right? It's not an altruistic donation to the public good that they can just withhold, dimwit.
i have been driving for 21 years its called stocking up for such things something that people like you would have no clue about stick to your moca latte .Would it bother me if they actually stuck together and did it and people didnt make it cause of those action nope id sleep the same i do every night wake up feeling refreshed
Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

So you actually think that (a) you can get all truck drivers all-in on your comic book boycott in solidarity, and (b) those truckers have no need themselves for food.... water.... medicine.... paying the rent... ?

Were you dropped on your head recently, or as a child?
they did it before to protest cost of fuel or did you not know that being the typical window licker or you all for supporting the gop elite and driving this country further into ruin

Dumbass, there's a big difference between stopping work to protest something that makes it too expensive to work anyway, and stopping work to support some jackwagon political candidate. Do you really think Donald Trump is as important to the majority of truck drivers as the price of diesel fuel is?
jack wagon candidate says it right there stick to your moca latte they shut down the country before protesting the cost of fuel but hey stick to your bought and paid for candidate knowing you your voting for the one that aint an american but carry on
As a counter protest, anti-Trump protesters are encouraging all fat slobs to flood the truck stop 'all you can eat buffets' and devour all the food at the buffets while the truckers are busy protesting whatever it is they are whining about. Returning to the AYCE's (all you can eat buffets) to find the bins empty of biscuits and gravy, macaroni and cheese, meatloaf, pancakes and fried chicken will teach them not to mess with the anti-Trumpers.
Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

So you actually think that (a) you can get all truck drivers all-in on your comic book boycott in solidarity, and (b) those truckers have no need themselves for food.... water.... medicine.... paying the rent... ?

Were you dropped on your head recently, or as a child?
they did it before to protest cost of fuel or did you not know that being the typical window licker or you all for supporting the gop elite and dr
Get the pepper spray ready.
what they need to do is all truck drives park their trucks for 1 month no gas at gas stations no food in the stores no medicine at hospitals works for me even better

And they're going to do what for an income? Not to mention that the trucking companies would just replace them and go right on, particularly the ones who are driving company-owned trucks.

You do know that truck drivers are doing a JOB, for the purpose of making money and paying bills and supporting families, right? It's not an altruistic donation to the public good that they can just withhold, dimwit.
i have been driving for 21 years its called stocking up for such things something that people like you would have no clue about stick to your moca latte .Would it bother me if they actually stuck together and did it and people didnt make it cause of those action nope id sleep the same i do every night wake up feeling refreshed

Uh huh. Tell you what, Punkin. You just go on with your bad self and convince a bunch of truck drivers that their families need to scrimp and suffer so that they can endanger their jobs to support some puswad billionaire trust fund baby, and you let me know how that works out for you.
Dont block traffic that makes you no beter then the porch monkeys working for the liberals shut the trucks down at home all truck drivers nation wide for a month there will be no food in the sotres no gas at the gas stations and no medicine at the hospitals .No gas no medicine GOP gonna listen at that point

So you actually think that (a) you can get all truck drivers all-in on your comic book boycott in solidarity, and (b) those truckers have no need themselves for food.... water.... medicine.... paying the rent... ?

Were you dropped on your head recently, or as a child?
they did it before to protest cost of fuel or did you not know that being the typical window licker or you all for supporting the gop elite and driving this country further into ruin

Dumbass, there's a big difference between stopping work to protest something that makes it too expensive to work anyway, and stopping work to support some jackwagon political candidate. Do you really think Donald Trump is as important to the majority of truck drivers as the price of diesel fuel is?
jack wagon candidate says it right there stick to your moca latte they shut down the country before protesting the cost of fuel but hey stick to your bought and paid for candidate knowing you your voting for the one that aint an american but carry on

Just because I know how to punctuate and create separate sentences instead of run-on, stream-of-consciousness mush doesn't mean I drink mocha lattes. I much prefer vanilla.

Keep talking, Mumbles. You're the best argument in the world AGAINST yourself.
Is that the group Fat White Guys Lives Matter?
What's most important is that they're White. That's all that should matter.

At least one guy around here isn't afraid to show us the true face of the Trump voter.

When will leftwing douche bags ever tire of that logical fallacy?

When you people stop living up to it.

All you proved is that you are a douche bag. Come to think of it, that's pretty much all you ever prove.
Btw if they are patriotic they will be making their nation a better place and not inconveniencing other citizens. If they believe trump is the right choice than go out and convince people to support him. Reacting to the results isn't a sign of patriotism. It's a sign of laziness
Suppose the people support him and the RNC establishment wants to defy the people?
Trump should have thought about that when he decided to try and hijack the Republican Party instead of starting his own. He gambled and everyone is waiting for more cards to be dealt.

People in glass houses.

Sanders isn't even a Democrat and they allowed him to run in the Democrat primary. HTF did that happen? Of course if he would have ran as he is--an Independent, that would have guaranteed a Hillary loss.

At least Trump joined the Republican party.

He signed up as a Democrat for the purpose of doing the campaign, that's HTF that happened.

The sentence after that doesn't make sense. HTF does an Independent (meaning 'not a part of a political party') --- run in a political party's primary?

Yes, that's the exact question I asked. Republican primaries are for Republicans to debate, and Democrat primaries are for Democrats to debate. An Independent shouldn't be part of either of those parties to be a nominee.
Btw if they are patriotic they will be making their nation a better place and not inconveniencing other citizens. If they believe trump is the right choice than go out and convince people to support him. Reacting to the results isn't a sign of patriotism. It's a sign of laziness
Suppose the people support him and the RNC establishment wants to defy the people?
Trump should have thought about that when he decided to try and hijack the Republican Party instead of starting his own. He gambled and everyone is waiting for more cards to be dealt.

People in glass houses.

Sanders isn't even a Democrat and they allowed him to run in the Democrat primary. HTF did that happen? Of course if he would have ran as he is--an Independent, that would have guaranteed a Hillary loss.

At least Trump joined the Republican party.

He signed up as a Democrat for the purpose of doing the campaign, that's HTF that happened.

The sentence after that doesn't make sense. HTF does an Independent (meaning 'not a part of a political party') --- run in a political party's primary?

Yes, that's the exact question I asked. Republican primaries are for Republicans to debate, and Democrat primaries are for Democrats to debate. An Independent shouldn't be part of either of those parties to be a nominee.

That's correct. And as I just told you, he joined the DP so that he COULD launch the campaign and participate in the primaries. I don't get what part of that isn't perfectly clear.

I presume Rump did the same thing too. I know he changes political parties like shirts, so for him it's just another day.
Breaker one nine. Wow, such patriotism! These prideful people want the will of the voters to not be tampered with by the greedy status quo establishment. Let's get er done and take our country back. 10-4!



Brokered Convention Will See Epic Traffic Jam in Cleveland

So you're cool with shutting down traffic and endangering peoples live if you think it will get YOU what YOU want? You dumpsters are getting more pathetic and desperate by the day. BTW, how about that Cruz sweep in CO, just another example that the dump is way in over his head and doesn't deserve the nomination.
Btw if they are patriotic they will be making their nation a better place and not inconveniencing other citizens. If they believe trump is the right choice than go out and convince people to support him. Reacting to the results isn't a sign of patriotism. It's a sign of laziness
Suppose the people support him and the RNC establishment wants to defy the people?
Trump should have thought about that when he decided to try and hijack the Republican Party instead of starting his own. He gambled and everyone is waiting for more cards to be dealt.

People in glass houses.

Sanders isn't even a Democrat and they allowed him to run in the Democrat primary. HTF did that happen? Of course if he would have ran as he is--an Independent, that would have guaranteed a Hillary loss.

At least Trump joined the Republican party.

He signed up as a Democrat for the purpose of doing the campaign, that's HTF that happened.

The sentence after that doesn't make sense. HTF does an Independent (meaning 'not a part of a political party') --- run in a political party's primary?

Yes, that's the exact question I asked. Republican primaries are for Republicans to debate, and Democrat primaries are for Democrats to debate. An Independent shouldn't be part of either of those parties to be a nominee.

I've always been opposed to the idea of open primaries, but I assume they do it because the parties in those states are looking toward the necessity of bringing those non-party voters into the fold in the general. I've never really asked, since I live in a state with closed primaries.
Suppose the people support him and the RNC establishment wants to defy the people?
Trump should have thought about that when he decided to try and hijack the Republican Party instead of starting his own. He gambled and everyone is waiting for more cards to be dealt.

People in glass houses.

Sanders isn't even a Democrat and they allowed him to run in the Democrat primary. HTF did that happen? Of course if he would have ran as he is--an Independent, that would have guaranteed a Hillary loss.

At least Trump joined the Republican party.

He signed up as a Democrat for the purpose of doing the campaign, that's HTF that happened.

The sentence after that doesn't make sense. HTF does an Independent (meaning 'not a part of a political party') --- run in a political party's primary?

Yes, that's the exact question I asked. Republican primaries are for Republicans to debate, and Democrat primaries are for Democrats to debate. An Independent shouldn't be part of either of those parties to be a nominee.

I've always been opposed to the idea of open primaries, but I assume they do it because the parties in those states are looking toward the necessity of bringing those non-party voters into the fold in the general. I've never really asked, since I live in a state with closed primaries.

Ah, finally we can get back to normal and disagree. My state is open and I much prefer it that way. If the primary date is early enough where it still matters, it means I can influence what my eventual choices will be, and I'd rather have more choices than fewer.

Consequently in, say, 2012 I voted in the Republican primary. What would be the point in voting in the DP primary when the incumbent is running again? Unfortunately my choice (Huntsman) did not prevail but if he had I would have had a more reasonable menu in November.

This year I'd like to have been able to vote in both, but you have to pick one, so I went where my vote would have the most splash. Against the number of knuckledraggers participating on the basis of "I've seen this guy on a TV reality show", a vote for Kasich would have been too diluted to matter.

Unfortunately that's the snowball effect that gives us morons like Donald Rump, but if it had been close I could have done my part to raise the collective knuckles.

But as far as incentivizing me to join a political party --- not at all. It has the opposite effect. I like the freedom.
Breaker one nine. Wow, such patriotism! These prideful people want the will of the voters to not be tampered with by the greedy status quo establishment. Let's get er done and take our country back. 10-4!



Brokered Convention Will See Epic Traffic Jam in Cleveland

Who is surprised that Trump supporters are willing to cause hardship and suffering for millions of people if they don't get their way?

Millions? Hell, we don't even have a million people living in Cleveland.
Suppose the people support him and the RNC establishment wants to defy the people?
Trump should have thought about that when he decided to try and hijack the Republican Party instead of starting his own. He gambled and everyone is waiting for more cards to be dealt.

People in glass houses.

Sanders isn't even a Democrat and they allowed him to run in the Democrat primary. HTF did that happen? Of course if he would have ran as he is--an Independent, that would have guaranteed a Hillary loss.

At least Trump joined the Republican party.

He signed up as a Democrat for the purpose of doing the campaign, that's HTF that happened.

The sentence after that doesn't make sense. HTF does an Independent (meaning 'not a part of a political party') --- run in a political party's primary?

Yes, that's the exact question I asked. Republican primaries are for Republicans to debate, and Democrat primaries are for Democrats to debate. An Independent shouldn't be part of either of those parties to be a nominee.

I've always been opposed to the idea of open primaries, but I assume they do it because the parties in those states are looking toward the necessity of bringing those non-party voters into the fold in the general. I've never really asked, since I live in a state with closed primaries.

That and the politicians need to keep our country to a two-party system. If an Independent didn't run for either party and started to draw voters, that would be a real problem for them. If Bloomberg got into the race as an Independent, that would wipe out Hillary or Sanders. That would guarantee a Republican win no matter who they give the nomination to.
Breaker one nine. Wow, such patriotism! These prideful people want the will of the voters to not be tampered with by the greedy status quo establishment. Let's get er done and take our country back. 10-4!



Brokered Convention Will See Epic Traffic Jam in Cleveland

Who is surprised that Trump supporters are willing to cause hardship and suffering for millions of people if they don't get their way?
Hillary will cause suffering and hardship for millions of American workers when she opens the flood gates to illegal immigration.

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